Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of January 30, 2018           
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
WHEAT-SRW - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE   (CONTRACTS OF 5,000 BUSHELS)                                              :
CFTC Code #001602                                                    Open Interest is   543,155                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   72,539   121,462   102,502     4,031    32,026    89,527   181,059    62,932    79,491    35,253    61,896 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     January 23, 2018                                                                           :
:  -38,068    14,020     2,913    -1,139     3,975     9,113   -49,132    -2,547    -7,935     1,633     3,426 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     13.4      22.4      18.9       0.7       5.9      16.5      33.3      11.6      14.6       6.5      11.4 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:   424                     :
:       58        79        21         6        18        46        83        55        83        63        88 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of January 30, 2018           
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
WHEAT-HRW - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE   (CONTRACTS OF 5,000 BUSHELS)                                              :
CFTC Code #001612                                                    Open Interest is   325,892                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   75,743   135,908    43,870     1,742    11,220    73,116    79,700    36,598    37,093    14,576    23,549 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     January 23, 2018                                                                           :
:   -7,012     6,867       711        69     1,980    -8,658   -19,724    -6,421     6,039     2,210      -119 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     23.2      41.7      13.5       0.5       3.4      22.4      24.5      11.2      11.4       4.5       7.2 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:   286                     :
:       63        65        16         .        11        53        44        36        49        24        42 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of January 30, 2018           
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
WHEAT-HRSpring - MINNEAPOLIS GRAIN EXCHANGE   (CONTRACTS OF 5,000 BUSHELS)                                     :
CFTC Code #001626                                                    Open Interest is    64,728                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   30,676    34,701     2,667         0     1,706     5,043     5,516     1,814     7,869     5,709       767 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     January 23, 2018                                                                           :
:      254      -503      -237         0       -31    -1,010      -219      -761      -133      -351    -1,019 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     47.4      53.6       4.1       0.0       2.6       7.8       8.5       2.8      12.2       8.8       1.2 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    92                     :
:       43        34         5         0         4        10         7         4        11         8         6 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of January 30, 2018           
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
CORN - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE   (CONTRACTS OF 5,000 BUSHELS)                                                   :
CFTC Code #002602                                                    Open Interest is 1,692,248                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:  430,105   682,085   254,055    23,087    60,026   236,675   365,729   159,183   216,821    74,013   144,759 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     January 23, 2018                                                                           :
:  -26,347    62,565     6,008    -3,724     2,683    28,768   -59,235     1,623       295    -2,481    13,576 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     25.4      40.3      15.0       1.4       3.5      14.0      21.6       9.4      12.8       4.4       8.6 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:   823                     :
:      262       324        24         8        21        74        71        62       130        83       124 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of January 30, 2018           
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
OATS - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE   (CONTRACTS OF 5,000 BUSHELS)                                                   :
CFTC Code #004603                                                    Open Interest is     6,406                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:      798     4,171       221         0         0       231         0         0     1,890       218       859 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     January 23, 2018                                                                           :
:     -200       125         1         0         0       -22      -251         0      -442       -34       448 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     12.5      65.1       3.4       0.0       0.0       3.6       0.0       0.0      29.5       3.4      13.4 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    26                     :
:        7        12         .         0         0         .         0         0         6         4         6 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of January 30, 2018           
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
ROUGH RICE - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE   (CONTRACTS OF 200,000 POUNDS)                                            :
CFTC Code #039601                                                    Open Interest is     9,617                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:    5,784     5,552       168         0         0       420     1,572       100       852       829       197 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     January 23, 2018                                                                           :
:       24       323         1         0         0        56      -128       100      -161       -11      -103 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     60.1      57.7       1.7       0.0       0.0       4.4      16.3       1.0       8.9       8.6       2.0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    59                     :
:       20        13         .         0         0         .         9         .        13        10         9 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of January 30, 2018           
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
LEAN HOGS - CHICAGO MERCANTILE EXCHANGE   (CONTRACTS OF 40,000 POUNDS)                                         :
CFTC Code #054642                                                    Open Interest is   242,241                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   12,966   116,556    75,427     2,281     3,834    70,267    16,311    25,051    16,950    21,494    14,847 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     January 23, 2018                                                                           :
:     -668    -4,518    -1,369       -83       552    -6,324     1,439     2,263      -613    -4,231       592 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:      5.4      48.1      31.1       0.9       1.6      29.0       6.7      10.3       7.0       8.9       6.1 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:   302                     :
:       37        79        18         .        12        62        30        48        49        39        54 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of January 30, 2018           
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
LIVE CATTLE - CHICAGO MERCANTILE EXCHANGE   (CONTRACTS OF 40,000 POUNDS)                                       :
CFTC Code #057642                                                    Open Interest is   364,909                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   30,681   215,949   114,404     1,665     1,766   101,312    15,224    35,856    36,708    28,753    17,988 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     January 23, 2018                                                                           :
:      790     5,787     2,168       -61       141     4,581    -1,468    -2,166     1,066     4,532       725 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:      8.4      59.2      31.4       0.5       0.5      27.8       4.2       9.8      10.1       7.9       4.9 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:   430                     :
:       81       150        20         .         5        84        27        58        53        61        65 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of January 30, 2018           
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
FEEDER CATTLE - CHICAGO MERCANTILE EXCHANGE   (CONTRACTS OF 50,000 POUNDS)                                     :
CFTC Code #061641                                                    Open Interest is    54,301                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:    3,196    14,008     9,874       173     1,114    17,772     7,008     4,904     6,444     6,380     3,812 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     January 23, 2018                                                                           :
:       86     1,111       155        56       378       875      -693       217      -107       248      -645 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:      5.9      25.8      18.2       0.3       2.1      32.7      12.9       9.0      11.9      11.7       7.0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:   205                     :
:       22        61        15         .         7        39        17        23        10        38        38 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of January 30, 2018           
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
CFTC Code #050642                                                    Open Interest is     7,208                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:    4,649     4,077       752         0        65         0       301       118       553     1,637        44 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     January 23, 2018                                                                           :
:      373       263        27         0         7         0       -24        19       -32       139       -12 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     64.5      56.6      10.4       0.0       0.9       0.0       4.2       1.6       7.7      22.7       0.6 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    42                     :
:       14        17         .         0         .         0         .         .         .        11         . :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of January 30, 2018           
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
MILK, Class III - CHICAGO MERCANTILE EXCHANGE   (CONTRACTS OF 200,000 POUNDS)                                  :
CFTC Code #052641                                                    Open Interest is    26,375                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:    6,671     9,716     3,792         0       167       289     4,421       120    12,593     6,025       550 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     January 23, 2018                                                                           :
:      196        46        85         0         1        23       193        80       286       118      -118 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     25.3      36.8      14.4       0.0       0.6       1.1      16.8       0.5      47.7      22.8       2.1 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    72                     :
:       19        18         .         0         .         .         8         4        17        15        14 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of January 30, 2018           
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
NON FAT DRY MILK - CHICAGO MERCANTILE EXCHANGE   (CONTRACTS OF 44,000 LBS.)                                    :
CFTC Code #052642                                                    Open Interest is     7,947                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:    5,967     4,082         0       412       156        66       899        75       855     1,409       158 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     January 23, 2018                                                                           :
:      322       185         0         3         1         0        19       -17        11       168       -18 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     75.1      51.4       0.0       5.2       2.0       0.8      11.3       0.9      10.8      17.7       2.0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    44                     :
:       21        15         0         .         .         .         .         .         .         9         4 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of January 30, 2018           
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
DRY WHEY - CHICAGO MERCANTILE EXCHANGE   (CONTRACTS OF 44,000 LBS.)                                            :
CFTC Code #052645                                                    Open Interest is     4,183                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:    2,842       236         0       469        10         8         0        10       250     3,132        37 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     January 23, 2018                                                                           :
:      175       111         0        32        -6       -10         0        -1       -12        24       -12 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     67.9       5.6       0.0      11.2       0.2       0.2       0.0       0.2       6.0      74.9       0.9 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    23                     :
:       12         4         0         .         .         .         0         .         .         6         . :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of January 30, 2018           
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
CFTC Code #063642                                                    Open Interest is    30,314                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   20,165    11,735     6,938     1,006         0        53     1,033       234     1,952    14,238       347 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     January 23, 2018                                                                           :
:      507       526       324        -9         0        30        50       -33       154       329        -9 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     66.5      38.7      22.9       3.3       0.0       0.2       3.4       0.8       6.4      47.0       1.1 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    67                     :
:       19        25         .         .         0         .         5         .        10        16        10 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of January 30, 2018           
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
SOYBEANS - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE   (CONTRACTS OF 5,000 BUSHELS)                                               :
CFTC Code #005602                                                    Open Interest is   790,223                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:  286,892   327,803   113,152    13,053    46,914    83,342   106,484    49,932    70,944    60,601    89,507 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     January 23, 2018                                                                           :
:  -12,950    37,343     3,685      -150     2,456     9,740   -48,336       712    -2,130     1,655     6,285 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     36.3      41.5      14.3       1.7       5.9      10.5      13.5       6.3       9.0       7.7      11.3 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:   583                     :
:      140       202        24         .        18        65        59        64        92        83       109 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of January 30, 2018           
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
SOYBEAN OIL - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE   (CONTRACTS OF 60,000 POUNDS)                                            :
CFTC Code #007601                                                    Open Interest is   511,460                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   90,258   231,886   116,500     3,133    19,543    70,044    87,306    55,686    63,339    23,410    59,514 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     January 23, 2018                                                                           :
:   -7,771     5,388     3,853        39     1,546    -1,216    -5,635     3,697       412    -3,998      -106 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     17.6      45.3      22.8       0.6       3.8      13.7      17.1      10.9      12.4       4.6      11.6 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:   351                     :
:       71        64        23         4        12        46        58        43        64        34        69 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of January 30, 2018           
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
SOYBEAN MEAL - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE   (CONTRACTS OF 100 TONS)                                                :
CFTC Code #026603                                                    Open Interest is   427,424                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   91,617   270,741    89,779     9,524    16,960    74,449    19,349    34,703    43,638    15,654    30,285 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     January 23, 2018                                                                           :
:   -1,997    15,824     2,256       924    -1,051     5,571   -16,408     8,095    -3,216     4,987     1,003 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     21.4      63.3      21.0       2.2       4.0      17.4       4.5       8.1      10.2       3.7       7.1 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:   273                     :
:       65        68        20         7        11        56        18        38        40        29        49 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of January 30, 2018           
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
CFTC Code #037642                                                    Open Interest is    19,624                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   14,944    10,534         0     3,110     1,080         0         0         0     2,560     3,860       760 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     January 23, 2018                                                                           :
:     -120      -240         0       200         0         0         0         0         0      -120       120 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     76.2      53.7       0.0      15.8       5.5       0.0       0.0       0.0      13.0      19.7       3.9 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    22                     :
:        .         5         0         .         .         0         0         0         .        10         4 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of January 30, 2018           
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
COTTON NO. 2 - ICE FUTURES U.S.   (CONTRACTS OF 50,000 POUNDS)                                                 :
CFTC Code #033661                                                    Open Interest is   308,390                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   33,478   199,547    75,511    13,799    16,877   105,427    11,072    20,350    22,281    18,019    16,801 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     January 23, 2018                                                                           :
:    4,947   -17,594       830      -215     2,965    -9,553     3,389     2,278    -8,175     1,571       660 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     10.9      64.7      24.5       4.5       5.5      34.2       3.6       6.6       7.2       5.8       5.4 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:   312                     :
:       39        56        18        10        15        95        20        39        52        41        58 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of January 30, 2018           
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
FRZN CONCENTRATED ORANGE JUICE - ICE FUTURES U.S.   (CONTRACTS OF 15,000 POUNDS)                               :
CFTC Code #040701                                                    Open Interest is    10,465                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:    6,029     5,148     1,391         0         0       560     2,588        91       489       873       321 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     January 23, 2018                                                                           :
:      211       574         2         0         0       -51      -534        63      -118        -7      -149 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     57.6      49.2      13.3       0.0       0.0       5.4      24.7       0.9       4.7       8.3       3.1 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    54                     :
:       16         9         5         0         0         .        11         .         8         6         8 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of January 30, 2018           
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
COCOA - ICE FUTURES U.S.   (CONTRACTS OF 10 METRIC TONS)                                                       :
CFTC Code #073732                                                    Open Interest is   284,351                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   87,156   125,523    29,789    14,170    21,773    47,013    56,543    28,458    33,713    10,322    17,510 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     January 23, 2018                                                                           :
:    1,235     5,361       432     2,012     4,675     2,936    -5,549     4,831    -3,714    -1,173       621 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     30.7      44.1      10.5       5.0       7.7      16.5      19.9      10.0      11.9       3.6       6.2 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:   275                     :
:       42        37        20         6        12        43        56        41        63        20        40 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of January 30, 2018           
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
SUGAR NO. 11 - ICE FUTURES U.S.   (CONTRACTS OF 112,000 POUNDS)                                                :
CFTC Code #080732                                                    Open Interest is   925,960                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:  276,744   367,087   227,989    22,960    23,676   125,435   278,467    82,343    78,373    29,859    39,115 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     January 23, 2018                                                                           :
:    6,716      -566    10,298       147       175       784    21,991    -4,220    -2,833    -3,982     4,830 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     29.9      39.6      24.6       2.5       2.6      13.5      30.1       8.9       8.5       3.2       4.2 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:   260                     :
:       62        64        21         .        15        29        56        40        35        26        39 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of January 30, 2018           
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
COFFEE C - ICE FUTURES U.S.   (CONTRACTS OF 37,500 POUNDS)                                                     :
CFTC Code #083731                                                    Open Interest is   238,767                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   72,740    74,300    44,022     8,981     8,991    33,785    84,456    24,494    18,936     9,099    20,434 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     January 23, 2018                                                                           :
:   -3,959     1,925     1,317        83       521       -96    -4,926    -4,311       498       330      -822 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     30.5      31.1      18.4       3.8       3.8      14.1      35.4      10.3       7.9       3.8       8.6 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:   458                     :
:      111        90        24        12        16        45        92        53        97        47        62 :

Updated February 2, 2018