Enforcement Actions

The CFTC Division of Enforcement investigates and prosecutes alleged violations of the Commodity Exchange Act and Commission regulations. The CFTC takes enforcement actions against individuals and firms registered with the Commission, those who are engaged in commodity futures and option trading on designated domestic exchanges, and those who improperly market futures and options contracts.

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View Opinions and Adjudicatory Orders

Virginia Federal Court Orders Ronald W. Smith, Jr., Doing Business as Safeguard 3030 Investment Club, to Pay More than $3 Million in Forex Ponzi Scheme
CFTC Revokes Registration of Robert Wayne Mansell
CFTC Orders Rosenthal Collins Group, LLC, a Registered Futures Commission Merchant, to Pay More than $2.5 Million for Supervision and Record-Production Violations
CFTC Charges Brad Lee Demuzio of Idaho and his Company, Demuzio Capital Management, with Operating a Fraudulent $1.8 Million Commodity Pool and Forex Ponzi Scheme
Federal Court in Texas Orders Total Call Group, Inc. and its Principals to Pay over $4.8 Million in Fines for Making False Representations and Issuing False Account Statements in Forex Fraud
CFTC Orders JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. to Pay a $20 Million Civil Monetary Penalty to Settle CFTC Charges of Unlawfully Handling Customer Segregated Funds
CFTC Charges Royal Bank of Canada with Multi-Hundred Million Dollar Wash Sale Scheme
CFTC Seeks to Revoke the Registrations of Illinois Resident Joseph A. Dawson and His Company, Strategic Research LLC
Federal Court in Puerto Rico Orders Angel F. Collazo and ACJ Capital, Inc. to Pay over $3.7 Million for Solicitation Fraud and Issuing False Statements in an Off-Exchange Foreign Currency Scheme
CFTC Revokes Registrations of Richard Allan Finger, Jr. and his Company, Black Diamond Futures, LLC Based on Criminal Action