Enforcement Actions

The CFTC Division of Enforcement investigates and prosecutes alleged violations of the Commodity Exchange Act and Commission regulations. The CFTC takes enforcement actions against individuals and firms registered with the Commission, those who are engaged in commodity futures and option trading on designated domestic exchanges, and those who improperly market futures and options contracts.

View Dispositions
View Opinions and Adjudicatory Orders

CFTC Files Civil Action Against James M. Zoller and Tech-Comm Limited Partnerships For Fraud: Court Issues Preliminary Injunction
CFTC Charges Florida Companies, Three Principals, With Nationwide Telemarketing Scheme Involving Illegal Off-exchange Futures Contracts in Precious Metals, Heating Oil, Other Commodities
Florida Court Finds Richard E. Maseri in Contempt for His Transfer of Frozen Assets in Violation of Consent Order of Preliminary Injunction; Maseri Is Ordered to Pay $33,000
Michigan Court Issues Permanent Injunction Finding That Daniel M. O'Shaughnessey Defrauded Pool Customers of Over $435,000
Pennsylvania Court Issues Permanent Injunction Against Robert H. Rutman in CFTC Anti-Fraud Enforcement Action, Effectively Barring Him From the Futures Industry
CFTC ALJ Finds First Commercial Financial Group, Inc. (FCFG) Mark E. Rehn and John A. Hermanson Liable for Violating Capital Requirements and Filing False Reports in Connection With Check-Kiting Scheme
CFTC Accepts Settlement Offer of Edward T. Hamlet of Boca Raton, Florida Finding The He Aided and Abetted Commodity Fraud
CFTC Files Civil Injunctive Complaint and Motion of Preliminary Injunction Against Brien Sullivan of Honolulu, Hawaii
CFTC Charges Global Link Miami Corporation and Three Individuals with Fraud in the Offer and Sale of Illegal Futures Contracts
U.S. District Court Grants Summary Judgment to CFTC in Fraud Action Against Richard E. Maseri of Boca Raton, FLA., and Private Research, Inc.