Enforcement Actions

The CFTC Division of Enforcement investigates and prosecutes alleged violations of the Commodity Exchange Act and Commission regulations. The CFTC takes enforcement actions against individuals and firms registered with the Commission, those who are engaged in commodity futures and option trading on designated domestic exchanges, and those who improperly market futures and options contracts.

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CFTC Adds More Than 20 Unregistered Foreign Entities to RED List
CFTC Orders Toronto-Based Firm to Pay $500,000 for Violating Capital, Reporting, and Supervision Rules
CFTC Orders The Bank of Nova Scotia to Pay $50 Million for Swap Dealer Compliance and Supervision Failures and False Statements
CFTC Orders The Bank of Nova Scotia to Pay Record $77.4 Million for Spoofing and Making False Statements
CFTC Orders The Bank of Nova Scotia to Pay $127.4 Million for Spoofing, False Statements, Compliance and Supervision Violations
CFTC Orders Interactive Brokers LLC to Pay More Than $12 Million for Anti-Money Laundering and Supervision Violations
CFTC Obtains $3.8 Million Fraud Judgment Against Commodity Pool Operator and its Owner
NYMEX and Two Former Employees to Pay $4 Million for Disclosing Material Non-Public Information
CFTC Awards Approximately $9 Million to Whistleblower
CFTC Announces Whistleblower Awards Totaling More Than $1 Million