
CFTC Senior Financial Economist's Research Paper Named Winner of the 2004 FMA Competitive Paper Award in the Area of Market Microstructure
2004 Financial Management Association's (FMA) Annual Meeting – New Orleans , LA
CFTC Commissioner Sharon Brown-Hruska Presented With Key Women in Energy's Global Leadership Award
National Energy Marketers Association Conference – Washington , DC
Chairman Newsome is Named the 2004 Arthur Kaplan Award Recipient During the Tenth Annual Futures and Options for Kids Awards Ceremony Held in New York
Futures and Options For Kids Tenth Annual Awards Ceremony – New York , NY
CFTC's Office of External Affairs Hosts Academic Visitors from the National Defense University's Industrial College of the Armed Forces MS Degree Program in National Resource Strategy
Washington , DC
CFTC's Office of External Affairs Hosts Academic Visitors from the National Defense University's Industrial College of the Armed Forces MS Degree Program in National Resource Strategy
Washington , DC
CFTC Commissioner Walter L. Lukken Participates in China Trade Mission, Shanghai, China
China Trade Mission; Shanghai, China –
CFTC Hosts Representatives of the European Commission's Directorate General Economic and Financial Affairs, and the Directorate General Internal Market
CFTC Hearing Room – Washington , DC