PALLADIUM - NEW YORK MERCANTILE EXCHANGE                                                                                                         Code-075651
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders - Futures Only, July 31, 2012                   
     :          :                                              Reportable Positions                                                      :   Nonreportable
     :          :  Producer/Merchant/ :                                :                                :                                :     Positions
     :   Open   :   Processor/User    :          Swap Dealers          :         Managed Money          :       Other Reportables        :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :Spreading :   Long   :  Short   :Spreading :   Long   :  Short   :Spreading :   Long  :  Short
     :          :(CONTRACTS OF 100 TROY OUNCES)                                                                                          :
     :          :    Positions                                                                                                           :
All  :    23,698:     2,206      9,992      5,369      1,774        229      9,722      6,911        138      4,034      2,434        608:    1,392     1,612
Old  :    23,698:     2,206      9,992      5,369      1,774        229      9,722      6,911        138      4,034      2,434        608:    1,392     1,612
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0:        0         0
     :          :                                                                                                                        :
     :          :    Changes in Commitments from:       July 24, 2012                                                                    :
     :      -128:      -155        446        226        147         35        -97       -102        -12        -24       -214       -162:       61      -266
     :          :                                                                                                                        :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                                     :
All  :     100.0:       9.3       42.2       22.7        7.5        1.0       41.0       29.2        0.6       17.0       10.3        2.6:      5.9       6.8
Old  :     100.0:       9.3       42.2       22.7        7.5        1.0       41.0       29.2        0.6       17.0       10.3        2.6:      5.9       6.8
Other:     100.0:       0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0:      0.0       0.0
     :          :                                                                                                                        :
     :          :    Number of Traders in Each Category                                                                                  :
All  :       150:        10         17         13          9          5         18         33          4         31         18          7:
Old  :       150:        10         17         13          9          5         18         33          4         31         18          7:
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 36.9       30.2       47.8       46.9       36.9       29.6       47.4       46.3
Old  :                 36.9       30.2       47.8       46.9       36.9       29.6       47.4       46.3
Other:                  0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0
PLATINUM - NEW YORK MERCANTILE EXCHANGE                                                                                                          Code-076651
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders - Futures Only, July 31, 2012                   
     :          :                                              Reportable Positions                                                      :   Nonreportable
     :          :  Producer/Merchant/ :                                :                                :                                :     Positions
     :   Open   :   Processor/User    :          Swap Dealers          :         Managed Money          :       Other Reportables        :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :Spreading :   Long   :  Short   :Spreading :   Long   :  Short   :Spreading :   Long  :  Short
     :          :(CONTRACTS OF 50 TROY OUNCES)                                                                                           :
     :          :    Positions                                                                                                           :
All  :    52,220:     3,494     22,547      5,934      7,323        465     22,914     14,518        364     12,972      3,087        429:    5,648     3,487
Old  :    52,220:     3,494     22,547      5,934      7,323        465     22,914     14,518        364     12,972      3,087        429:    5,648     3,487
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0:        0         0
     :          :                                                                                                                        :
     :          :    Changes in Commitments from:       July 24, 2012                                                                    :
     :     1,177:      -188        863        708       -372        293       -642        471        171        592       -238         80:      163       -91
     :          :                                                                                                                        :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                                     :
All  :     100.0:       6.7       43.2       11.4       14.0        0.9       43.9       27.8        0.7       24.8        5.9        0.8:     10.8       6.7
Old  :     100.0:       6.7       43.2       11.4       14.0        0.9       43.9       27.8        0.7       24.8        5.9        0.8:     10.8       6.7
Other:     100.0:       0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0:      0.0       0.0
     :          :                                                                                                                        :
     :          :    Number of Traders in Each Category                                                                                  :
All  :       185:         7         20         15         10          6         33         31          5         56         14          8:
Old  :       185:         7         20         15         10          6         33         31          5         56         14          8:
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 26.3       32.6       37.7       46.6       26.2       32.0       37.5       46.0
Old  :                 26.3       32.6       37.7       46.6       26.2       32.0       37.5       46.0
Other:                  0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0
SILVER - COMMODITY EXCHANGE INC.                                                                                                                 Code-084691
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders - Futures Only, July 31, 2012                   
     :          :                                              Reportable Positions                                                      :   Nonreportable
     :          :  Producer/Merchant/ :                                :                                :                                :     Positions
     :   Open   :   Processor/User    :          Swap Dealers          :         Managed Money          :       Other Reportables        :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :Spreading :   Long   :  Short   :Spreading :   Long   :  Short   :Spreading :   Long  :  Short
     :          :(CONTRACTS OF 5,000 TROY OUNCES)                                                                                        :
     :          :    Positions                                                                                                           :
All  :   121,809:    17,273     53,956     21,935      6,614      4,490     21,526     13,796      8,540      9,868      4,562     17,141:   21,036    12,710
Old  :   121,809:    17,273     53,956     21,935      6,614      4,490     21,526     13,796      8,540      9,868      4,562     17,141:   21,036    12,710
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0:        0         0
     :          :                                                                                                                        :
     :          :    Changes in Commitments from:       July 24, 2012                                                                    :
     :    -1,852:    -1,914      1,184     -2,448        361        862        936     -3,779        229        167          5         35:      281      -749
     :          :                                                                                                                        :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                                     :
All  :     100.0:      14.2       44.3       18.0        5.4        3.7       17.7       11.3        7.0        8.1        3.7       14.1:     17.3      10.4
Old  :     100.0:      14.2       44.3       18.0        5.4        3.7       17.7       11.3        7.0        8.1        3.7       14.1:     17.3      10.4
Other:     100.0:       0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0:      0.0       0.0
     :          :                                                                                                                        :
     :          :    Number of Traders in Each Category                                                                                  :
All  :       160:        14         16         13          9         15         27         25         16         39         21         30:
Old  :       160:        14         16         13          9         15         27         25         16         39         21         30:
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 16.4       37.5       27.0       46.4       12.5       27.2       19.6       33.5
Old  :                 16.4       37.5       27.0       46.4       12.5       27.2       19.6       33.5
Other:                  0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0
GOLD - COMMODITY EXCHANGE INC.                                                                                                                   Code-088691
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders - Futures Only, July 31, 2012                   
     :          :                                              Reportable Positions                                                      :   Nonreportable
     :          :  Producer/Merchant/ :                                :                                :                                :     Positions
     :   Open   :   Processor/User    :          Swap Dealers          :         Managed Money          :       Other Reportables        :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :Spreading :   Long   :  Short   :Spreading :   Long   :  Short   :Spreading :   Long  :  Short
     :          :(CONTRACTS OF 100 TROY OUNCES)                                                                                          :
     :          :    Positions                                                                                                           :
All  :   403,403:    79,471    227,217     52,701     60,967     23,183    105,196     24,339      7,566     66,135     20,928     14,731:   54,420    24,472
Old  :   403,403:    79,471    227,217     52,701     60,967     23,183    105,196     24,339      7,566     66,135     20,928     14,731:   54,420    24,472
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0:        0         0
     :          :                                                                                                                        :
     :          :    Changes in Commitments from:       July 24, 2012                                                                    :
     :   -16,893:    -2,922      7,153     -2,747      6,945     -5,424     12,233     -8,815     -4,129     -6,987        974     -7,367:      450    -6,230
     :          :                                                                                                                        :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                                     :
All  :     100.0:      19.7       56.3       13.1       15.1        5.7       26.1        6.0        1.9       16.4        5.2        3.7:     13.5       6.1
Old  :     100.0:      19.7       56.3       13.1       15.1        5.7       26.1        6.0        1.9       16.4        5.2        3.7:     13.5       6.1
Other:     100.0:       0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0:      0.0       0.0
     :          :                                                                                                                        :
     :          :    Number of Traders in Each Category                                                                                  :
All  :       294:        20         21         14         16         20         68         29         17         99         30         49:
Old  :       294:        20         21         14         16         20         68         29         17         99         30         49:
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 27.2       42.3       36.1       55.9       14.0       24.6       21.1       36.0
Old  :                 27.2       42.3       36.1       55.9       14.0       24.6       21.1       36.0
Other:                  0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0
COPPER-GRADE #1 - COMMODITY EXCHANGE INC.                                                                                                        Code-085692
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders - Futures Only, July 31, 2012                   
     :          :                                              Reportable Positions                                                      :   Nonreportable
     :          :  Producer/Merchant/ :                                :                                :                                :     Positions
     :   Open   :   Processor/User    :          Swap Dealers          :         Managed Money          :       Other Reportables        :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :Spreading :   Long   :  Short   :Spreading :   Long   :  Short   :Spreading :   Long  :  Short
     :          :(CONTRACTS OF 25,000 POUNDS)                                                                                            :
     :          :    Positions                                                                                                           :
All  :   142,774:    14,055     38,389     59,509     11,105      7,158     30,835     37,499      4,484      7,837     15,893      8,563:   10,333    19,683
Old  :   142,774:    14,055     38,389     59,509     11,105      7,158     30,835     37,499      4,484      7,837     15,893      8,563:   10,333    19,683
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0:        0         0
     :          :                                                                                                                        :
     :          :    Changes in Commitments from:       July 24, 2012                                                                    :
     :       379:     2,805      3,041      1,454        494         19     -1,175     -2,147         83       -918      1,705     -1,884:       -5      -932
     :          :                                                                                                                        :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                                     :
All  :     100.0:       9.8       26.9       41.7        7.8        5.0       21.6       26.3        3.1        5.5       11.1        6.0:      7.2      13.8
Old  :     100.0:       9.8       26.9       41.7        7.8        5.0       21.6       26.3        3.1        5.5       11.1        6.0:      7.2      13.8
Other:     100.0:       0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0:      0.0       0.0
     :          :                                                                                                                        :
     :          :    Number of Traders in Each Category                                                                                  :
All  :       205:        21         28         20          8         12         27         54         23         18         35         20:
Old  :       205:        21         28         20          8         12         27         54         23         18         35         20:
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 23.2       21.9       39.5       32.0       22.6       18.5       37.4       26.9
Old  :                 23.2       21.9       39.5       32.0       22.6       18.5       37.4       26.9
Other:                  0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0
RANDOM LENGTH LUMBER - CHICAGO MERCANTILE EXCHANGE                                                                                               Code-058643
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders - Futures Only, July 31, 2012                   
     :          :                                              Reportable Positions                                                      :   Nonreportable
     :          :  Producer/Merchant/ :                                :                                :                                :     Positions
     :   Open   :   Processor/User    :          Swap Dealers          :         Managed Money          :       Other Reportables        :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :Spreading :   Long   :  Short   :Spreading :   Long   :  Short   :Spreading :   Long  :  Short
     :          :(CONTRACTS OF 110,000 BOARD FEET)                                                                                       :
     :          :    Positions                                                                                                           :
All  :     8,288:       416      3,013      1,613        138          0      3,312        856         17        399      2,296        732:    1,799     1,236
Old  :     8,288:       416      3,013      1,613        138          0      3,312        856         17        399      2,296        732:    1,799     1,236
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0:        0         0
     :          :                                                                                                                        :
     :          :    Changes in Commitments from:       July 24, 2012                                                                    :
     :      -585:        21       -134       -109        -74        -20       -141       -248          2       -144        276       -395:      201         8
     :          :                                                                                                                        :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                                     :
All  :     100.0:       5.0       36.4       19.5        1.7        0.0       40.0       10.3        0.2        4.8       27.7        8.8:     21.7      14.9
Old  :     100.0:       5.0       36.4       19.5        1.7        0.0       40.0       10.3        0.2        4.8       27.7        8.8:     21.7      14.9
Other:     100.0:       0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0:      0.0       0.0
     :          :                                                                                                                        :
     :          :    Number of Traders in Each Category                                                                                  :
All  :        87:        13         22          4          .          0         22          7          .         12         15         11:
Old  :        87:        13         22          4          .          0         22          7          .         12         15         11:
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 29.8       31.4       47.0       48.3       29.8       27.6       45.8       43.6
Old  :                 29.8       31.4       47.0       48.3       29.8       27.6       45.8       43.6
Other:                  0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0
IN DELIVERY MONTH EUA - GREEN EXCHANGE                                                                                                           Code-006GEC
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders - Futures Only, July 31, 2012                   
     :          :                                              Reportable Positions                                                      :   Nonreportable
     :          :  Producer/Merchant/ :                                :                                :                                :     Positions
     :   Open   :   Processor/User    :          Swap Dealers          :         Managed Money          :       Other Reportables        :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :Spreading :   Long   :  Short   :Spreading :   Long   :  Short   :Spreading :   Long  :  Short
     :          :(CONTRACTS OF 1000 EUA)                                                                                                 :
     :          :    Positions                                                                                                           :
All  :    86,535:    37,946     12,269      1,850     37,210     33,085          0          0          0      9,966        283      3,688:        0         0
Old  :    86,535:    37,946     12,269      1,850     37,210     33,085          0          0          0      9,966        283      3,688:        0         0
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0:        0         0
     :          :                                                                                                                        :
     :          :    Changes in Commitments from:       July 24, 2012                                                                    :
     :       823:       250        150        100     -1,175      1,075          0          0          0     -1,375          0        773:        0         0
     :          :                                                                                                                        :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                                     :
All  :     100.0:      43.9       14.2        2.1       43.0       38.2        0.0        0.0        0.0       11.5        0.3        4.3:      0.0       0.0
Old  :     100.0:      43.9       14.2        2.1       43.0       38.2        0.0        0.0        0.0       11.5        0.3        4.3:      0.0       0.0
Other:     100.0:       0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0:      0.0       0.0
     :          :                                                                                                                        :
     :          :    Number of Traders in Each Category                                                                                  :
All  :        20:         4          4          .          6          5          0          0          0          .          .          4:
Old  :        20:         4          4          .          6          5          0          0          0          .          .          4:
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 72.9       82.2       97.2       96.1       41.1       42.4       43.3       43.3
Old  :                 72.9       82.2       97.2       96.1       41.1       42.4       43.3       43.3
Other:                  0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0

Updated August 3, 2012