WHEAT-SRW - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                      Code-001602
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, December 15, 2020                         
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (CONTRACTS OF 5,000 BUSHELS)                                               :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  :   472,648:   112,557     89,565    164,337    163,410    169,277    440,303    423,178:    32,344     49,470
Old  :   292,057:    85,530     78,023     84,910     99,930    102,328    270,370    265,261:    21,687     26,796
Other:   180,590:    50,388     34,903     56,065     63,480     66,948    169,933    157,917:    10,657     22,674
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: December 8, 2020                     :
     :     2,366:       125    -10,430      4,893     -2,786      7,103      2,232      1,566:       134        801
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      23.8       18.9       34.8       34.6       35.8       93.2       89.5:       6.8       10.5
Old  :     100.0:      29.3       26.7       29.1       34.2       35.0       92.6       90.8:       7.4        9.2
Other:     100.0:      27.9       19.3       31.0       35.2       37.1       94.1       87.4:       5.9       12.6
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :       381:       116        108        117         91        130        281        292:
Old  :       353:       109        104         90         83        119        244        262:
Other:       236:        67         51         47         57         98        152        173:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 15.9       12.3       25.7       20.0       12.1        6.6       18.8       11.7
Old  :                 15.4       11.4       26.0       20.0       13.4        8.5       22.4       15.3
Other:                 22.3       20.7       32.7       29.6       13.8       11.0       21.3       17.3
BLACK SEA WHEAT FINANCIAL - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                      Code-00160F
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, December 15, 2020                         
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : 50 Metric Tons                                                             :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  :    23,706:     9,957        455        703     12,126     21,833     22,786     22,991:       920        715
Old  :    20,127:     8,483        541        164     11,257     18,801     19,904     19,506:       223        621
Other:     3,579:     2,013        453          0        869      3,032      2,882      3,485:       697         94
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: December 8, 2020                     :
     :       118:      -482        155        477        -85       -389        -90        243:       208       -125
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      42.0        1.9        3.0       51.2       92.1       96.1       97.0:       3.9        3.0
Old  :     100.0:      42.1        2.7        0.8       55.9       93.4       98.9       96.9:       1.1        3.1
Other:     100.0:      56.2       12.7        0.0       24.3       84.7       80.5       97.4:      19.5        2.6
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :        30:         6          2          3         11         20         18         24:
Old  :        29:         5          2          1         10         19         16         21:
Other:        14:         2          2          0          3          8          5         10:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 74.0       34.8       88.1       59.7       63.0       33.2       75.4       55.3
Old  :                 83.9       37.7       92.8       62.8       74.7       37.5       81.1       59.7
Other:                 78.1       53.7       80.5       88.2       69.3       49.2       69.3       79.5
WHEAT-HRW - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                      Code-001612
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, December 15, 2020                         
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (CONTRACTS OF 5,000 BUSHELS)                                               :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  :   224,349:    72,739     17,979     42,873     87,790    143,101    203,402    203,953:    20,947     20,396
Old  :   166,029:    68,686     24,351     18,674     62,850    111,247    150,210    154,272:    15,818     11,756
Other:    58,321:    17,968      7,543     10,284     24,940     31,854     53,192     49,681:     5,129      8,640
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: December 8, 2020                     :
     :     7,543:     4,167     -3,295     -1,860      3,994     11,783      6,301      6,628:     1,242        916
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      32.4        8.0       19.1       39.1       63.8       90.7       90.9:       9.3        9.1
Old  :     100.0:      41.4       14.7       11.2       37.9       67.0       90.5       92.9:       9.5        7.1
Other:     100.0:      30.8       12.9       17.6       42.8       54.6       91.2       85.2:       8.8       14.8
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :       250:        79         42         56         81        102        190        173:
Old  :       240:        75         43         42         71         94        167        159:
Other:       156:        36         23         22         45         75         96        107:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 16.1       22.2       25.5       31.1       14.3       19.6       23.0       28.0
Old  :                 17.7       25.3       28.8       34.4       17.0       23.1       28.2       32.2
Other:                 17.5       21.5       28.9       32.6       17.1       20.2       26.9       29.6
CORN - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                           Code-002602
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, December 15, 2020                         
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (CONTRACTS OF 5,000 BUSHELS)                                               :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  : 2,117,529:   525,177    127,782    497,397    899,635  1,275,775  1,922,209  1,900,954:   195,320    216,575
Old  : 1,775,235:   457,400    153,700    401,640    760,903  1,049,341  1,619,942  1,604,681:   155,293    170,553
Other:   342,294:   105,932     12,236     57,603    138,732    226,434    302,267    296,273:    40,027     46,021
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: December 8, 2020                     :
     :    27,689:    -7,908      7,009     11,670     23,093     12,330     26,855     31,009:       834     -3,320
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      24.8        6.0       23.5       42.5       60.2       90.8       89.8:       9.2       10.2
Old  :     100.0:      25.8        8.7       22.6       42.9       59.1       91.3       90.4:       8.7        9.6
Other:     100.0:      30.9        3.6       16.8       40.5       66.2       88.3       86.6:      11.7       13.4
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :       956:       252        149        206        396        463        742        739:
Old  :       941:       251        153        196        375        451        713        719:
Other:       575:        78         89         56        151        349        259        467:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 10.0       11.4       17.5       18.3        9.2        8.3       14.4       14.0
Old  :                 11.3       10.9       19.6       17.8       10.8        8.0       17.1       13.6
Other:                 18.8       20.7       27.9       30.2       17.4       19.8       25.4       27.6
OATS - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                           Code-004603
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, December 15, 2020                         
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (CONTRACTS OF 5,000 BUSHELS)                                               :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  :     4,651:     1,851          0          0        997      3,536      2,848      3,536:     1,803      1,115
Old  :     4,434:     1,851          0          0        895      3,408      2,746      3,408:     1,688      1,026
Other:       217:         0          0          0        102        128        102        128:       115         89
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: December 8, 2020                     :
     :         .:         .          .          .          .          .          .          .:         .          .
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      39.8        0.0        0.0       21.4       76.0       61.2       76.0:      38.8       24.0
Old  :     100.0:      41.7        0.0        0.0       20.2       76.9       61.9       76.9:      38.1       23.1
Other:     100.0:       0.0        0.0        0.0       47.0       59.0       47.0       59.0:      53.0       41.0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :        22:        10          0          0          7         10         17         10:
Old  :        22:        10          0          0          7          8         17          8:
Other:         5:         0          0          0          2          4          2          4:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 26.2       63.2       44.7       75.8       26.2       61.6       44.5       72.8
Old  :                 27.5       63.6       45.5       76.9       27.5       61.9       45.5       73.9
Other:                 47.0       59.0       47.0       59.0       44.7       56.7       44.7       56.7
SOYBEANS - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                       Code-005602
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, December 15, 2020                         
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (CONTRACTS OF 5,000 BUSHELS)                                               :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  : 1,278,091:   271,595     35,193    389,336    528,782    764,356  1,189,713  1,188,885:    88,378     89,206
Old  : 1,075,805:   227,278     52,413    314,317    460,222    637,760  1,001,817  1,004,490:    73,988     71,315
Other:   202,285:    70,163      8,628     49,172     68,560    126,596    187,895    184,395:    14,390     17,891
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: December 8, 2020                     :
     :    23,282:       566     -5,209     21,917     -5,432      4,911     17,051     21,619:     6,231      1,663
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      21.3        2.8       30.5       41.4       59.8       93.1       93.0:       6.9        7.0
Old  :     100.0:      21.1        4.9       29.2       42.8       59.3       93.1       93.4:       6.9        6.6
Other:     100.0:      34.7        4.3       24.3       33.9       62.6       92.9       91.2:       7.1        8.8
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :       698:       233        134        231        238        283        571        564:
Old  :       691:       221        145        212        229        277        549        546:
Other:       396:        94         57         64         97        210        210        314:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 11.9       15.7       20.1       25.9        6.8       13.2       11.1       20.2
Old  :                 11.7       17.3       20.7       27.9        7.5       14.7       12.5       21.4
Other:                 22.3       19.5       35.0       31.4       17.0       17.7       25.0       27.1
SOYBEAN OIL - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                    Code-007601
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, December 15, 2020                         
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (CONTRACTS OF 60,000 POUNDS)                                               :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  :   578,648:   141,731     21,985    159,407    224,614    365,788    525,752    547,179:    52,897     31,469
Old  :   509,457:   136,806     34,077    130,745    196,393    316,639    463,945    481,461:    45,512     27,996
Other:    69,191:    21,628      4,611     11,958     28,220     49,148     61,806     65,718:     7,385      3,473
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: December 8, 2020                     :
     :    19,284:     7,104     -2,466     14,064     -4,766      5,390     16,402     16,987:     2,882      2,296
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      24.5        3.8       27.5       38.8       63.2       90.9       94.6:       9.1        5.4
Old  :     100.0:      26.9        6.7       25.7       38.5       62.2       91.1       94.5:       8.9        5.5
Other:     100.0:      31.3        6.7       17.3       40.8       71.0       89.3       95.0:      10.7        5.0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :       329:       132         49        104        101         91        280        217:
Old  :       327:       131         54        101         99         91        277        214:
Other:       111:        29         21         27         44         29         91         61:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 12.5       29.0       20.3       40.0        8.3       26.1       13.7       34.3
Old  :                 12.7       27.9       21.3       38.4        9.2       25.0       14.8       33.0
Other:                 29.2       37.2       46.3       58.5       27.4       35.1       41.4       53.6
U.S. TREASURY BONDS - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                            Code-020601
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, December 15, 2020                         
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (CONTRACTS OF $100,000 FACE VALUE)                                         :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  : 1,331,821:   106,493    301,212    117,452    942,346    752,762  1,166,291  1,171,426:   165,530    160,395
Old  : 1,331,821:   106,493    301,212    117,452    942,346    752,762  1,166,291  1,171,426:   165,530    160,395
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:         0          0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: December 8, 2020                     :
     :    -5,969:     3,678    -18,287    -10,768     -6,348     26,590    -13,438     -2,465:     7,469     -3,505
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:       8.0       22.6        8.8       70.8       56.5       87.6       88.0:      12.4       12.0
Old  :     100.0:       8.0       22.6        8.8       70.8       56.5       87.6       88.0:      12.4       12.0
Other:     100.0:       0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0:       0.0        0.0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :       192:        36         30         44         99        103        158        154:
Old  :       192:        36         30         44         99        103        158        154:
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 30.3       23.9       38.6       36.3       24.3       22.3       32.0       32.1
Old  :                 30.3       23.9       38.6       36.3       24.3       22.3       32.0       32.1
Other:                  0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0
ULTRA U.S. TREASURY BONDS - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                      Code-020604
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, December 15, 2020                         
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (CONTRACTS OF $100,000 FACE VALUE)                                         :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  : 1,028,088:    69,076    315,074     16,424    802,880    562,283    888,380    893,781:   139,708    134,307
Old  : 1,028,088:    69,076    315,074     16,424    802,880    562,283    888,380    893,781:   139,708    134,307
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:         0          0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: December 8, 2020                     :
     :    -1,629:    -1,244      3,904     -2,215        841        138     -2,618      1,827:       989     -3,456
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:       6.7       30.6        1.6       78.1       54.7       86.4       86.9:      13.6       13.1
Old  :     100.0:       6.7       30.6        1.6       78.1       54.7       86.4       86.9:      13.6       13.1
Other:     100.0:       0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0:       0.0        0.0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :       133:        12         18         11         78         78         94        103:
Old  :       133:        12         18         11         78         78         94        103:
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 21.9       30.0       33.8       44.7       17.8       27.8       28.2       38.4
Old  :                 21.9       30.0       33.8       44.7       17.8       27.8       28.2       38.4
Other:                  0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0
SOYBEAN MEAL - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                   Code-026603
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, December 15, 2020                         
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (CONTRACTS OF 100 TONS)                                                    :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  :   492,444:   108,613     12,857    107,163    218,613    340,455    434,390    460,476:    58,055     31,969
Old  :   437,010:   106,069     21,227     89,982    188,298    295,606    384,349    406,815:    52,661     30,195
Other:    55,434:    13,679      2,764      6,047     30,315     44,849     50,040     53,660:     5,394      1,774
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: December 8, 2020                     :
     :    13,117:       807    -13,215      8,699        844     14,200     10,350      9,685:     2,767      3,432
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      22.1        2.6       21.8       44.4       69.1       88.2       93.5:      11.8        6.5
Old  :     100.0:      24.3        4.9       20.6       43.1       67.6       87.9       93.1:      12.1        6.9
Other:     100.0:      24.7        5.0       10.9       54.7       80.9       90.3       96.8:       9.7        3.2
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :       272:        93         37         80        119         97        252        185:
Old  :       271:        94         35         80        117         96        250        184:
Other:       108:        24         10         18         60         30         94         49:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                  9.2       33.2       15.3       44.1        6.3       28.8       11.5       37.4
Old  :                  9.3       32.6       15.6       43.2        6.4       28.9       11.6       37.4
Other:                 27.7       41.5       41.6       61.4       22.6       39.7       35.1       57.6
ROUGH RICE - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                     Code-039601
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, December 15, 2020                         
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (CONTRACTS OF 200,000 POUNDS)                                              :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  :     9,606:     2,783        611        735      4,581      7,573      8,098      8,919:     1,507        686
Old  :     9,567:     2,783        611        735      4,581      7,541      8,098      8,887:     1,468        679
Other:        39:         0          0          0          0         32          0         32:        39          7
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: December 8, 2020                     :
     :       271:       -87       -167        210        110         96        233        139:        38        132
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      29.0        6.4        7.7       47.7       78.8       84.3       92.9:      15.7        7.1
Old  :     100.0:      29.1        6.4        7.7       47.9       78.8       84.7       92.9:      15.3        7.1
Other:     100.0:       0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0       82.1        0.0       82.1:     100.0       17.9
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :        44:        12          4          5         12         18         28         26:
Old  :        44:        12          4          5         12         18         28         26:
Other:         3:         0          0          0          0          3          0          3:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 44.6       50.8       60.4       72.3       44.6       49.6       59.4       70.7
Old  :                 44.8       50.7       60.6       72.3       44.8       49.4       59.6       70.7
Other:                  0.0       82.1        0.0       82.1        0.0       82.1        0.0       82.1
2-YEAR U.S. TREASURY NOTES - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                     Code-042601
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, December 15, 2020                         
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (CONTRACTS OF $200,000 FACE VALUE)                                         :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  : 1,893,251:   380,891    576,948     47,099  1,302,459  1,169,563  1,730,449  1,793,610:   162,802     99,641
Old  : 1,893,251:   380,891    576,948     47,099  1,302,459  1,169,563  1,730,449  1,793,610:   162,802     99,641
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:         0          0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: December 8, 2020                     :
     :    40,831:    50,445     -8,611     -6,775      1,015     65,316     44,685     49,930:    -3,854     -9,099
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      20.1       30.5        2.5       68.8       61.8       91.4       94.7:       8.6        5.3
Old  :     100.0:      20.1       30.5        2.5       68.8       61.8       91.4       94.7:       8.6        5.3
Other:     100.0:       0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0:       0.0        0.0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :       275:        58         36         25        137        120        206        170:
Old  :       275:        58         36         25        137        120        206        170:
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 15.9       34.8       24.9       47.8       13.9       29.4       21.8       40.7
Old  :                 15.9       34.8       24.9       47.8       13.9       29.4       21.8       40.7
Other:                  0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0
10-YEAR U.S. TREASURY NOTES - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                    Code-043602
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, December 15, 2020                         
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (CONTRACTS OF $100,000 FACE VALUE)                                         :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  : 3,712,495:   570,427    511,605    289,710  2,472,836  2,506,505  3,332,973  3,307,821:   379,523    404,674
Old  : 3,712,495:   570,427    511,605    289,710  2,472,836  2,506,505  3,332,973  3,307,821:   379,523    404,674
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:         0          0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: December 8, 2020                     :
     :   -41,101:    15,391     -9,639    -23,847    -38,490      3,112    -46,947    -30,374:     5,846    -10,727
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      15.4       13.8        7.8       66.6       67.5       89.8       89.1:      10.2       10.9
Old  :     100.0:      15.4       13.8        7.8       66.6       67.5       89.8       89.1:      10.2       10.9
Other:     100.0:       0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0:       0.0        0.0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :       389:        67         84         79        199        187        310        306:
Old  :       389:        67         84         79        199        187        310        306:
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 14.3       21.5       22.6       29.6        9.9       12.4       17.1       20.0
Old  :                 14.3       21.5       22.6       29.6        9.9       12.4       17.1       20.0
Other:                  0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0
ULTRA 10-YEAR U.S. T-NOTES - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                     Code-043607
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, December 15, 2020                         
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (CONTRACTS OF $100,000 FACE VALUE)                                         :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  :   997,012:   207,781     46,462     10,524    653,601    733,955    871,906    790,941:   125,106    206,071
Old  :   997,012:   207,781     46,462     10,524    653,601    733,955    871,906    790,941:   125,106    206,071
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:         0          0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: December 8, 2020                     :
     :    24,427:        11      7,713     -3,350     31,504     12,633     28,165     16,996:    -3,738      7,431
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      20.8        4.7        1.1       65.6       73.6       87.5       79.3:      12.5       20.7
Old  :     100.0:      20.8        4.7        1.1       65.6       73.6       87.5       79.3:      12.5       20.7
Other:     100.0:       0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0:       0.0        0.0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :       118:        15          8         10         69         73         89         86:
Old  :       118:        15          8         10         69         73         89         86:
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 23.9       27.6       37.5       36.8       23.7       26.4       36.1       34.4
Old  :                 23.9       27.6       37.5       36.8       23.7       26.4       36.1       34.4
Other:                  0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0
5-YEAR U.S. TREASURY NOTES - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                     Code-044601
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, December 15, 2020                         
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (CONTRACTS OF $100,000 FACE VALUE)                                         :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  : 3,339,736:   499,099    722,634    224,136  2,320,835  2,092,140  3,044,070  3,038,910:   295,666    300,826
Old  : 3,339,736:   499,099    722,634    224,136  2,320,835  2,092,140  3,044,070  3,038,910:   295,666    300,826
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:         0          0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: December 8, 2020                     :
     :    67,148:    80,528    -12,808     -3,192    -14,718     69,251     62,618     53,250:     4,530     13,897
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      14.9       21.6        6.7       69.5       62.6       91.1       91.0:       8.9        9.0
Old  :     100.0:      14.9       21.6        6.7       69.5       62.6       91.1       91.0:       8.9        9.0
Other:     100.0:       0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0:       0.0        0.0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :       294:        56         38         38        147        158        218        219:
Old  :       294:        56         38         38        147        158        218        219:
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 26.5       19.4       38.0       32.0       22.7       18.6       30.6       28.4
Old  :                 26.5       19.4       38.0       32.0       22.7       18.6       30.6       28.4
Other:                  0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0
30-DAY FEDERAL FUNDS - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                           Code-045601
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, December 15, 2020                         
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (CONTRACTS OF $5,000,000)                                                  :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  : 1,073,738:   282,760    191,582    153,401    615,809    704,214  1,051,970  1,049,197:    21,768     24,541
Old  : 1,073,738:   282,760    191,582    153,401    615,809    704,214  1,051,970  1,049,197:    21,768     24,541
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:         0          0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: December 8, 2020                     :
     :    84,961:    25,925      2,238      2,072     56,294     81,255     84,291     85,565:       670       -604
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      26.3       17.8       14.3       57.4       65.6       98.0       97.7:       2.0        2.3
Old  :     100.0:      26.3       17.8       14.3       57.4       65.6       98.0       97.7:       2.0        2.3
Other:     100.0:       0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0:       0.0        0.0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :        98:        26         10         28         54         55         88         85:
Old  :        98:        26         10         28         54         55         88         85:
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 31.7       43.3       44.0       54.6       25.8       39.5       34.1       48.5
Old  :                 31.7       43.3       44.0       54.6       25.8       39.5       34.1       48.5
Other:                  0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0
DJIA Consolidated - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                              Code-12460+
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, December 15, 2020                         
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : ($10 X DJIA INDEX)                                                         :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  :    53,781:    10,821     19,591      1,131     32,079     25,744     44,031     46,466:     9,749      7,314
Old  :    53,781:    10,821     19,591      1,131     32,079     25,744     44,031     46,466:     9,749      7,314
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:         0          0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: December 8, 2020                     :
     :     2,240:    -1,763        722        515      2,493      1,473      1,245      2,710:       995       -470
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      20.1       36.4        2.1       59.6       47.9       81.9       86.4:      18.1       13.6
Old  :     100.0:      20.1       36.4        2.1       59.6       47.9       81.9       86.4:      18.1       13.6
Other:     100.0:       0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0:       0.0        0.0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :        98:        28         20         15         32         32         66         61:
Old  :        98:        28         20         15         32         32         66         61:
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 32.2       43.0       43.9       57.4       29.6       41.7       40.3       55.0
Old  :                 32.2       43.0       43.9       57.4       29.6       41.7       40.3       55.0
Other:                  0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0
DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL AVG- x $5 - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                 Code-124603
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, December 15, 2020                         
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : ($5 X DJIA INDEX)                                                          :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  :   107,562:    21,642     39,183      2,263     64,158     51,487     88,063     92,933:    19,499     14,629
Old  :   107,562:    21,642     39,183      2,263     64,158     51,487     88,063     92,933:    19,499     14,629
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:         0          0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: December 8, 2020                     :
     :     4,480:    -3,526      1,444      1,030      4,985      2,947      2,490      5,421:     1,991       -940
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      20.1       36.4        2.1       59.6       47.9       81.9       86.4:      18.1       13.6
Old  :     100.0:      20.1       36.4        2.1       59.6       47.9       81.9       86.4:      18.1       13.6
Other:     100.0:       0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0:       0.0        0.0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :        98:        28         20         15         32         32         66         61:
Old  :        98:        28         20         15         32         32         66         61:
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 32.2       43.0       43.9       57.4       29.6       41.7       40.3       55.0
Old  :                 32.2       43.0       43.9       57.4       29.6       41.7       40.3       55.0
Other:                  0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0
DOW JONES U.S. REAL ESTATE IDX - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                 Code-124606
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, December 15, 2020                         
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : ($100 X DJ US REAL ESTATE INDEX)                                           :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  :    32,705:     2,684         36        384     26,745     31,248     29,813     31,668:     2,892      1,037
Old  :    32,705:     2,684         36        384     26,745     31,248     29,813     31,668:     2,892      1,037
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:         0          0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: December 8, 2020                     :
     :     5,656:      -503       -395        384      5,274      4,961      5,155      4,950:       501        706
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:       8.2        0.1        1.2       81.8       95.5       91.2       96.8:       8.8        3.2
Old  :     100.0:       8.2        0.1        1.2       81.8       95.5       91.2       96.8:       8.8        3.2
Other:     100.0:       0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0:       0.0        0.0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :        30:         5          1          2         18         12         24         14:
Old  :        30:         5          1          2         18         12         24         14:
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 54.0       59.3       71.5       86.6       41.7       53.1       59.1       78.0
Old  :                 54.0       59.3       71.5       86.6       41.7       53.1       59.1       78.0
Other:                  0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0
BLOOMBERG COMMODITY INDEX - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                      Code-221602
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, December 15, 2020                         
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : ($100 X INDEX)                                                             :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  :    33,889:    18,297     23,817      7,225      8,129      2,834     33,651     33,876:       238         13
Old  :    33,889:    18,297     23,817      7,225      8,129      2,834     33,651     33,876:       238         13
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:         0          0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: December 8, 2020                     :
     :     9,240:       414        169      7,225      1,661      1,847      9,300      9,241:       -60         -1
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      54.0       70.3       21.3       24.0        8.4       99.3      100.0:       0.7        0.0
Old  :     100.0:      54.0       70.3       21.3       24.0        8.4       99.3      100.0:       0.7        0.0
Other:     100.0:       0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0:       0.0        0.0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :        41:        24         13          2          4          2         30         15:
Old  :        41:        24         13          2          4          2         30         15:
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 58.4       68.7       81.1       91.8       43.0       47.5       63.8       65.1
Old  :                 58.4       68.7       81.1       91.8       43.0       47.5       63.8       65.1
Other:                  0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0
10 YEAR DELIVERABLE IR - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                         Code-246605
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, December 15, 2020                         
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (NOTIONAL VALUE OF $100,000)                                               :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  :   100,729:    18,968     60,115     20,275     61,471     20,187    100,714    100,577:        15        152
Old  :   100,729:    18,968     60,115     20,275     61,471     20,187    100,714    100,577:        15        152
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:         0          0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: December 8, 2020                     :
     :   -58,433:       129     44,074    -64,252      5,699    -38,258    -58,424    -58,436:        -9          3
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      18.8       59.7       20.1       61.0       20.0      100.0       99.8:       0.0        0.2
Old  :     100.0:      18.8       59.7       20.1       61.0       20.0      100.0       99.8:       0.0        0.2
Other:     100.0:       0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0:       0.0        0.0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :        26:         7          6          1          3         10         11         16:
Old  :        26:         7          6          1          3         10         11         16:
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 86.2       95.2       97.1       97.9       69.5       75.1       78.3       77.7
Old  :                 86.2       95.2       97.1       97.9       69.5       75.1       78.3       77.7
Other:                  0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0
UREA (GRANULAR) FOB US GULF - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                    Code-251607
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, December 15, 2020                         
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (CONTRACTS OF 100 METRIC TONS)                                             :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  :     2,794:       975        285        120      1,665      2,194      2,760      2,599:        34        195
Old  :     2,794:       975        285        120      1,665      2,194      2,760      2,599:        34        195
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:         0          0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: December 8, 2020                     :
     :        50:        15          0          0         20         50         35         50:        15          0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      34.9       10.2        4.3       59.6       78.5       98.8       93.0:       1.2        7.0
Old  :     100.0:      34.9       10.2        4.3       59.6       78.5       98.8       93.0:       1.2        7.0
Other:     100.0:       0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0:       0.0        0.0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :        22:         6          5          5          5          9         13         17:
Old  :        22:         6          5          5          5          9         13         17:
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 79.5       54.4       94.0       78.5       78.4       50.6       89.1       73.2
Old  :                 79.5       54.4       94.0       78.5       78.4       50.6       89.1       73.2
Other:                  0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0

Updated December 18, 2020