Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
PALLADIUM - NEW YORK MERCANTILE EXCHANGE   (CONTRACTS OF 100 TROY OUNCES)                                      :
CFTC Code #075651                                                    Open Interest is    30,871                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:    4,183     1,082    10,293     1,311       146     5,386    21,669     3,432     4,291     1,252       440 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:      280      -198       -90        18      -114      -459        18       385       267       -57       194 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     13.5       3.5      33.3       4.2       0.5      17.4      70.2      11.1      13.9       4.1       1.4 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:   196                     :
:       12        10        24         6         5        29        56        22        41        18        13 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
PLATINUM - NEW YORK MERCANTILE EXCHANGE   (CONTRACTS OF 50 TROY OUNCES)                                        :
CFTC Code #076651                                                    Open Interest is    81,153                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:    2,445    26,476    15,654     7,548     1,559    29,630    30,192     5,601    14,761     3,908     1,936 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:      286    -2,202       626    -1,986       722     1,796     5,572      -159         0       247      -462 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:      3.0      32.6      19.3       9.3       1.9      36.5      37.2       6.9      18.2       4.8       2.4 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:   259                     :
:       12        17        24        15         9        41        52        33        81        18        10 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
SILVER - COMMODITY EXCHANGE INC.   (CONTRACTS OF 5,000 TROY OUNCES)                                            :
CFTC Code #084691                                                    Open Interest is   147,537                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:    4,405    37,415    24,214    60,835     5,685    36,537    12,153    14,366    28,037     3,340     3,599 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:      342    -1,113       -13       703       272    -1,361    -1,530      -597    -1,481    -1,332        84 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:      3.0      25.4      16.4      41.2       3.9      24.8       8.2       9.7      19.0       2.3       2.4 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:   211                     :
:       11        15        17        16        12        56        21        35        63        14        24 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
GOLD - COMMODITY EXCHANGE INC.   (CONTRACTS OF 100 TROY OUNCES)                                                :
CFTC Code #088691                                                    Open Interest is   480,645                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   16,637    63,782    56,985   278,874    14,820   180,303    29,517    21,094   117,816    29,853    21,785 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:   -3,276      -896     1,902    -4,301    -9,199    -5,283    -3,705    -1,469    -9,962    -3,688    -4,256 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:      3.5      13.3      11.9      58.0       3.1      37.5       6.1       4.4      24.5       6.2       4.5 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:   306                     :
:        8        16        20        23        25        90        30        48        75        44        38 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
COPPER- #1 - COMMODITY EXCHANGE INC.   (CONTRACTS OF 25,000 POUNDS)                                            :
CFTC Code #085692                                                    Open Interest is   249,019                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   30,486    73,695    34,293    19,365    21,536    57,101    50,165    32,152    31,497    18,835    21,559 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:    1,306    -8,751      -303     2,372      -243   -13,436   -10,167     3,470      -923       685       728 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     12.2      29.6      13.8       7.8       8.6      22.9      20.1      12.9      12.6       7.6       8.7 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:   308                     :
:       41        43        25         9        22        59        45        58        75        31        48 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
COBALT - COMMODITY EXCHANGE INC.   2,204.62 pounds (1 Metric Ton)                                              :
CFTC Code #188691                                                    Open Interest is    16,761                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:    1,550     3,729     7,672         0        76     4,488     2,250        48     2,822     9,933        30 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:       99      -302      -591         0         0      -350       195         0      -173      -859         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:      9.2      22.2      45.8       0.0       0.5      26.8      13.4       0.3      16.8      59.3       0.2 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    33                     :
:        .         6         7         0         .         5         4         .         .        10         . :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
LITHIUM HYDROXIDE  - COMMODITY EXCHANGE INC.   (1000) Kilograms                                                :
CFTC Code #189691                                                    Open Interest is    23,878                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:    1,646     4,432    15,480        80       142     4,112     3,148        36     1,537    15,015       640 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:     -394      -438    -1,125       -25       -60      -768      -784         0      -348    -1,267        23 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:      6.9      18.6      64.8       0.3       0.6      17.2      13.2       0.2       6.4      62.9       2.7 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    44                     :
:        .         5         7         .         .         .         9         .         .        17         . :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
ALUMINUM - COMMODITY EXCHANGE INC.   (25 Metric Tons)                                                          :
CFTC Code #191691                                                    Open Interest is     3,830                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:      433       196         0     1,051         0     1,458       610        86       689       671       754 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:     -335      -326         0      -466         0       186         3        20      -211       392      -138 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     11.3       5.1       0.0      27.4       0.0      38.1      15.9       2.2      18.0      17.5      19.7 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    34                     :
:        4         4         0         .         0         5         5         .         8         .        10 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
ALUMINUM MWP - COMMODITY EXCHANGE INC.   (55,116 US Pounds-25 MT)                                              :
CFTC Code #191693                                                    Open Interest is    22,130                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:    6,769    15,353     9,895     3,627       341         0     2,205         5     5,003       579        20 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:   -1,013    -1,917    -1,050      -283       -74         0       -15        -5      -281      -134         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     30.6      69.4      44.7      16.4       1.5       0.0      10.0       0.0      22.6       2.6       0.1 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    38                     :
:       10        12         8         .         .         0         .         .         4         .         . :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
ALUMINIUM EURO PREM DUTY-PAID - COMMODITY EXCHANGE INC.   (25 METRIC TONS)                                     :
CFTC Code #191696                                                    Open Interest is    18,792                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:    7,888    15,287     9,642     1,635       496         0     1,046         0       517       245        62 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:     -921    -1,210      -657      -305       -36         0       -67         0      -132      -126         5 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     42.0      81.3      51.3       8.7       2.6       0.0       5.6       0.0       2.8       1.3       0.3 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    28                     :
:        5         9         8         .         .         0         .         0         .         .         . :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
STEEL-HRC - COMMODITY EXCHANGE INC.   (CONTRACTS OF 20 SHORT TONS)                                             :
CFTC Code #192651                                                    Open Interest is    20,813                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   11,238    10,252     5,203       198       174     1,625     6,641       825       382     1,264     1,163 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:   -2,243    -3,021      -994      -198        76      -908      -359       116      -375      -902       163 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     54.0      49.3      25.0       1.0       0.8       7.8      31.9       4.0       1.8       6.1       5.6 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    69                     :
:       20        14         5         .         .         5        19         .         6         7         6 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
NORTH EURO HOT-ROLL COIL STEEL - COMMODITY EXCHANGE INC.   (20 Metric Tons)                                    :
CFTC Code #192691                                                    Open Interest is     7,202                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:    1,593     5,252       405         0         0     3,297       275        74     1,680     1,461        98 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:     -130        36       -25         0         0       254         0        -1       178       230       -30 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     22.1      72.9       5.6       0.0       0.0      45.8       3.8       1.0      23.3      20.3       1.4 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    23                     :
:        8         6         .         0         0         .         .         .         .         4         . :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
LUMBER - CHICAGO MERCANTILE EXCHANGE   (CONTRACTS OF 27,500 BOARD FEET)                                        :
CFTC Code #058644                                                    Open Interest is    10,242                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:    5,434     3,230       617        47         2       213     4,953        15     2,313       539       485 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:     -177       364      -101         4        -4         1      -141        14       184      -280       214 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     53.1      31.5       6.0       0.5       0.0       2.1      48.4       0.1      22.6       5.3       4.7 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    98                     :
:       24        19         4         .         .         .        25         .        18        11         7 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
CFTC Code #406651                                                    Open Interest is     4,792                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:      690     1,403       136         0       207       555         0         0     2,671     2,739       398 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:      -62      -205       -98         0        12       -58         0         0      -332      -334       -16 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     14.4      29.3       2.8       0.0       4.3      11.6       0.0       0.0      55.7      57.2       8.3 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    20                     :
:        4         7         .         0         .         .         0         0         5         6         4 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
NJ SRECS - ICE FUTURES ENERGY DIV   (10 SRECs)                                                                 :
CFTC Code #0063CC                                                    Open Interest is    73,483                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   47,247    55,543     9,172         0       700         0         0         0     9,625    10,501     6,739 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:        0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     64.3      75.6      12.5       0.0       1.0       0.0       0.0       0.0      13.1      14.3       9.2 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    27                     :
:       14         7         .         0         .         0         0         0         .         6         . :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
PJM TRI-RECs CLASS 1  - ICE FUTURES ENERGY DIV   100 MWh of renewable energy certificates                      :
CFTC Code #0063CH                                                    Open Interest is   184,744                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:  130,428   102,826    13,438    20,243       307     4,501     1,378     5,829    29,381    53,315       846 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:    3,458     1,295      -150         0       150      -100      -275       370       -25     2,163      -189 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     70.6      55.7       7.3      11.0       0.2       2.4       0.7       3.2      15.9      28.9       0.5 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    51                     :
:       17        14         4         .         .         .         .         .         9        10         4 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
CALIF LOW CARBON FSC-OPIS  - ICE FUTURES ENERGY DIV   100 LCFS Credits- each of 1 MT                           :
CFTC Code #0063CU                                                    Open Interest is    43,078                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   14,307    22,652     9,595     3,363       317    12,063         0     3,082     2,208    12,160     1,504 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:      -66       444       -50         0         0       510         0        20       100        50         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     33.2      52.6      22.3       7.8       0.7      28.0       0.0       7.2       5.1      28.2       3.5 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    40                     :
:        7         5         5         .         .         8         0         .        11         6         . :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
D6 RINs OPIS CURRENT YEAR - ICE FUTURES ENERGY DIV   (50,000 RINs)                                             :
CFTC Code #0063CW                                                    Open Interest is    16,893                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:    4,250     7,012       360       838        70       564     2,674       640    10,406     5,034       571 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:       55       -89      -120        20         0      -140        54       -10       206        13       193 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     25.2      41.5       2.1       5.0       0.4       3.3      15.8       3.8      61.6      29.8       3.4 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    54                     :
:        6         9         4         .         .         4         5         .         8        21         8 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
PA SOLAR ALTER ENERGY CREDIT - ICE FUTURES ENERGY DIV   (10 PA SRECs)                                          :
CFTC Code #0063DA                                                    Open Interest is    16,897                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   12,671    12,057     2,046         0       100         0         0         0     2,080     4,740         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:        0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     75.0      71.4      12.1       0.0       0.6       0.0       0.0       0.0      12.3      28.1       0.0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    22                     :
:       11         6         .         0         .         0         0         0         .         .         0 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
CALIF CARBON CURRENT AUCTION - ICE FUTURES ENERGY DIV   1,000 California carbon allowances                     :
CFTC Code #0063DB                                                    Open Interest is    44,607                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   26,870       800       900         0         0       400    18,869         2    11,025    19,526     5,410 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:      100      -150         0         0         0         0       211         2    -4,200    -4,161     2,125 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     60.2       1.8       2.0       0.0       0.0       0.9      42.3       0.0      24.7      43.8      12.1 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    22                     :
:        6         .         .         0         0         .         4         .         5         4         . :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
D4 BIODIESEL RINs OPIS CURR YR - ICE FUTURES ENERGY DIV   (50,000 RINs)                                        :
CFTC Code #0063DG                                                    Open Interest is    13,168                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:    5,044     7,345     2,506     1,319        85     2,495         0        60     1,946     3,333       977 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:        0       160         0      -110         0        20       -70         0        44        78         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     38.3      55.8      19.0      10.0       0.6      18.9       0.0       0.5      14.8      25.3       7.4 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    34                     :
:        4         .         .         .         .         4         0         .         8        10         4 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
MASS COMPLIANCE RECs CLASS 1  - ICE FUTURES ENERGY DIV   100 MWh of Class 1 Renewable Energy Certifi           :
CFTC Code #0063DL                                                    Open Interest is    11,943                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   10,935     5,268       858         0         0         0         0         0       150     6,675         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:        0       150         0         0         0         0         0         0         0      -150         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     91.6      44.1       7.2       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       1.3      55.9       0.0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    21                     :
:        6         8         .         0         0         0         0         0         .         6         0 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
MARYLAND COMPLIANCE REC TIER1 - ICE FUTURES ENERGY DIV   (100 Tier 1 RECs)                                     :
CFTC Code #0063DM                                                    Open Interest is    17,096                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   10,317    13,406        75         0       249         0         9     1,967     4,488     1,450         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:        0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     60.3      78.4       0.4       0.0       1.5       0.0       0.1      11.5      26.3       8.5       0.0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    23                     :
:       11         9         .         0         .         0         .         .         .         .         0 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
MARYLAND SOLAR REC - ICE FUTURES ENERGY DIV   (10 SRECs)                                                       :
CFTC Code #0063DN                                                    Open Interest is    17,740                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   10,930     9,394     3,849     1,601       216         0         0         0     2,745     6,529         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:        0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     61.6      53.0      21.7       9.0       1.2       0.0       0.0       0.0      15.5      36.8       0.0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    21                     :
:       10         4         .         .         .         0         0         0         .         .         0 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
NEPOOL DUAL RECs CLASS 1  - ICE FUTURES ENERGY DIV   100 MWh of Class 1 Renewable Energy Certificate           :
CFTC Code #0063DQ                                                    Open Interest is    19,780                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   14,195    12,375     1,590         0         0       100         0         0     3,605     7,115       290 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:        0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     71.8      62.6       8.0       0.0       0.0       0.5       0.0       0.0      18.2      36.0       1.5 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    20                     :
:        7        10         .         0         0         .         0         0         .         4         . :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
PA COMPLIANCE AECs TIER1 - ICE FUTURES ENERGY DIV   (100 AECs)                                                 :
CFTC Code #0063DT                                                    Open Interest is    33,229                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   15,132    24,811     1,904     1,100       120     5,821         0         0    10,242     7,188        10 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:        0       170         0         0         0       170         0         0         0         0         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     45.5      74.7       5.7       3.3       0.4      17.5       0.0       0.0      30.8      21.6       0.0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    31                     :
:       10         9         .         .         .         .         0         0         8         4         . :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
CALIF CARBON ALLOWANCE V2024 - ICE FUTURES ENERGY DIV   1,000 California carbon allowances                     :
CFTC Code #0063E2                                                    Open Interest is   195,038                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   29,374    62,545     6,010    59,330     6,758    90,396    15,502    12,504    33,420    22,018    16,282 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:    1,104     1,609     1,258    -2,221      -306    -1,500      -540       354      -208     1,839       568 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     15.1      32.1       3.1      30.4       3.5      46.3       7.9       6.4      17.1      11.3       8.3 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:   146                     :
:       24        20         5        10         .        35        12         7        36        14         5 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
CALIF CARBON ALL VINTAGE 2025 - ICE FUTURES ENERGY DIV   1,000 California carbon allowances                    :
CFTC Code #0063E5                                                    Open Interest is    59,662                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   21,092     2,152     4,550    29,221         0    31,099     9,941         0     2,736    18,298         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:      285         0         0     3,207      -150     3,383       475         0       961     1,019         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     35.4       3.6       7.6      49.0       0.0      52.1      16.7       0.0       4.6      30.7       0.0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    55                     :
:       11         5         .         8         0        12         .         0         9         6         0 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
WASHINGTON CARBON ALL V2024 - ICE FUTURES ENERGY DIV   1,000 Washington carbon allowances                      :
CFTC Code #0063E9                                                    Open Interest is     4,330                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:      344     1,247     1,272       229        50        33     1,188       195     2,046     1,056       350 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:        0       126         0         0         0         0       206       -10       475       110         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:      7.9      28.8      29.4       5.3       1.2       0.8      27.4       4.5      47.3      24.4       8.1 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    29                     :
:        .         6         .         .         .         .         7         .         6         5         . :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
RGGI V2024 - ICE FUTURES ENERGY DIV   1,000 RGGI CO2 Allowances                                                :
CFTC Code #0063EB                                                    Open Interest is    49,855                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   23,060     8,576     9,707    15,354       425     9,609     4,847     1,426     4,725    18,336       842 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:    1,515       -55       150         0         0       139       325      -180      -379     1,195        10 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     46.3      17.2      19.5      30.8       0.9      19.3       9.7       2.9       9.5      36.8       1.7 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    70                     :
:       15         8         8         .         .        15         5         .        13         6         . :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
CFTC Code #00665T                                                    Open Interest is     5,414                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:    2,000     2,096     1,148     1,950         0       518       435         0     1,353       557       295 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:       -1      -153         0       -34         0       -37        20         0       -82        59        50 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     36.9      38.7      21.2      36.0       0.0       9.6       8.0       0.0      25.0      10.3       5.4 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    34                     :
:        9         7         6         .         0         .         .         0         6         .         . :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
TX GREEN-E REC V24 FRONT HALF - NODAL EXCHANGE   1000 Texas Green-e RECs                                       :
CFTC Code #006NFH                                                    Open Interest is     7,004                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:    6,152     4,913       125       412         0         0         0         0       481     1,450        62 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:       10       100         0         0         0         0         0         0         0       -75         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     87.8      70.1       1.8       5.9       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       6.9      20.7       0.9 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    30                     :
:        6        12         .         .         0         0         0         0         4         7         . :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
TX GREEN-E REC V25 FRONT HALF - NODAL EXCHANGE   1000 Texas Green-e RECs                                       :
CFTC Code #006NFJ                                                    Open Interest is     7,753                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:    7,022     5,295         0     1,169         0         0        25         0       641     1,175         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:      -50        50         0         0         0         0         0         0        77         0         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     90.6      68.3       0.0      15.1       0.0       0.0       0.3       0.0       8.3      15.2       0.0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    30                     :
:       12         7         0         .         0         0         .         0         5         .         0 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
TX GREEN-E REC V24 BACK HALF - NODAL EXCHANGE   1000 Texas Green-e RECs                                        :
CFTC Code #006NG3                                                    Open Interest is     6,213                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:    5,657     3,205         0       625         0         0         0         0       140     1,985         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:        0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     91.1      51.6       0.0      10.1       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       2.3      31.9       0.0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    26                     :
:       10         9         0         .         0         0         0         0         .         8         0 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
TX GREEN-E REC V25 BACK HALF - NODAL EXCHANGE   1000 Texas Green-e RECs                                        :
CFTC Code #006NG4                                                    Open Interest is     7,528                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:    7,044     3,213         0       880         0         0        25         0       195     3,153         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:     -100         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0      -100         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     93.6      42.7       0.0      11.7       0.0       0.0       0.3       0.0       2.6      41.9       0.0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    30                     :
:       13         5         0         .         0         0         .         0         .         6         0 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
PENNSYLVANIA AEC TIER 2-V2025 - NODAL EXCHANGE   (100 AECs)                                                    :
CFTC Code #006NH2                                                    Open Interest is    16,544                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   13,042     7,800     1,542         0         0         0         0         0     1,660     8,444         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:   -1,050      -800         0         0         0         0         0         0       250         0         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     78.8      47.1       9.3       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0      10.0      51.0       0.0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    21                     :
:        9         4         .         0         0         0         0         0         4         .         0 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
TX REC CRS V26 BACK HALF - NODAL EXCHANGE   1000 Texas RECs                                                    :
CFTC Code #006NHT                                                    Open Interest is     6,329                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:    5,713     3,479        25       385         0         0        75         0       546     2,327         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:      192       256         0         0         0         0         0         0        71        29         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     90.3      55.0       0.4       6.1       0.0       0.0       1.2       0.0       8.6      36.8       0.0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    27                     :
:       12         6         .         .         0         0         .         0         .         4         0 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
TX REC CRS V27 BACK HALF - NODAL EXCHANGE   1000 Texas RECs                                                    :
CFTC Code #006NHU                                                    Open Interest is     6,825                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:    6,319     3,463       100       375         0         0         0         0       266     2,899         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:       90       130         0         0         0         0         0         0        40         0         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     92.6      50.7       1.5       5.5       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       3.9      42.5       0.0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    26                     :
:        6        10         .         .         0         0         0         0         .         5         0 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
TX REC CRS V26 FRONT HALF - NODAL EXCHANGE   1000 Texas RECs                                                   :
CFTC Code #006NHY                                                    Open Interest is     5,339                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:    4,416     3,465         0       875         0         0        75         0       902       890         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:      -38       123         0         0         0         0         0         0       -25      -181         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     82.7      64.9       0.0      16.4       0.0       0.0       1.4       0.0      16.9      16.7       0.0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    27                     :
:       12         6         0         .         0         0         .         0         4         .         0 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
TX REC CRS V27 FRONT HALF - NODAL EXCHANGE   1000 Texas RECs                                                   :
CFTC Code #006NHZ                                                    Open Interest is     8,880                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:    8,427     4,790       100       678         0         0         0         0       277     3,281         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:    1,178       559         0         0         0         0         0         0      -220       375         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     94.9      53.9       1.1       7.6       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       3.1      36.9       0.0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    28                     :
:        8         8         .         .         0         0         0         0         .         8         0 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
CFTC Code #006NJZ                                                    Open Interest is     5,067                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:      144     1,687       391     1,616         0     1,336       150         0     1,631       122     1,477 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:       -6       -25         0         0         0         0         0         0       -29         0         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:      2.8      33.3       7.7      31.9       0.0      26.4       3.0       0.0      32.2       2.4      29.1 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    29                     :
:        .         5         .         .         0         .         .         0        13         .         . :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of August 6, 2024             
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
NEW JERSEY RECs CLASS 2 V2025 - NODAL EXCHANGE   100 MWh representing 100 NJ Class 2 RECs                      :
CFTC Code #006NKV                                                    Open Interest is    10,540                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:    6,226       560       604     9,980         0       150         0         0     3,560         0         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 30, 2024                                                                              :
:        0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     59.1       5.3       5.7      94.7       0.0       1.4       0.0       0.0      33.8       0.0       0.0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    20                     :
:       11         .         .         .         0         .         0         0         .         0         0 :

Updated August 06, 2024