Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of July 30, 2024              
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
USGC HSFO (PLATTS) - ICE FUTURES ENERGY DIV   1000 barrels                                                     :
CFTC Code #02141B                                                    Open Interest is    35,608                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   17,442    30,350       594       841       745         0         0        48    13,974       736     2,759 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 23, 2024                                                                              :
:     -717      -365         0       -18      -150         0         0         6       927       594       196 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     49.0      85.2       1.7       2.4       2.1       0.0       0.0       0.1      39.2       2.1       7.7 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    59                     :
:       30        41         .         .         .         0         0         .         6         .         7 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of July 30, 2024              
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
FUEL OIL-3% USGC/3.5% FOB RDAM - ICE FUTURES ENERGY DIV   1000 barrels                                         :
CFTC Code #02141C                                                    Open Interest is    21,784                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   15,707    11,372     3,020         0       812         0         0         0        65     7,425     2,175 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 23, 2024                                                                              :
:      693       676       -65         0         0         0         0         0         0       -49       212 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     72.1      52.2      13.9       0.0       3.7       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.3      34.1      10.0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    42                     :
:       22        16         7         0         .         0         0         0         .         7         5 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of July 30, 2024              
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
USGC HSFO-PLATTS/BRENT 1ST LN  - ICE FUTURES ENERGY DIV   BBL                                                  :
CFTC Code #02141R                                                    Open Interest is    10,926                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:    7,669     4,074       463         0         0         0         0         0     1,381     5,576     1,229 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 23, 2024                                                                              :
:      751      -170        15         0         0         0         0         0        70     1,016       213 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     70.2      37.3       4.2       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0      12.6      51.0      11.2 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    35                     :
:       20        15         .         0         0         0         0         0         4         .         6 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of July 30, 2024              
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
CFTC Code #02165A                                                    Open Interest is     4,258                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:    2,983     2,068         0       127        25         0         0         0       223     1,032       970 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 23, 2024                                                                              :
:      129      -168         0         0         0         0         0         0        98       442       118 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     70.1      48.6       0.0       3.0       0.6       0.0       0.0       0.0       5.2      24.2      22.8 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    24                     :
:       10        15         0         .         .         0         0         0         .         4         4 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of July 30, 2024              
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
CFTC Code #022651                                                    Open Interest is   398,471                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:  102,489   191,600    70,788       274     8,919    23,050    39,204    75,484    39,027     8,199    37,925 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 23, 2024                                                                              :
:   18,567    17,804     1,386      -517    -6,306    -1,494      -857     7,439       833      -268       -39 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     25.7      48.1      17.8       0.1       2.2       5.8       9.8      18.9       9.8       2.1       9.5 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:   215                     :
:       70        73        20         .        17        33        31        46        24        13        25 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of July 30, 2024              
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
CFTC Code #022A13                                                    Open Interest is    47,100                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   24,646    37,803         0     3,718       464         0         0         0     9,075         0       530 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 23, 2024                                                                              :
:    1,407     4,133         0        75      -133         0         0         0     2,000         0       -50 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     52.3      80.3       0.0       7.9       1.0       0.0       0.0       0.0      19.3       0.0       1.1 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    28                     :
:       15        20         0         .         .         0         0         0         4         0         . :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of July 30, 2024              
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
ETHANOL T2 FOB INCL DUTY - NEW YORK MERCANTILE EXCHANGE   (100 CUBIC METERS)                                   :
CFTC Code #025608                                                    Open Interest is     8,025                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:    6,857     6,445         0         0         0         0         0         0        95       533       868 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 23, 2024                                                                              :
:      -26        49         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         5 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     85.4      80.3       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       1.2       6.6      10.8 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    27                     :
:       20        20         0         0         0         0         0         0         .         .         . :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of July 30, 2024              
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
ETHANOL - NEW YORK MERCANTILE EXCHANGE   (CONTRACTS OF 42,000 U.S. GALLONS)                                    :
CFTC Code #025651                                                    Open Interest is    44,622                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   26,928    35,076       837     1,202     2,727     6,590       300     1,857     1,947       220     2,842 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 23, 2024                                                                              :
:    2,424     2,868       -31         2       133       293        75     1,062       233        15       242 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     60.3      78.6       1.9       2.7       6.1      14.8       0.7       4.2       4.4       0.5       6.4 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:   116                     :
:       49        62         .         .         6        20         .         6         8         .         9 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of July 30, 2024              
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
CRUDE DIFF-WCS HOUSTON/WTI 1ST - ICE FUTURES ENERGY DIV   1000 Barrels                                         :
CFTC Code #06739C                                                    Open Interest is    34,785                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   30,290    33,855     2,850        20        20     1,025       600       200       330        30        45 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 23, 2024                                                                              :
:  -10,360   -10,955      -285       -25         0        25       300      -100       -30        30        30 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     87.1      97.3       8.2       0.1       0.1       2.9       1.7       0.6       0.9       0.1       0.1 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    41                     :
:       27        24         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         . :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of July 30, 2024              
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
CRUDE OIL, LIGHT SWEET-WTI - ICE FUTURES EUROPE   (CONTRACTS OF 1,000 BARRELS)                                 :
CFTC Code #067411                                                    Open Interest is   606,826                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:  348,750   325,616     9,022    34,883    32,511    11,360    49,078    20,732    55,588    16,213   116,603 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 23, 2024                                                                              :
:    7,676    -5,097         0     2,977    -1,030    -2,819       920      -178    -3,471     1,876       -37 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     57.5      53.7       1.5       5.7       5.4       1.9       8.1       3.4       9.2       2.7      19.2 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:   123                     :
:       44        44         4        10        13         .        13        14        19        20        36 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of July 30, 2024              
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
CRUDE DIFF-TMX WCS 1A INDEX - ICE FUTURES ENERGY DIV   1000 BARRELS                                            :
CFTC Code #06742G                                                    Open Interest is    47,591                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   46,021    31,247       360    15,799       450       600         0         0         0        50        40 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 23, 2024                                                                              :
:    1,865     2,685        45      -445       -45       300         0         0         0        30         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     96.7      65.7       0.8      33.2       0.9       1.3       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.1       0.1 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    48                     :
:       30        17         .         8         .         .         0         0         0         .         . :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of July 30, 2024              
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
CRUDE DIFF-TMX SW 1A INDEX - ICE FUTURES ENERGY DIV   1000 BARRELS                                             :
CFTC Code #06742T                                                    Open Interest is    15,489                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   15,469     5,661         0     9,749         0         0         0         0         0        10        20 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 23, 2024                                                                              :
:      625        90         0       560         0         0         0         0         0        10        20 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     99.9      36.5       0.0      62.9       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.1       0.1 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    26                     :
:       13        12         0         5         0         0         0         0         0         .         . :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of July 30, 2024              
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
CONDENSATE DIF-TMX C5 1A INDEX - ICE FUTURES ENERGY DIV   1000 BARRELS                                         :
CFTC Code #06743A                                                    Open Interest is    18,728                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   16,987    18,449     1,710       181         0         0         0         0         0         0         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 23, 2024                                                                              :
:    1,582     1,467      -130         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     90.7      98.5       9.1       1.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    26                     :
:       18        15         .         .         0         0         0         0         0         0         0 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of July 30, 2024              
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
WTI-PHYSICAL - NEW YORK MERCANTILE EXCHANGE   (CONTRACTS OF 1,000 BARRELS)                                     :
CFTC Code #067651                                                    Open Interest is 1,787,630                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:  522,697   423,989    43,644   420,556   106,679   226,272    27,022   470,371    89,341    43,098   243,357 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 23, 2024                                                                              :
:   15,010       603       893   -17,946     2,807   -31,985    -6,194     1,413    -8,013    -3,299    -2,202 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     29.2      23.7       2.4      23.5       6.0      12.7       1.5      26.3       5.0       2.4      13.6 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:   306                     :
:       58        58        14        24        26        71        36        72        60        29        64 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of July 30, 2024              
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
CFTC Code #06765A                                                    Open Interest is   162,325                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   33,445    54,754    31,784    46,900     6,426         0         0         0    63,738    25,267     3,212 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 23, 2024                                                                              :
:    2,965     3,690       178     2,410     1,375         0         0         0     3,456      -490       -23 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     20.6      33.7      19.6      28.9       4.0       0.0       0.0       0.0      39.3      15.6       2.0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    46                     :
:       19        20         5         7         7         0         0         0         5         5         7 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of July 30, 2024              
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
CFTC Code #06765L                                                    Open Interest is   125,932                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   99,548    43,819         0    20,759        75     3,000         0         0     2,600    42,171     7,475 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 23, 2024                                                                              :
:        .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         . :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     79.0      34.8       0.0      16.5       0.1       2.4       0.0       0.0       2.1      33.5       5.9 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    21                     :
:       13        11         0         .         .         .         0         0         .         .         4 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of July 30, 2024              
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
BRENT LAST DAY - NEW YORK MERCANTILE EXCHANGE   (CONTRACTS OF 1,000 BARRELS)                                   :
CFTC Code #06765T                                                    Open Interest is   147,385                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   28,154    33,216    26,183     2,347     4,651    20,050       600    13,234    13,512    52,449    32,584 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 23, 2024                                                                              :
:    3,697     4,334     1,169     1,248     2,520     6,587         0       844       331     6,303      -461 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     19.1      22.5      17.8       1.6       3.2      13.6       0.4       9.0       9.2      35.6      22.1 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    49                     :
:       12        15         5         .         5         .         .         .         8        13        19 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of July 30, 2024              
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
CFTC Code #0676A5                                                    Open Interest is   354,591                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:  312,443   305,530         0     1,010     1,592    14,485     1,931       991     9,208    20,259     6,532 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 23, 2024                                                                              :
:  -11,033   -12,704         0      -338     1,013    -6,905     1,195      -350     4,483        27    -2,997 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     88.1      86.2       0.0       0.3       0.4       4.1       0.5       0.3       2.6       5.7       1.8 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    41                     :
:       23        23         0         .         .         4         .         .         .         .         . :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of July 30, 2024              
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
CFTC Code #067A71                                                    Open Interest is   301,175                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:  266,122   133,306         0   132,381       300       963     7,660       931    20,441         0     2,400 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 23, 2024                                                                              :
:   -9,112    -1,187         0    -4,342         0       963      -310       531      -200      -266      -835 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     88.4      44.3       0.0      44.0       0.1       0.3       2.5       0.3       6.8       0.0       0.8 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    29                     :
:       12         8         0         9         .         .         .         .         .         0         . :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of July 30, 2024              
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
GASOLINE CRK-RBOB/BRENT 1st - ICE FUTURES ENERGY DIV   1000 Barrels                                            :
CFTC Code #111415                                                    Open Interest is    22,269                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   11,310     8,723       627     2,762     3,022         0         0         0     4,199     2,069     1,532 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 23, 2024                                                                              :
:    1,265     1,624       173       117     1,076         0         0         0      -242        42       659 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     50.8      39.2       2.8      12.4      13.6       0.0       0.0       0.0      18.9       9.3       6.9 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    21                     :
:       10         8         .         .         .         0         0         0         4         .         4 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of July 30, 2024              
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
CFTC Code #111659                                                    Open Interest is   380,616                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:  138,025   191,366    52,466    24,493     9,440    52,876    39,499    60,643    23,825    14,146    22,990 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 23, 2024                                                                              :
:    8,164    -6,163    -3,570      -282    -2,694    -6,118     3,025    -7,312    -1,574    -1,890      -852 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     36.3      50.3      13.8       6.4       2.5      13.9      10.4      15.9       6.3       3.7       6.0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:   252                     :
:       69        88        15         6        18        47        35        52        23        26        27 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of July 30, 2024              
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
CFTC Code #11165K                                                    Open Interest is    15,247                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:    6,244     3,794       458     1,990     2,548         0        33       275     3,256     3,851     1,798 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 23, 2024                                                                              :
:        .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         . :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     41.0      24.9       3.0      13.1      16.7       0.0       0.2       1.8      21.4      25.3      11.8 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    20                     :
:        7         5         .         .         .         0         .         .         .         .         5 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of July 30, 2024              
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
CFTC Code #111A34                                                    Open Interest is    18,174                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   17,555    16,724         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 23, 2024                                                                              :
:      885     1,060         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     96.6      92.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    22                     :
:       17        17         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0         0 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of July 30, 2024              
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
CFTC Code #86465A                                                    Open Interest is    17,544                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:    7,456    16,697     8,659         0       399         0         0       100       900       325         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 23, 2024                                                                              :
:      123       778       767         0         0         0         0         0        30         0         0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     42.5      95.2      49.4       0.0       2.3       0.0       0.0       0.6       5.1       1.9       0.0 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    36                     :
:       15        19         6         0         .         0         0         .         .         .         0 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of July 30, 2024              
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
MARINE .5% FOB USGC/BRENT 1st - ICE FUTURES ENERGY DIV   1,000 Barrels                                         :
CFTC Code #865392                                                    Open Interest is     6,833                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:    6,018     5,504       210        10       175         0         0         0       100       881       253 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 23, 2024                                                                              :
:      287       172         0         0         0         0         0         0         0       120       -30 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     88.1      80.6       3.1       0.1       2.6       0.0       0.0       0.0       1.5      12.9       3.7 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    24                     :
:       13        12         .         .         .         0         0         0         .         .         . :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of July 30, 2024              
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
CFTC Code #86565A                                                    Open Interest is    16,154                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   10,483    13,428     1,275       191       246         0         0         0     2,708       857     1,402 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     July 23, 2024                                                                              :
:   -1,502    -1,192      -100         0         0         0         0         0       335       -75      -694 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     64.9      83.1       7.9       1.2       1.5       0.0       0.0       0.0      16.8       5.3       8.7 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:    31                     :
:       14        18         .         .         .         0         0         0         4         .         5 :

Updated July 30, 2024