WHEAT-HRSpring - MINNEAPOLIS GRAIN EXCHANGE                                                             Code-001626
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, August 27, 2024                           
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (CONTRACTS OF 5,000 BUSHELS)                                               :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  :    80,116:     9,237     36,464     10,015     49,573     21,808     68,825     68,287:    11,292     11,830
Old  :    79,330:     9,379     36,465      9,865     49,167     21,360     68,412     67,691:    10,919     11,640
Other:       786:         2        144          5        406        447        413        596:       373        190
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: August 20, 2024                      :
     :     1,792:       856      3,424        723      1,052     -1,235      2,631      2,912:      -839     -1,121
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      11.5       45.5       12.5       61.9       27.2       85.9       85.2:      14.1       14.8
Old  :     100.0:      11.8       46.0       12.4       62.0       26.9       86.2       85.3:      13.8       14.7
Other:     100.0:       0.3       18.3        0.6       51.6       56.9       52.6       75.8:      47.4       24.2
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :       126:        19         33         23         64         45         96         92:
Old  :       126:        20         33         23         64         45         96         92:
Other:        25:         2          2          1          8         15         10         18:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 14.7       25.9       25.9       39.2       11.9       23.4       21.6       33.7
Old  :                 14.6       26.2       25.9       39.6       12.0       23.6       21.8       34.1
Other:                 48.0       56.8       51.8       70.2       48.0       56.1       50.9       69.6

Updated August 27, 2024