COTTON NO. 2 - ICE FUTURES U.S.                                                                         Code-033661
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, June 18, 2024                             
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (CONTRACTS OF 50,000 POUNDS)                                               :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  :   242,169:    59,738     84,302     55,273    114,676     88,739    229,687    228,314:    12,483     13,855
Old  :     7,774:     1,559      2,071          0      5,182      5,164      6,741      7,235:     1,033        539
Other:   234,395:    59,016     83,068     54,435    109,494     83,575    222,946    221,079:    11,450     13,316
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: June 11, 2024                        :
     :    -6,167:    -3,765      4,787       -709        612     -9,890     -3,863     -5,813:    -2,304       -355
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      24.7       34.8       22.8       47.4       36.6       94.8       94.3:       5.2        5.7
Old  :     100.0:      20.1       26.6        0.0       66.7       66.4       86.7       93.1:      13.3        6.9
Other:     100.0:      25.2       35.4       23.2       46.7       35.7       95.1       94.3:       4.9        5.7
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :       301:       108        103         94         71         64        234        211:
Old  :        61:        18          7          0         24         14         42         21:
Other:       299:       109        101         91         68         64        227        211:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 11.8       18.1       19.4       26.3       11.2       14.3       17.9       21.6
Old  :                 42.8       48.7       57.7       71.2       42.8       47.7       57.7       70.3
Other:                 12.1       17.9       20.0       26.3       11.5       14.1       18.4       21.5
FRZN CONCENTRATED ORANGE JUICE - ICE FUTURES U.S.                                                       Code-040701
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, June 18, 2024                             
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (CONTRACTS OF 15,000 POUNDS)                                               :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  :    14,986:     4,541        992      4,199      3,809      8,751     12,550     13,942:     2,437      1,044
Old  :    14,581:     4,489      1,106      3,895      3,790      8,584     12,173     13,584:     2,408        997
Other:       405:       173          7        183         20        167        376        358:        29         48
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: June 11, 2024                        :
     :      -168:      -870         32        385        222       -370       -263         47:        95       -215
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      30.3        6.6       28.0       25.4       58.4       83.7       93.0:      16.3        7.0
Old  :     100.0:      30.8        7.6       26.7       26.0       58.9       83.5       93.2:      16.5        6.8
Other:     100.0:      42.7        1.8       45.3        4.9       41.2       92.8       88.3:       7.2       11.7
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :        59:        28         15         13         12          9         49         29:
Old  :        58:        27         15         13         12          9         49         28:
Other:        12:         7          2          6          2          2         10          9:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 27.5       55.3       43.2       74.0       16.7       45.4       25.1       48.9
Old  :                 27.7       55.4       42.6       73.9       17.1       45.5       25.8       49.4
Other:                 67.6       75.3       90.1       87.6       31.9       41.7       45.0       41.7
COCOA - ICE FUTURES U.S.                                                                                Code-073732
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, June 18, 2024                             
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (CONTRACTS OF 10 METRIC TONS)                                              :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  :   236,770:    39,527     16,117    107,462     77,848    107,227    224,837    230,806:    11,933      5,964
Old  :    94,659:    21,954     21,284     39,761     26,256     29,492     87,971     90,537:     6,688      4,122
Other:   142,111:    33,390     10,649     51,885     51,591     77,735    136,866    140,269:     5,246      1,842
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: June 11, 2024                        :
     :      -693:     1,415      2,433      2,299     -3,670     -4,894         43       -162:      -737       -531
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      16.7        6.8       45.4       32.9       45.3       95.0       97.5:       5.0        2.5
Old  :     100.0:      23.2       22.5       42.0       27.7       31.2       92.9       95.6:       7.1        4.4
Other:     100.0:      23.5        7.5       36.5       36.3       54.7       96.3       98.7:       3.7        1.3
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :       172:        75         43         77         46         41        155        131:
Old  :       162:        67         46         41         36         37        119        108:
Other:       143:        54         37         47         41         32        124         90:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 31.9       31.8       44.7       46.8        9.1       13.2       13.5       20.0
Old  :                 34.5       36.1       44.1       54.3        8.9       18.5       15.7       25.3
Other:                 32.5       34.0       47.7       52.2       13.8       23.0       21.5       31.8
SUGAR NO. 11 - ICE FUTURES U.S.                                                                         Code-080732
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, June 18, 2024                             
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (CONTRACTS OF 112,000 POUNDS)                                              :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  :   951,473:   167,656    157,755    198,385    511,301    515,506    877,342    871,646:    74,131     79,827
Old  :   951,473:   167,656    157,755    198,385    511,301    515,506    877,342    871,646:    74,131     79,827
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:         0          0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: June 11, 2024                        :
     :   -76,490:    -2,900    -24,669    -55,793    -16,930      6,550    -75,622    -73,912:      -868     -2,578
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      17.6       16.6       20.9       53.7       54.2       92.2       91.6:       7.8        8.4
Old  :     100.0:      17.6       16.6       20.9       53.7       54.2       92.2       91.6:       7.8        8.4
Other:     100.0:       0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0:       0.0        0.0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :       240:        87         61         86         79         75        204        185:
Old  :       240:        87         61         86         79         75        204        185:
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 16.0       17.7       22.7       29.2       10.1       12.6       15.3       19.6
Old  :                 16.0       17.7       22.7       29.2       10.1       12.6       15.3       19.6
Other:                  0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0
COFFEE C - ICE FUTURES U.S.                                                                             Code-083731
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, June 18, 2024                             
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (CONTRACTS OF 37,500 POUNDS)                                               :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  :   241,290:    81,182     15,800     69,591     82,652    150,794    233,424    236,185:     7,866      5,105
Old  :   129,036:    65,961     36,672     21,424     36,698     67,516    124,082    125,612:     4,953      3,424
Other:   112,254:    49,643     13,550     13,745     45,954     83,278    109,342    110,573:     2,912      1,681
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: June 11, 2024                        :
     :   -63,813:    -1,905       -507    -33,039    -27,071    -28,170    -62,015    -61,717:    -1,797     -2,096
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      33.6        6.5       28.8       34.3       62.5       96.7       97.9:       3.3        2.1
Old  :     100.0:      51.1       28.4       16.6       28.4       52.3       96.2       97.3:       3.8        2.7
Other:     100.0:      44.2       12.1       12.2       40.9       74.2       97.4       98.5:       2.6        1.5
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :       381:       141         85        107        110        134        304        277:
Old  :       363:       127         88         64         74        118        231        240:
Other:       272:        84         52         49         89        104        202        179:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 16.3       20.8       25.9       36.0        9.2       17.7       15.5       25.3
Old  :                 16.1       23.9       25.4       35.6       12.6       22.8       20.8       31.3
Other:                 23.8       28.8       38.5       43.4       20.5       22.3       32.0       33.4
USD INDEX - ICE FUTURES U.S.                                                                            Code-098662
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, June 18, 2024                             
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (U.S. DOLLAR INDEX X $1000)                                                :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  :    40,268:    30,205     12,636        948      5,424     24,941     36,577     38,526:     3,690      1,742
Old  :    40,268:    30,205     12,636        948      5,424     24,941     36,577     38,526:     3,690      1,742
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:         0          0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: June 11, 2024                        :
     :     1,912:     3,747     -8,835       -973       -692     12,168      2,082      2,360:      -170       -448
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:      75.0       31.4        2.4       13.5       61.9       90.8       95.7:       9.2        4.3
Old  :     100.0:      75.0       31.4        2.4       13.5       61.9       90.8       95.7:       9.2        4.3
Other:     100.0:       0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0:       0.0        0.0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :       103:        69         22          5         11          3         81         29:
Old  :       103:        69         22          5         11          3         81         29:
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 37.8       85.0       56.9       89.0       36.5       85.0       54.9       88.0
Old  :                 37.8       85.0       56.9       89.0       36.5       85.0       54.9       88.0
Other:                  0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0
CANOLA - ICE FUTURES U.S.                                                                               Code-135731
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, June 18, 2024                             
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (20 Metric Tonnes)                                                         :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  :   258,932:    13,043    130,872     18,805    225,849    106,815    257,696    256,492:     1,236      2,440
Old  :    26,426:     6,794     11,060        712     18,555     14,407     26,060     26,178:       366        248
Other:   232,505:    12,501    126,064     11,841    207,294     92,408    231,636    230,314:       870      2,192
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: June 11, 2024                        :
     :    11,057:    -1,526     20,216     -5,731     18,155     -3,494     10,899     10,991:       158         66
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:       5.0       50.5        7.3       87.2       41.3       99.5       99.1:       0.5        0.9
Old  :     100.0:      25.7       41.9        2.7       70.2       54.5       98.6       99.1:       1.4        0.9
Other:     100.0:       5.4       54.2        5.1       89.2       39.7       99.6       99.1:       0.4        0.9
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :       331:        68        163         77         64         66        188        257:
Old  :       119:        40         37         12         32         16         75         62:
Other:       299:        57        153         61         49         66        148        240:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 65.0       23.7       76.2       40.8       59.0       22.7       69.8       38.5
Old  :                 54.9       47.7       73.0       63.4       54.1       47.7       72.1       63.1
Other:                 68.9       26.1       79.5       42.5       66.0       25.0       76.1       40.4
MSCI EAFE - ICE FUTURES U.S.                                                                            Code-244041
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, June 18, 2024                             
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (MSCI EAFE INDEX X $50)                                                    :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  :   487,003:    27,182     49,669      6,127    439,224    424,481    472,533    480,277:    14,470      6,726
Old  :   487,003:    27,182     49,669      6,127    439,224    424,481    472,533    480,277:    14,470      6,726
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:         0          0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: June 11, 2024                        :
     :    75,910:     1,624        607      4,202     69,889     70,365     75,715     75,174:       195        736
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:       5.6       10.2        1.3       90.2       87.2       97.0       98.6:       3.0        1.4
Old  :     100.0:       5.6       10.2        1.3       90.2       87.2       97.0       98.6:       3.0        1.4
Other:     100.0:       0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0:       0.0        0.0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :       185:        24         14         15        114         88        145        110:
Old  :       185:        24         14         15        114         88        145        110:
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 25.5       28.8       38.8       52.0       22.7       28.4       32.9       47.3
Old  :                 25.5       28.8       38.8       52.0       22.7       28.4       32.9       47.3
Other:                  0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0
MSCI EM INDEX - ICE FUTURES U.S.                                                                        Code-244042
Commitments of Traders with Delta-adjusted Options and Futures Combined, June 18, 2024                             
     :   Total  :                        Reportable Positions                                :   Nonreportable
     :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Positions
     :   Open   :           Non-Commercial       :     Commercial      :       Total         :
     : Interest :   Long   :  Short   : Spreading:   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short   :   Long   :  Short
     :          : (MSCI Emerging Markets Index x $50)                                        :
     :          :                                                                            :
All  : 1,427,719:   140,497    129,617     12,536  1,230,152  1,249,894  1,383,185  1,392,047:    44,534     35,672
Old  : 1,427,719:   140,497    129,617     12,536  1,230,152  1,249,894  1,383,185  1,392,047:    44,534     35,672
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:         0          0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :          Changes in Commitments from: June 11, 2024                        :
     :   346,514:     7,026     -2,543      4,231    324,267    320,970    335,524    322,658:    10,990     23,856
     :          :                                                                            :
     :          :    Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader         :
All  :     100.0:       9.8        9.1        0.9       86.2       87.5       96.9       97.5:       3.1        2.5
Old  :     100.0:       9.8        9.1        0.9       86.2       87.5       96.9       97.5:       3.1        2.5
Other:     100.0:       0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0:       0.0        0.0
     :          :                                                                            :
     :# Traders :              Number of Traders in Each Category                            :
All  :       386:        68         33         34        241        154        326        205:
Old  :       386:        68         33         34        241        154        326        205:
Other:         0:         0          0          0          0          0          0          0:
     :             Percent of Open Interest Held by the Indicated Number of the Largest Traders
     :                          By Gross Position                       By Net Position
     :               4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders     4 or Less Traders     8 or Less Traders
     :                 Long:     Short       Long      Short:      Long      Short       Long      Short
All  :                 18.1       33.4       28.0       49.9       10.5       23.1       17.3       35.1
Old  :                 18.1       33.4       28.0       49.9       10.5       23.1       17.3       35.1
Other:                  0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0

Updated June 18, 2024