COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 02, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
WHEAT-SRW - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                                 
CFTC Code #001602                                                              Open Interest is   472,484
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   58,279   150,859   130,606   102,986    97,276   145,541    54,401   437,411   433,142:   35,073    39,342
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: June 25, 2024              (Change in open interest:       1,670)         :
    :    2,110    11,456     8,368    -8,612   -14,041     4,026    -3,148     5,892     2,635:   -4,222      -965
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     12.3      31.9      27.6      21.8      20.6      30.8      11.5      92.6      91.7:      7.4       8.3
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   394          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       86       119       115       102       104        47        33       308       304:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 02, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
WHEAT-HRW - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                                 
CFTC Code #001612                                                              Open Interest is   253,122
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   31,258    78,167    45,808    66,778    79,430    91,406    28,614   235,249   232,019:   17,873    21,103
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: June 25, 2024              (Change in open interest:      10,777)         :
    :    4,306     4,642       367       228     5,778     4,974     3,269     9,876    14,057:      901    -3,280
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     12.3      30.9      18.1      26.4      31.4      36.1      11.3      92.9      91.7:      7.1       8.3
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   251          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       51        59        60        77        75        37        21       196       186:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 02, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
CORN - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                                      
CFTC Code #002602                                                              Open Interest is 1,973,475
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :  131,851   437,455   626,514   576,650   490,326   443,980   202,846 1,778,995 1,757,141:  194,480   216,334
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: June 25, 2024              (Change in open interest:      51,112)         :
    :  -39,662    26,688    59,366    20,737   -35,234     5,867    13,854    46,308    64,673:    4,804   -13,561
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :      6.7      22.2      31.7      29.2      24.8      22.5      10.3      90.1      89.0:      9.9      11.0
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   795          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :      150       158       211       360       328        54        43       674       651:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 02, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
SOYBEANS - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                                  
CFTC Code #005602                                                              Open Interest is   983,073
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   54,466   200,743   270,338   407,128   358,733   193,984    84,353   925,916   914,167:   57,157    68,906
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: June 25, 2024              (Change in open interest:      45,660)         :
    :       81     7,063    20,221    28,449    15,527      -557     5,114    48,194    47,926:   -2,534    -2,266
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :      5.5      20.4      27.5      41.4      36.5      19.7       8.6      94.2      93.0:      5.8       7.0
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   544          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :      112       146       167       188       193        51        28       453       443:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 02, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
SOYBEAN OIL - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                               
CFTC Code #007601                                                              Open Interest is   609,149
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   67,992   141,082   140,075   210,018   267,077   158,043    32,360   576,129   580,594:   33,020    28,555
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: June 25, 2024              (Change in open interest:      -9,761)         :
    :    4,721   -36,017    13,143   -28,206    20,395     1,139    -3,623    -9,203    -6,102:     -558    -3,659
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     11.2      23.2      23.0      34.5      43.8      25.9       5.3      94.6      95.3:      5.4       4.7
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   342          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       79        85        91       100        92        46        25       281       245:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 02, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
SOYBEAN MEAL - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                              
CFTC Code #026603                                                              Open Interest is   549,691
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :  103,709    57,522   141,303   129,257   296,471   127,654    25,452   501,922   520,748:   47,768    28,943
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: June 25, 2024              (Change in open interest:       7,536)         :
    :      720     9,718     1,969     5,198    -5,789    -2,459     5,761     5,428    11,658:    2,108    -4,123
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     18.9      10.5      25.7      23.5      53.9      23.2       4.6      91.3      94.7:      8.7       5.3
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   314          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       60        68        89        98       109        44        24       254       252:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 02, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
COTTON NO. 2 - ICE FUTURES U.S.                                                                                    
CFTC Code #033661                                                              Open Interest is   238,391
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   27,012    65,756    53,665    59,670    90,930    86,559    13,995   226,906   224,346:   11,485    14,045
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: June 25, 2024              (Change in open interest:      -1,088)         :
    :     -446    -8,294     1,473    -2,324     4,523       599       705      -697    -1,593:     -391       505
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     11.3      27.6      22.5      25.0      38.1      36.3       5.9      95.2      94.1:      4.8       5.9
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   295          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       72       102        83        54        53        47        23       225       212:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 02, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
LEAN HOGS - CHICAGO MERCANTILE EXCHANGE                                                                            
CFTC Code #054642                                                              Open Interest is   385,045
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   31,422    64,481   128,801    81,176   130,914   119,259    34,528   360,659   358,724:   24,386    26,320
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: June 25, 2024              (Change in open interest:      -8,856)         :
    :   -3,961    -3,482    -2,252      -393    -2,044        87       664    -6,519    -7,114:   -2,337    -1,742
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :      8.2      16.7      33.5      21.1      34.0      31.0       9.0      93.7      93.2:      6.3       6.8
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   360          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       80       109       136        98        92        43        23       298       297:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 02, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
LIVE CATTLE - CHICAGO MERCANTILE EXCHANGE                                                                          
CFTC Code #057642                                                              Open Interest is   422,395
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   83,769    41,173   131,974    66,821   177,904   107,367    22,632   389,932   373,684:   32,464    48,711
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: June 25, 2024              (Change in open interest:      29,290)         :
    :    8,768       934    16,001      -146     9,636     4,397     1,974    29,020    28,545:      270       745
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     19.8       9.7      31.2      15.8      42.1      25.4       5.4      92.3      88.5:      7.7      11.5
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   429          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :      125        56       119       136       175        51        18       369       324:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 02, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
FEEDER CATTLE - CHICAGO MERCANTILE EXCHANGE                                                                        
CFTC Code #061641                                                              Open Interest is    69,771
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :    7,815    12,187    21,870    17,516    14,455    10,318     4,097    57,519    52,609:   12,252    17,162
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: June 25, 2024              (Change in open interest:         291)         :
    :      518    -1,522     1,673    -1,043       408      -724      -209       423       349:     -132       -58
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     11.2      17.5      31.3      25.1      20.7      14.8       5.9      82.4      75.4:     17.6      24.6
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   272          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       49        57        88        99        91        23        14       227       211:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 02, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
COCOA - ICE FUTURES U.S.                                                                                           
CFTC Code #073732                                                              Open Interest is   226,827
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   22,048    13,351    99,619    62,136    94,140    31,596    14,649   215,399   221,759:   11,427     5,068
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: June 25, 2024              (Change in open interest:       6,174)         :
    :     -836       -13     4,528     1,357       513     1,137     1,638     6,187     6,666:      -13      -492
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :      9.7       5.9      43.9      27.4      41.5      13.9       6.5      95.0      97.8:      5.0       2.2
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   171          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       52        41        76        35        31        32        19       158       135:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 02, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
SUGAR NO. 11 - ICE FUTURES U.S.                                                                                    
CFTC Code #080732                                                              Open Interest is   928,716
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   84,879    91,420   203,909   339,862   517,452   225,366    56,682   854,016   869,463:   74,700    59,253
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: June 25, 2024              (Change in open interest:     -16,100)         :
    :    7,126   -22,145    12,779   -25,970     5,686    -9,235    -2,823   -15,300    -6,504:     -800    -9,596
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :      9.1       9.8      22.0      36.6      55.7      24.3       6.1      92.0      93.6:      8.0       6.4
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   240          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       69        50        78        67        66        40        20       210       182:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 02, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
COFFEE C - ICE FUTURES U.S.                                                                                        
CFTC Code #083731                                                              Open Interest is   251,292
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   59,482    14,661    68,785    52,643   149,311    62,103    13,091   243,013   245,849:    8,279     5,443
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: June 25, 2024              (Change in open interest:       1,630)         :
    :   -1,135     1,757    -1,193     2,491       332     1,217       289     1,380     1,185:      250       445
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     23.7       5.8      27.4      20.9      59.4      24.7       5.2      96.7      97.8:      3.3       2.2
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   381          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :      120        67        96        99       130        49        19       306       279:

Updated July 02, 2024