COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 09, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
WHEAT-SRW - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                                 
CFTC Code #001602                                                              Open Interest is   485,536
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   57,270   147,147   139,570   102,694   100,868   150,047    58,266   449,580   445,851:   35,956    39,685
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: July 2, 2024               (Change in open interest:      13,052)         :
    :   -1,009    -3,712     8,964      -292     3,592     4,506     3,865    12,169    12,709:      883       343
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     11.8      30.3      28.7      21.2      20.8      30.9      12.0      92.6      91.8:      7.4       8.2
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   399          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       85       115       114       112       113        48        33       311       315:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 09, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
WHEAT-HRW - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                                 
CFTC Code #001612                                                              Open Interest is   253,920
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   27,952    72,546    48,586    66,370    78,045    92,744    31,020   235,652   230,197:   18,269    23,723
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: July 2, 2024               (Change in open interest:         798)         :
    :   -3,306    -5,621     2,779      -408    -1,385     1,338     2,405       402    -1,822:      395     2,620
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     11.0      28.6      19.1      26.1      30.7      36.5      12.2      92.8      90.7:      7.2       9.3
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   246          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       52        54        60        79        72        37        22       198       181:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 09, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
CORN - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                                      
CFTC Code #002602                                                              Open Interest is 2,038,166
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :  134,938   456,019   652,275   599,824   494,789   456,562   212,356 1,843,598 1,815,438:  194,568   222,728
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: July 2, 2024               (Change in open interest:      64,691)         :
    :    3,087    18,564    25,760    23,174     4,462    12,582     9,510    64,603    58,297:       88     6,394
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :      6.6      22.4      32.0      29.4      24.3      22.4      10.4      90.5      89.1:      9.5      10.9
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   819          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :      156       168       219       369       329        53        42       698       662:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 09, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
SOYBEANS - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                                  
CFTC Code #005602                                                              Open Interest is 1,043,919
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   54,248   230,020   291,951   446,990   359,034   194,581    90,676   987,769   971,681:   56,150    72,239
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: July 2, 2024               (Change in open interest:      60,847)         :
    :     -218    29,278    21,612    39,862       301       597     6,322    61,854    57,514:   -1,007     3,333
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :      5.2      22.0      28.0      42.8      34.4      18.6       8.7      94.6      93.1:      5.4       6.9
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   557          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :      111       160       174       194       194        49        28       460       460:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 09, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
SOYBEAN OIL - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                               
CFTC Code #007601                                                              Open Interest is   594,223
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   63,749   102,181   151,417   195,202   290,372   153,247    23,484   563,615   567,455:   30,608    26,768
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: July 2, 2024               (Change in open interest:     -14,926)         :
    :   -4,243   -38,901    11,343   -14,817    23,296    -4,796    -8,876   -12,514   -13,139:   -2,412    -1,787
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     10.7      17.2      25.5      32.8      48.9      25.8       4.0      94.8      95.5:      5.2       4.5
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   324          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       74        76        96       102        96        42        26       276       243:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 09, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
SOYBEAN MEAL - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                              
CFTC Code #026603                                                              Open Interest is   579,533
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   96,851    61,474   154,418   146,831   302,448   132,064    31,615   530,165   549,955:   49,368    29,578
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: July 2, 2024               (Change in open interest:      29,842)         :
    :   -6,857     3,952    13,115    17,574     5,977     4,410     6,163    28,242    29,207:    1,600       635
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     16.7      10.6      26.6      25.3      52.2      22.8       5.5      91.5      94.9:      8.5       5.1
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   338          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       62        85        99       107       108        43        24       272       271:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 09, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
COTTON NO. 2 - ICE FUTURES U.S.                                                                                    
CFTC Code #033661                                                              Open Interest is   244,039
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   28,268    73,390    54,825    64,227    86,652    84,504    14,610   231,825   229,476:   12,214    14,563
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: July 2, 2024               (Change in open interest:       5,648)         :
    :    1,256     7,634     1,160     4,558    -4,278    -2,055       614     4,919     5,130:      729       518
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     11.6      30.1      22.5      26.3      35.5      34.6       6.0      95.0      94.0:      5.0       6.0
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   305          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       76       106        82        56        53        47        23       228       218:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 09, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
LEAN HOGS - CHICAGO MERCANTILE EXCHANGE                                                                            
CFTC Code #054642                                                              Open Interest is   389,813
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   33,819    67,061   132,866    84,636   130,576   113,333    31,965   364,654   362,468:   25,160    27,345
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: July 2, 2024               (Change in open interest:       4,769)         :
    :    2,396     2,581     4,065     3,459      -339    -5,926    -2,563     3,995     3,744:      774     1,025
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :      8.7      17.2      34.1      21.7      33.5      29.1       8.2      93.5      93.0:      6.5       7.0
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   348          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       80       106       130        92        84        42        22       285       283:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 09, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
LIVE CATTLE - CHICAGO MERCANTILE EXCHANGE                                                                          
CFTC Code #057642                                                              Open Interest is   423,358
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   82,266    39,830   128,959    72,590   181,929   106,604    20,932   390,419   371,651:   32,940    51,708
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: July 2, 2024               (Change in open interest:         963)         :
    :   -1,503    -1,342    -3,015     5,769     4,025      -763    -1,700       487    -2,033:      476     2,996
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     19.4       9.4      30.5      17.1      43.0      25.2       4.9      92.2      87.8:      7.8      12.2
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   435          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :      127        54       131       136       175        48        19       374       338:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 09, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
FEEDER CATTLE - CHICAGO MERCANTILE EXCHANGE                                                                        
CFTC Code #061641                                                              Open Interest is    70,802
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :    7,150    13,464    21,873    18,736    14,056    10,145     4,119    57,905    53,513:   12,897    17,289
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: July 2, 2024               (Change in open interest:       1,031)         :
    :     -665     1,277         3     1,220      -398      -173        22       386       904:      646       127
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     10.1      19.0      30.9      26.5      19.9      14.3       5.8      81.8      75.6:     18.2      24.4
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   266          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       47        61        86       100        88        23        14       222       208:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 09, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
COCOA - ICE FUTURES U.S.                                                                                           
CFTC Code #073732                                                              Open Interest is   230,014
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   24,023    13,746   101,456    60,464    94,344    31,904    14,874   217,847   224,420:   12,167     5,594
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: July 2, 2024               (Change in open interest:       3,188)         :
    :    1,975       394     1,837    -1,672       204       308       225     2,448     2,661:      739       526
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     10.4       6.0      44.1      26.3      41.0      13.9       6.5      94.7      97.6:      5.3       2.4
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   173          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       50        45        74        36        33        31        19       159       136:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 09, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
SUGAR NO. 11 - ICE FUTURES U.S.                                                                                    
CFTC Code #080732                                                              Open Interest is   920,207
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   78,665    85,220   199,581   347,159   523,785   220,761    50,674   846,166   859,260:   74,041    60,947
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: July 2, 2024               (Change in open interest:      -8,509)         :
    :   -6,214    -6,201    -4,328     7,297     6,333    -4,606    -6,008    -7,850   -10,203:     -659     1,694
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :      8.5       9.3      21.7      37.7      56.9      24.0       5.5      92.0      93.4:      8.0       6.6
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   230          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       63        47        75        68        67        38        21       203       178:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 09, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
COFFEE C - ICE FUTURES U.S.                                                                                        
CFTC Code #083731                                                              Open Interest is   273,533
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   63,892    12,990    79,096    57,899   161,206    63,587    14,381   264,474   267,674:    9,059     5,860
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: July 2, 2024               (Change in open interest:      22,241)         :
    :    4,410    -1,671    10,312     5,256    11,895     1,484     1,289    21,461    21,825:      780       417
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     23.4       4.7      28.9      21.2      58.9      23.2       5.3      96.7      97.9:      3.3       2.1
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   409          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :      150        62       107       101       130        51        22       340       288:

Updated July 09, 2024