COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 30, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
WHEAT-SRW - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                                 
CFTC Code #001602                                                              Open Interest is   511,573
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   60,845   150,374   146,263   119,977   102,739   150,137    74,186   477,222   473,562:   34,350    38,011
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: July 23, 2024              (Change in open interest:         551)         :
    :    1,921     4,423    -9,249     9,020     4,587       474     3,447     2,167     3,208:   -1,616    -2,657
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     11.9      29.4      28.6      23.5      20.1      29.3      14.5      93.3      92.6:      6.7       7.4
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   413          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       89       121       127       119       112        46        32       328       325:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 30, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
WHEAT-HRW - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                                 
CFTC Code #001612                                                              Open Interest is   266,937
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   31,117    67,830    57,675    68,873    82,334    92,258    35,448   249,923   243,288:   17,014    23,649
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: July 23, 2024              (Change in open interest:       8,816)         :
    :    3,153       983     4,471     2,125       570    -1,050       757     8,699     6,781:      117     2,036
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     11.7      25.4      21.6      25.8      30.8      34.6      13.3      93.6      91.1:      6.4       8.9
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   248          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       56        58        67        75        73        37        23       200       191:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 30, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
CORN - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                                      
CFTC Code #002602                                                              Open Interest is 2,024,400
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :  140,593   412,545   643,415   612,856   542,966   438,164   198,889 1,835,028 1,797,814:  189,373   226,586
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: July 23, 2024              (Change in open interest:     -82,346)         :
    :   -3,520   -27,360   -49,907    -4,239     3,317   -18,584   -14,391   -76,251   -88,341:   -6,095     5,995
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :      6.9      20.4      31.8      30.3      26.8      21.6       9.8      90.6      88.8:      9.4      11.2
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   806          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :      149       167       206       361       332        54        36       676       649:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 30, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
SOYBEANS - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                                  
CFTC Code #005602                                                              Open Interest is 1,022,005
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   45,062   219,405   315,217   425,975   320,447   184,755    98,527   971,010   953,596:   50,996    68,409
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: July 23, 2024              (Change in open interest:     -73,364)         :
    :  -13,846     1,413   -39,365    -8,546   -38,515    -8,744     3,950   -70,501   -72,517:   -2,863      -847
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :      4.4      21.5      30.8      41.7      31.4      18.1       9.6      95.0      93.3:      5.0       6.7
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   548          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :      105       155       181       184       191        48        27       449       459:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 30, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
SOYBEAN OIL - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                               
CFTC Code #007601                                                              Open Interest is   608,064
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   66,397   134,541   142,679   223,906   267,964   142,939    36,783   575,922   581,967:   32,142    26,097
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: July 23, 2024              (Change in open interest:     -26,150)         :
    :    3,362    25,794   -21,765       443   -37,101    -7,860     4,616   -25,820   -28,455:     -330     2,305
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     10.9      22.1      23.5      36.8      44.1      23.5       6.0      94.7      95.7:      5.3       4.3
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   356          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       79        94       103       107        87        43        24       296       249:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 30, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
SOYBEAN MEAL - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                              
CFTC Code #026603                                                              Open Interest is   565,024
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   78,407    70,347   142,420   158,775   286,083   136,795    34,758   516,397   533,608:   48,627    31,416
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: July 23, 2024              (Change in open interest:     -30,340)         :
    :    3,147   -12,702   -20,414    -7,098     7,443    -1,567    -2,803   -25,932   -28,476:   -4,408    -1,864
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     13.9      12.5      25.2      28.1      50.6      24.2       6.2      91.4      94.4:      8.6       5.6
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   341          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       69        78        96       112       103        41        26       276       267:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 30, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
COTTON NO. 2 - ICE FUTURES U.S.                                                                                    
CFTC Code #033661                                                              Open Interest is   265,140
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   32,630    85,045    63,837    72,881    84,062    82,482    16,894   251,830   249,838:   13,311    15,302
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: July 23, 2024              (Change in open interest:       5,885)         :
    :    3,515     4,689     2,007     2,064    -2,526    -1,606     1,720     5,981     5,890:      -96        -5
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     12.3      32.1      24.1      27.5      31.7      31.1       6.4      95.0      94.2:      5.0       5.8
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   325          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       83       113        91        62        59        46        20       245       234:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 30, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
LEAN HOGS - CHICAGO MERCANTILE EXCHANGE                                                                            
CFTC Code #054642                                                              Open Interest is   356,297
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   40,812    63,096   121,035    62,675   122,585   112,743    24,464   337,265   331,180:   19,032    25,117
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: July 23, 2024              (Change in open interest:       6,405)         :
    :     -407    -6,492     4,736    -1,091     9,071     6,309    -1,508     9,547     5,807:   -3,142       598
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     11.5      17.7      34.0      17.6      34.4      31.6       6.9      94.7      93.0:      5.3       7.0
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   327          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       87        85       121        82        90        42        18       273       262:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 30, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
LIVE CATTLE - CHICAGO MERCANTILE EXCHANGE                                                                          
CFTC Code #057642                                                              Open Interest is   435,367
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   89,531    38,050   138,879    69,872   180,990   104,502    20,655   402,784   378,574:   32,583    56,793
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: July 23, 2024              (Change in open interest:       8,667)         :
    :    7,639    -4,911     6,663    -4,599     3,871    -1,127      -111     8,575     5,512:       91     3,155
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     20.6       8.7      31.9      16.0      41.6      24.0       4.7      92.5      87.0:      7.5      13.0
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   447          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :      144        55       135       135       177        48        18       384       343:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 30, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
FEEDER CATTLE - CHICAGO MERCANTILE EXCHANGE                                                                        
CFTC Code #061641                                                              Open Interest is    75,229
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :    7,615    13,717    24,344    19,572    14,188     9,911     5,281    61,442    57,531:   13,787    17,698
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: July 23, 2024              (Change in open interest:       2,708)         :
    :   -1,164       650     1,626       483        -3      -138       164       807     2,438:    1,901       270
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     10.1      18.2      32.4      26.0      18.9      13.2       7.0      81.7      76.5:     18.3      23.5
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   266          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       45        56        79       102        94        25        16       218       213:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 30, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
COCOA - ICE FUTURES U.S.                                                                                           
CFTC Code #073732                                                              Open Interest is   222,610
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   27,697    15,390    93,815    59,359    92,806    29,761    14,911   210,631   216,922:   11,978     5,688
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: July 23, 2024              (Change in open interest:      -5,163)         :
    :        4       286    -3,632      -800      -647    -1,111      -873    -5,539    -4,865:      376      -298
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     12.4       6.9      42.1      26.7      41.7      13.4       6.7      94.6      97.4:      5.4       2.6
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   176          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       60        37        78        37        36        30        18       162       140:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 30, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
SUGAR NO. 11 - ICE FUTURES U.S.                                                                                    
CFTC Code #080732                                                              Open Interest is   939,030
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   83,551   123,033   199,162   376,386   496,199   217,742    57,450   876,840   875,844:   62,190    63,186
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: July 23, 2024              (Change in open interest:      10,345)         :
    :    9,236     5,710       225     4,799     5,839    -2,223     1,768    12,036    13,541:   -1,691    -3,196
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :      8.9      13.1      21.2      40.1      52.8      23.2       6.1      93.4      93.3:      6.6       6.7
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   245          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       58        62        81        74        72        39        21       212       196:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of July 30, 2024                   
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
COFFEE C - ICE FUTURES U.S.                                                                                        
CFTC Code #083731                                                              Open Interest is   297,044
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   54,534    12,964    92,556    76,881   164,851    64,519    19,999   288,490   290,370:    8,554     6,674
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: July 23, 2024              (Change in open interest:      10,836)         :
    :   -3,966    -1,810     8,670     5,990     1,077       122     2,061    10,816     9,998:       20       837
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     18.4       4.4      31.2      25.9      55.5      21.7       6.7      97.1      97.8:      2.9       2.2
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   373          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :      126        59       106        92       120        48        21       315       269:

Updated July 30, 2024