COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of September 03, 2024              
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
WHEAT-SRW - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                                 
CFTC Code #001602                                                              Open Interest is   438,859
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   64,634   145,421   114,539    91,477    92,607   134,880    48,416   405,531   400,982:   33,329    37,877
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: August 27, 2024            (Change in open interest:      -6,703)         :
    :   -6,616   -11,234     4,829    -5,430    -1,107     2,847       802    -4,370    -6,709:   -2,333         7
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     14.7      33.1      26.1      20.8      21.1      30.7      11.0      92.4      91.4:      7.6       8.6
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   378          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       75       116       118        97       102        47        30       294       297:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of September 03, 2024              
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
WHEAT-HRW - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                                 
CFTC Code #001612                                                              Open Interest is   253,755
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   34,277    69,731    50,486    56,623    80,715    93,201    31,259   234,587   232,191:   19,168    21,564
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: August 27, 2024            (Change in open interest:         760)         :
    :   -2,313    -3,973        66    -1,577     3,542     2,837        94      -986      -271:    1,747     1,031
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     13.5      27.5      19.9      22.3      31.8      36.7      12.3      92.4      91.5:      7.6       8.5
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   257          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       47        65        52        76        76        38        20       189       186:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of September 03, 2024              
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
CORN - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                                      
CFTC Code #002602                                                              Open Interest is 1,702,699
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :  169,193   326,157   473,152   489,319   531,690   397,102   151,685 1,528,766 1,482,684:  173,933   220,014
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: August 27, 2024            (Change in open interest:     -74,427)         :
    :    3,323   -38,417   -41,416   -44,365    16,823    14,682       579   -67,776   -62,432:   -6,651   -11,995
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :      9.9      19.2      27.8      28.7      31.2      23.3       8.9      89.8      87.1:     10.2      12.9
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   785          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :      133       150       186       324       330        51        32       614       614:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of September 03, 2024              
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
SOYBEANS - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                                  
CFTC Code #005602                                                              Open Interest is 1,056,648
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   48,353   196,617   300,140   460,943   374,592   201,083   108,985 1,010,519   980,333:   46,129    76,315
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: August 27, 2024            (Change in open interest:      12,003)         :
    :      957   -20,935     2,406    15,810    33,447     7,348     1,321    26,522    16,240:  -14,519    -4,237
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :      4.6      18.6      28.4      43.6      35.5      19.0      10.3      95.6      92.8:      4.4       7.2
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   572          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :      101       168       174       198       213        50        28       456       481:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of September 03, 2024              
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
SOYBEAN OIL - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                               
CFTC Code #007601                                                              Open Interest is   583,692
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   73,419   122,623   117,175   212,699   278,162   151,017    39,461   554,310   557,422:   29,381    26,270
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: August 27, 2024            (Change in open interest:        -137)         :
    :    1,389   -16,291     2,761    -2,343    17,246     1,195    -2,763     3,001       953:   -3,138    -1,089
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     12.6      21.0      20.1      36.4      47.7      25.9       6.8      95.0      95.5:      5.0       4.5
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   342          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       62        96        98       110        96        42        25       277       258:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of September 03, 2024              
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
SOYBEAN MEAL - CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE                                                                              
CFTC Code #026603                                                              Open Interest is   569,863
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   71,375    78,027   130,221   172,943   295,819   143,105    37,496   517,643   541,563:   52,220    28,300
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: August 27, 2024            (Change in open interest:      -5,468)         :
    :    6,715    -9,822    -8,902    -7,131    12,076     4,119     2,651    -5,199    -3,997:     -269    -1,471
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     12.5      13.7      22.9      30.3      51.9      25.1       6.6      90.8      95.0:      9.2       5.0
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   347          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       64        78        99       123       115        43        24       288       273:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of September 03, 2024              
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
COTTON NO. 2 - ICE FUTURES U.S.                                                                                    
CFTC Code #033661                                                              Open Interest is   268,784
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   23,781    80,152    67,323    82,152    87,456    80,503    18,276   253,759   253,207:   15,025    15,577
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: August 27, 2024            (Change in open interest:       4,127)         :
    :   -3,630    -2,890     3,834     2,374     4,441     1,017    -1,927     3,596     3,458:      531       669
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :      8.8      29.8      25.0      30.6      32.5      30.0       6.8      94.4      94.2:      5.6       5.8
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   307          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       67       110        92        64        60        47        20       243       221:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of September 03, 2024              
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
LEAN HOGS - CHICAGO MERCANTILE EXCHANGE                                                                            
CFTC Code #054642                                                              Open Interest is   358,266
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   41,881    49,024   124,917    47,320   133,787   124,567    19,594   338,685   327,322:   19,581    30,944
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: August 27, 2024            (Change in open interest:      15,519)         :
    :    3,083    -3,184     7,283       188     7,944     5,057     1,377    15,611    13,420:      -91     2,100
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     11.7      13.7      34.9      13.2      37.3      34.8       5.5      94.5      91.4:      5.5       8.6
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   331          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       91        72       117        86       104        47        15       287       255:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of September 03, 2024              
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
LIVE CATTLE - CHICAGO MERCANTILE EXCHANGE                                                                          
CFTC Code #057642                                                              Open Interest is   404,780
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   53,815    35,100   131,880    80,037   165,857   106,945    20,394   372,678   353,231:   32,102    51,549
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: August 27, 2024            (Change in open interest:       9,261)         :
    :     -201     1,045     7,500     1,595       462       664       767     9,558     9,774:     -297      -514
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     13.3       8.7      32.6      19.8      41.0      26.4       5.0      92.1      87.3:      7.9      12.7
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   411          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :      102        69       128       151       169        45        17       360       335:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of September 03, 2024              
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
FEEDER CATTLE - CHICAGO MERCANTILE EXCHANGE                                                                        
CFTC Code #061641                                                              Open Interest is    76,202
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :    7,118    15,897    23,410    19,660    12,224    11,067     8,004    61,255    59,535:   14,947    16,667
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: August 27, 2024            (Change in open interest:     -12,140)         :
    :      206    -2,102    -8,243    -1,815    -1,107      -887      -738   -10,738   -12,189:   -1,402        49
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :      9.3      20.9      30.7      25.8      16.0      14.5      10.5      80.4      78.1:     19.6      21.9
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   267          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       45        71        75       100        74        26        16       215       198:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of September 03, 2024              
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
COCOA - ICE FUTURES U.S.                                                                                           
CFTC Code #073732                                                              Open Interest is   187,463
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   28,353    14,736    67,606    50,149    85,469    29,832    14,449   175,940   182,260:   11,524     5,203
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: August 27, 2024            (Change in open interest:      -5,906)         :
    :   -1,181    -3,134    -3,682       700     1,253    -1,434      -792    -5,597    -6,355:     -309       449
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     15.1       7.9      36.1      26.8      45.6      15.9       7.7      93.9      97.2:      6.1       2.8
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   172          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       57        40        63        33        34        31        14       155       121:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of September 03, 2024              
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
SUGAR NO. 11 - ICE FUTURES U.S.                                                                                    
CFTC Code #080732                                                              Open Interest is 1,005,338
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   80,120    95,958   227,725   402,948   564,534   224,481    54,161   935,274   942,378:   70,065    62,961
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: August 27, 2024            (Change in open interest:       3,162)         :
    :       53   -21,226    -1,405     1,316    30,751        89    -6,960        53     1,160:    3,108     2,002
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :      8.0       9.5      22.7      40.1      56.2      22.3       5.4      93.0      93.7:      7.0       6.3
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   232          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :       60        50        83        71        70        39        21       207       188:
COT -- Supplemental Report - Option and Futures Combined Positions as of September 03, 2024              
    :                                    Reportable Positions                                 :    Nonreportable
    :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :      Positions
    :         Non-Commercial      :      Commercial   :     Index Traders :        Total
    :    Long :   Short :Spreading:    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short :    Long :   Short
COFFEE C - ICE FUTURES U.S.                                                                                        
CFTC Code #083731                                                              Open Interest is   239,688
    : Positions                                                                               :
    :   53,591    14,490    60,932    52,820   147,944    63,945    10,777   231,288   234,142:    8,400     5,545
    :                                                                                         :
    : Changes from: August 27, 2024            (Change in open interest:       2,309)         :
    :   -2,197     1,899     2,979     1,133    -3,102       864       278     2,779     2,055:     -470       253
    :                                                                                         :
    : Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                         :
    :     22.4       6.0      25.4      22.0      61.7      26.7       4.5      96.5      97.7:      3.5       2.3
    :                                                                                         :
    : Total Traders:   374          Number of Traders in Each Category                        :
    :      123        67       110        92       117        51        21       310       278:

Updated September 03, 2024