82--037 New York Harbor No. 2 Heating Oil Futures, New York Harbor Leaded Regular

and Unleaded Regular Gasoline Futures NYME
FR DATE: 9/15/82
82--038 Foreign Currency Futures MACE
FR DATE: 9/20/82
82--039 White Wheat Futures MACE
FR DATE: 9/30/82
82--040 Privacy Act of 1974; Systems of Records -- Annual Publication
FR DATE: 10/4/82
82--041 Record of Securities Property Received from Customer and Option Customers,

Rule 1.36(a)
FR DATE: 10/15/82
82--041 Proposed Amendment, Rule 1102.08 NOCE
FR DATE: 10/5/82
82--042 Monthly and Confirmation Statements -- Proposed Amendment, Rule 1.33(a)
FR DATE: 10/26/82
82--043 Live Cattle Futures Amendments MACE
FR DATE: 10/26/82
82--044 Sub-Indexes of Standard & Poor's (S&P) 500 Stock Index CME
FR DATE: 11/4/82
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