83--028 Proposed Provisions Leverage Transactions
FR DATE: 6/23/83
83--029 Amendments to Imported Lean Beef Futures NYME
FR DATE: 6/23/83
83--030 Aluminum Futures COMEX
FR DATE: 6/27/83
83--031 MACE and NYME Proposed Rules Relating to Exchange Speculative Position

FR DATE: 7/1/83
83--032 Specials Calls for Futures and Options Information
FR DATE: 7/14/83
83--033 MACE GNMA Mortgage Backed Certificates Futures
FR DATE: 7/20/83
83--034 Domestic Exchange-Traded Commodity Options
FR DATE: 7/17/83
83--035 Large Trader Reports; Proposal for Rule Amendments
FR DATE: 7/18/83
83--036 Fees for Requests for Commission Records, Reports of the Commission, and

Transcripts of Commission Meetings
FR DATE: 8/2/83
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