Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Office of External Affairs (202) 418-5080
Three Lafayette Centre
1155 21st Street, NW
Washington, DC 20581

Release: 5133-05
For Release: October 19, 2005

Statement of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission Regarding the Bankruptcy Filing by Refco Inc.

Washington, D.C. – The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) today issued the following statement regarding the bankruptcy filing by Refco Inc. and its implications for and impact on Refco LLC:

The CFTC continues to monitor the actions taken by Refco Inc. -- including yesterday’s bankruptcy filing -- to determine what, if any, effect they may have on Refco LLC, the CFTC regulated futures commission merchant (FCM), which, along with Refco Overseas Ltd. and Refco Singapore Ltd., was not a party filing for bankruptcy.

The CFTC’s auditors and attorneys are actively engaged in re-confirming that Refco LLC’s customer funds on deposit remain uncompromised and that the capital requirements of Refco LLC continue to be met.

The CFTC is working closely with all interested parties including, among others, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Department of Justice, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (the designated self-regulatory organization for Refco LLC), the National Futures Association, and the Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York.

Media Contacts
Alan Sobba (202) 418-5080
R. David Gary (202) 418-5085
Office of External Affairs