Release: 3869-95
For Release: October 26, 1995
CFTC Releases Second Installment of its Semiannual Futures Commission Merchant (FCM) Financial Data Schedule
WASHINGTON -- Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Chairman Mary L. Schapiro announced today the release of the Commission's second installment of its semi-annual FCM Financial Data Schedule, which includes certain information contained in financial reports filed by FCMs and received by September 30, 1995.
The information contained in the schedule includes the following data from each FCM:
the total amount of adjusted net capital, the required amount of adjusted net capital which must be maintained, and the excess adjusted net capital;
the amount of customer funds required to be segregated from the FCM's own funds, and;
the FCM's required foreign futures secured amount.
The first FCM Financial Data schedule was released on July 17, 1995, and included financial data filed by FCMs and received by March 31, 1995. (See CFTC News Release 3858-95, July 17, 1995.)
The latest schedule can be obtained by contacting the CFTC's Office of Public Affairs at (202) 418-5080.