Release: #4035-97
For Release: July 23, 1997
Commissioner Dial and CFTC Staff to Participate in Public Forum on
Agricultural Trade Options at National Cattlemen's Beef
Association Mid-Year Meeting in Reno
Commissioner Joseph B. Dial of the Commodity Futures Trading
Commission (Commission) will participate in an open public forum on
agricultural trade options, from 1:30 to 3:00 pm on Thursday, July 31,
1997, in the Bonanza C Room of the John Ascuaga Nugget Hotel, Reno,
Nevada. The forum, hosted by the National Cattlemen's Beef
Association (NCBA), is being held in conjunction with the NCBA
mid-year meeting. The forum is open to the public, and any interested
party is welcome to attend and participate.
The agricultural trade options to be discussed are off-exchange or
over-the-counter options on certain domestic agricultural commodities,
including grains, oilseeds, livestock and cotton. If the current
regulatory ban on these options were to be lifted, the options could
be offered and sold to producers, processors, commercial users, or
merchants handling the underlying commodity for business-related
purposes. The offer or sale of agricultural trade options has been
banned since 1936 because of problems in the past with fraud and
In May of this year, the Commission's Division of Economic
Analysis issued a "White Paper" entitled, "Policy
Alternatives Relating to Agricultural Trade Options and Other
Agricultural Risk-Shifting Contracts." Pursuant to the White
Paper's recommendation, in June the Commission issued an Advance
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking seeking comment on whether it should
propose rules to lift the ban on agricultural trade options and, if
so, subject to what conditions.
Commissioner Dial will be accompanied by a staff member from the Division of Economic Analysis, who will explain the White Paper and the Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. Following this presentation, the Commissioner will open the floor for questions and comments by the audience. A transcript of the open forum will be included in the public comment file on the Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.