Release: #4165-98
For Release: July 9, 1998
CFTC Approves New York Mercantile
Exchange's Specialist Market Maker Program
Washington, D.C. -- The Commodity Futures Trading Commission
(Commission) today approved the New York Mercantile Exchange's
(NYMEX or Exchange) proposal to establish a Specialist Market Maker
Program (Program). The Program is intended to develop liquidity in new
or low volume futures contracts.
The Specialist Market Maker will be a NYMEX member or member firm
appointed by the Exchange to act as a market maker in a designated
contract market. The Specialist Market Maker will be required to
maintain a continuous physical presence on the floor of the Exchange
throughout the regular trading session of the designated contract
market and to maintain a two-sided market in the contract for which he
or she had been appointed. The Specialist Market Maker also will be
required to maintain a limit order book of member and non-member limit
orders. In return for these services, the Specialist Market Maker will
be paid a contract development fee and receive various trading
priorities with respect to transactions executed in the trading ring
for the appointed contract. The Program will be terminated in each
designated market once the trading volume reaches a certain
A copy of the Exchange's submission may be obtained by contacting the Commission's Office of the Secretariat, Three Lafayette Centre, 1155 21st Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20581, (202) 418-5100.