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Performance Analysis & Review

The remaining portion of this report details the Commission's efforts to meet its rulemaking objective, strategic goals, and performance targets as described in the Strategic Plan. Each strategic goal is summarized with high-level achievements before leading into a detailed performance analysis and review narrative for each associated measure. For reference purposes, each performance measure is uniquely identified using the following hierarchical structure:

Strategic Goal – Objective – Strategy – Performance Measure (e.g.,

Appendix B, "CFTC Performance Measures", provides a summary of performance measure information in table format for FY 2011 Actual and Planned results and future year performance targets. Performance measures which were rule-dependent (Dodd-Frank Act) and others considered "Not Applicable" during FY 2011 are placed at the bottom of the table in a section titled "Performance Measures Considered Not Applicable in FY 2011".


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