Strategic Theme 1: CFTC must act in real time to address how the markets are functioning and evolving.
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Strategic Priority 1.1: Enhance technological capability and data standards to recognize, understand, and adapt to market changes early on.
- 1.1.1: Upgrade ISS to get real-time market position information.
- 1.1.2: Develop capability to provide real-time margin and settlement information.
- 1.1.3: Promote data standards.
- 1.1.4: Develop/implement trade surveillance system.
- 1.1.5: Develop automated capability to analyze and integrate off-exchange data as it relates to investigations.
Strategic Priority 1.2: Enhance in-house human analytical and decision-making capability to recognize, understand, and adapt to market changes early on.
- 1.2.1: Develop a recruitment plan to address required skills.
- 1.2.2: Identify needed competencies and develop training plan that empowers employees to react quickly in understanding and resolving regulatory matters.
Strategic Priority 1.3: Systematically use stakeholders, such as the self-regulatory organizations (SROs), domestic and foreign entities, media, academia, and market participants, as extended sources of market intelligence.
- 1.3.1: Conduct regular multi-divisional meetings with targeted groups.
- 1.3.2: Develop business process to mobilize internal resources to capture external knowledge.
Strategic Priority 1.4: Foster meaningful, integrated, and timely communication across CFTC divisions and offices.
- 1.4.1: Develop internal communications plan.
- 1.4.2: Develop internal personnel mobility plan.
- 1.4.3: Develop standard operating procedures to ensure routine operational, cross-divisional coordination.
Strategic Priority 1.5: Foster a culture of creative problem solving to promote innovation in the marketplace.
- 1.5.1: Create inter-divisional, issue-specific teams to analyze high-level policy questions and make recommendations to the leadership group.
- 1.5.2: Host workshops with outside experts to keep staff knowledge at the cutting edge.
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