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Objective 4.3

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Objective 4.3
Provide global technical assistance.

The CFTC provides technical assistance to emerging and recently-emerged markets to assist these jurisdictions in establishing and implementing laws and regulations that minimize the likelihood of regulatory arbitrage and promote cross-border enforcement and supervisory assistance. The passage of the Dodd-Frank Act is likely to increase the number of requests for technical assistance in developing OTC policies.

Strategy 4.3.1 Provide technical assistance to foreign regulators.

The CFTC will continue to provide technical assistance to foreign regulators in a wide variety of subject areas. Such technical assistance may take various forms, including targeted programs in specific areas of concern, such as enforcement training and oversight of the OTC market.

Performance Measure Number of non-U.S. regulators trained.
FY 2011 60
FY 2012 65
FY 2013 70
FY 2014 75
FY 2015 75


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