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Objective 5.2

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Objective 5.2
Effectively respond to the regulatory needs of a dynamic and complex derivatives marketplace
and efficiently allocate limited resources to the highest priority activities.

The CFTC’s mission is to protect market users and to foster open, competitive, and financially sound derivatives markets. The political environment, regulatory requirements, and marketplace are continuously changing and adapting to new circumstances. As the CFTC works to achieve an expanded mission, today’s complex environment is placing increased pressure on its operating model to effectively meet the many challenges it faces. Internal management and operational programs must change and adapt as the CFTC grows into a larger, more mature organization.

Reauthorization legislation which enhanced Commission regulatory authorities and the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act are having a profound impact on the CFTC. Accordingly, the CFTC will grow in size, and greatly extend the scope of its regulatory mandate. To support this expansion, a number of critical mission support initiatives are underway to improve strategic and operational planning. Collectively these initiatives will be designed to provide a stronger base from which to make reasoned short and long-term decisions on Commission activities and allocation of resources. The CFTC will also be able to more quickly adapt to unanticipated events that demand the reallocation of resources. These initiatives will greatly reduce decisional risks and information gaps that currently exist.

Strategy 5.2.1 Develop and implement a set of integrated Strategic, Budget, and Operating Plan processes.

To effectively address a number of significant and interrelated planning challenges, the CFTC is developing, adopting, and implementing a comprehensive Management Framework Approach (Framework) which is underpinned by this Strategic Plan, the annual budget, and the development and implementation of an annual operational planning process. Through this management Framework effort, the CFTC will link and integrate these planning and resource requirements activities allowing it to continue to be successful in the years to come while maintaining a clear focus on its Mission and Strategic Goals.

The Framework is an organized and transparent process to lead and manage the CFTC as it grows. While the Framework is comprehensive, it is expected to lighten the workload for all CFTC staff by providing a structured, consistent, and integrated approach to efficiently managing and meeting the Commission’s goals and mission within an ever-changing environment.

Performance Measure Develop, adopt, and implement a comprehensive planning process.
FY 2011 Develop and adopt well-defined and integrated planning process.
FY 2012 Track high-level projects; redefine budget program activity codes (BPACs).
FY 2013 Implement new BPAC; track major projects and activities; implement automated time and attendance.
FY 2014 Refine usage of BPAC and automated time and attendance system.
FY 2015 Execute FY 2015 Budget on full operational planning; continue budget development and execution on actual resource usage.


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