Means and Strategies for Achieving Goal Four Objectives
Table Of Contents
- Assess continually the external and internal issues and trends that may affect the mission and the way in which we must respond to meet it successfully.
- Evaluate and adjust management and strategic plans to ensure that potential problems or weaknesses are managed before they develop into crises.
- Develop and employ strategies that will focus on achieving results—strategies that will: define the basis for developing policies, making decisions, taking actions, allocating resources, and defining program definition; and clarify why the organization exists, what it does, and why it does it—providing a bridge to understanding how the Commission connects to its environment.
- Refine existing workforce planning tools and hiring strategies to better target mission-critical staff competencies needed in future years.
- Continue adjusting agency ability to compete as an employer with total compensation programs under the FSRIA mandates.
- Continue to develop and enhance e-learning and other training and development initiatives to build staff’s competencies in mission-critical areas.
- Link business decisions on IT resources to CFTC strategic goals and establish a decision-making process for allocation of IT resources.
- Build roadmap for all IT systems requirements to improve planning, resource allocation, systems development and capital planning.
- Build/ensure robust information security program.
- Improve access to information with user-centric Web sites that provide current, consistent, and accurate information.
- Secure agency assets by ensuring appropriate internal controls on assets and providing a basis for life cycle management of assets.
- Build/ensure archives management program that supports electronic records and improves handling, management, and storage of records.
- Improve IT customer service by improving linkage between program areas and short and long-term technology goals.
- Build a Contingency Planning Program to ensure that the CFTC is prepared for emergencies and is fully capable of recovery and reconstitution.
- Comply with U.S. Homeland Security directives and improve Federal identification procedures in the event of a disaster.
- Standardize furniture assets and implement life cycle management; improving financial planning, management, and maintenance.
- Manage events proactively to ensure effective application of scarce resources and to improve customer service.
- Ensure a clean independent audit opinion of the agency’s financial statements by improving internal controls and improving financial reporting.
- Execute an audit remediation plan to correct any deficiencies and/or implement recommendations.
- Integrate budget and performance information to improve management and performance of the Commission.
- Undertake IT investments reviews to ensure the prudence of ongoing IT investments.
- Undertake physical security upgrades commensurate with Federal Protective Service Level III facility standards.
- Integrate contingency planning efforts of the Commission according to risk management principles and methodologies.
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