Market Risk Advisory Committee

The Market Risk Advisory Committee (MRAC) advises the Commission on matters relating to evolving market structures and movement of risk across clearinghouses, exchanges, intermediaries, market makers and end-users. It examines systemic issues that threaten the stability of the derivatives markets and other financial markets, and makes recommendations on how to improve market structure and mitigate risk. Members include representatives of clearinghouses, exchanges, intermediaries, market makers, end-users, academia, and regulators.

Commissioner Kristin N. Johnson sponsors the MRAC. Danielle Abada, Senior Counsel to Commissioner Johnson, serves as the Designated Federal Officer and Peter Janowski, Trial Attorney in the Division of Enforcement, serves as the Alternate Designated Federal Officer. Senior Counsel Christopher Lamb serves as the Alternate Designated Federal Officer of the Future of Finance and Climate-Related Market Risk Subcommittees.

Committee Charter (PDF)

Central Counterparty (CCP) Risk and Governance
NameEntity RepresentingTitle
Alessandro Cocco
Regular Government EmployeeSenior Policy Advisor
Ruth ArnouldBank of AmericaManaging Director and Associate General Counsel
Dr. Richard Berner Clinical Professor of Management Practice in the Department of Finance and Co-Director of the Stern Volatility and Risk Institute
Lee BetsillCME GroupManaging Director and Chief Risk Officer
Juan BlackwellOntario Teachers’ Pension PlanHead of Credit & Counterparty Risk Management
Alicia CrightonFutures Industry AssociationGlobal Co-Head of Futures and Head of OTC and Prime Clearing Businesses, Goldman Sachs
Joseph GarelickBlackRockVice President of Risk & Quantitative Analysis Group
Reginald GriffithLouis Dreyfus CompanyGlobal Head of Regulatory Compliance
Graham HarperFutures Industry Association – Principal Traders GroupHead of Public Policy and Market Structure at DRW
David HornerLondon Stock Exchange GroupChief Risk Officer, LCH Ltd
Demetri KarousosNodal Exchange, LLCPresident and COO
Elizabeth King
Intercontinental Exchange, Inc.Global Head of Clearing and Chief Regulatory Officer
Tim McHenryNational Futures AssociationSenior Vice President
Rajalakshmi RamanathJ.P. MorganExecutive Director, CCP Credit and Risk Strategy
Paolo SaguatoGeorge Mason UniversityAssociate Professor of Law, Antonin Scalia Law School
Dmitrij SenkoEurex Clearing AGChief Risk Officer
Viktor VadaszMorgan StanleyExecutive Director, Bank Resource Management
Climate-Related Market Risk

Membership for this Subcommittee is currently under review.

Future of Finance
NameEntity RepresentingTitle
Alessandro CoccoU.S. Department of the Treasury, Financial Stability Oversight CouncilSenior Policy Advisor
Tim CuddihyDepository Trust and Clearing CorporationManaging Director and Group Chief Risk Officer
Edward DassoNational Futures AssociationSenior Vice President, Market Regulations
Mark HaysAmericans for Financial ReformSenior Policy Analyst
David HornerLondon Stock Exchange GroupChief Risk Officer, LCH Ltd
Gary KalbaughING Financial Holdings, Corp.Deputy General Counsel and Director
Purvi ManiarFalconX Bravo, Inc.Deputy General Counsel
Jai MassariLightspark Group, Inc.Co-Founder and Chief Legal Officer
Jessica RenierInstitute of International FinanceManaging Director, Digital Finance
Rebecca RettigPolygon LabsChief Risk Officer
Tyson SlocumPublic CitizenDirector, Energy Program
Petal WalkerLiquidity Lock Global MarketAdvisory Board Member
Kevin Werbach Liem Sioe Liong / First Pacific Company Professor, Professor of Legal Studies and Business Ethics, and department chair at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Yesha Yadav Milton R. Underwood Chair and Professor of Law, Associate Dean & Robert Belton Director of Diversity, Equity & Community at Vanderbilt University
Market Structure
NameEntity RepresentingTitle
Ann Battle (Co-Chair)International Swaps and Derivatives AssociationSenior Counsel, Market Transitions & Head of Benchmark Reform
Stephen BergerCitadel, LLCManaging Director, Global Head of Government & Regulatory Policy
Dr. Richard Berner Clinical Professor of Management Practice in the Department of Finance and Co-Director of the Stern Volatility and Risk Institute
David BowmanBoard of Governors of the Federal Reserve SystemSenior Associate Director
Biswarup Chatterjee (Co-Chair)CitigroupManaging Director and Head of Innovation for the Global Markets Division
Tim CuddihyDepository Trust and Clearing CorporationManaging Director and Group Chief Risk Officer
Edward DassoNational Futures AssociationSenior Vice President-Market Regulation
Reginald GriffithLouis Dreyfus CompanyGlobal Head of Regulatory Compliance
Jennifer HanManaged Funds AssociationChief Counsel and Head of Global Regulatory Affairs
Graham HarperFutures Industry Association Principal Traders GroupHead of Public Policy and Market Structure at DRW
David HornerLondon Stock Exchange GroupChief Risk Officer, LCH Ltd
Elisabeth KirbyTradeweb MarketsManaging Director and Head of Market Structure
Derek KleinbauerBloomberg SEF LLCPresident
Ernie W. KohnkeCommodity Markets CouncilGeneral Counsel, Vitol
Andrew NashManaging Director and Head of Regulatory AffairsMorgan Stanley
Ashwini PanseIntercontinental Exchange, Inc.Head of Risk Oversight for ICE Clear Netherlands, and Chief Risk Officer for the North American Clearinghouses
Marnie RosenbergManaging Director, Global Head of Central Counterparty Credit Risk and StrategyJPMorgan Chase & Co.
Guy RowcliffeOSTTRACo-CEO and Chief Commercial Officer
Tyson SlocumPublic CitizenDirector, Public Citizen Energy Program
Nathaniel WuerffelThe Bank of New York MellonHead of Market Structure
Huan ZhangNodal Clear, LLCChief Risk Officer
Interest Rate Benchmark Reform (Inactive)



Date Meeting Details

At the meeting, the MRAC will discuss current topics and developments in the areas of central counterparty risk and governance, market structure, climate-related risk, and innovative and emerging technologies affecting the derivatives and related financial markets, including discussions led by the Central Counterparty Risk & Governance and Market Structure subcommittees with recommendations related to CCP cyber resilience and critical third-party service providers and the cash futures basis trade, respectively, here.

At this meeting, the MRAC will introduce formal recommendations, reports, and presentations that offer insightful guidance consistent with the Commission’s efforts to strengthen the stability of the U.S. financial system by addressing timely and diverse issues. These include an effective approach to manage the resilience, recovery, or wind down of central counterparties; the implications of concentration risk in intermediation; the U.S. treasury cash-futures basis trade and risk-management considerations; a work plan for the integration of artificial intelligence in our markets; possible recommendations regarding efforts to manage climate-related market risks; and updates on the work of several workstreams on block implementation rules, post-trade risk reduction services, and margin transparency, margin procyclicality and margin calls, here.

Two Subcommittees of the Market Risk Advisory Committees, the Future of Finance Subcommittee and Climate-Related Market Risk Subcommittee, will each hold public meetings on March 15, 2024. The Subcommittees will continue workstreams, including examining the potential risks that emerge in connection with increasing adoption of artificial intelligence in global financial markets and the risks that arise in connection with carbon derivatives markets with a particular focus on fraud and greenwashing, market integrity, product design, and disclosure. The press release announcing the meetings is available here.

At the meeting, the MRAC will address current topics including central counterparty risk and governance, market structure developments, climate-related risk, and innovative and emerging technologies affecting the derivatives and related financial markets, here.

The Market Risk Advisory Committee will hold a public meeting on July 10, 2023. At this meeting, the MRAC will share updates from the CCP Risk and Governance Subcommittee on the Subcommittee’s workstreams on CCP Resolution and Recovery; Margin and Collateral Guidelines; and Technology and Operations. The Market Structure Subcommittee will share updates regarding the Subcommittee’s workstreams on block implementation rules, FCM concentration and capacity, U.S. Treasury market reform, and post-trade risk reduction. The Interest Rate Benchmark Reform Subcommittee will share a final report regarding the transition away from LIBOR. An expert panel and MRAC members will continue to explore issues arising in digital asset markets with a focus on the risks associated with market structure concerns including custody, conflicts of interest, and vertical integration in digital asset markets. Finally, the Climate-Related Market Risks Subcommittee will share an update on the development of carbon markets and discuss the recent Integrity Council Report, here.

MRAC will hold a public meeting to address current topics and developments in the areas of central counterparty risk and governance, interest rate benchmark reform, climate-related risk, market structure, and emerging technology-oriented risks affecting the derivatives and related financial markets. A formal agenda for this meeting is here.

Meeting to address refining the MRAC’s agenda and topics of discussion on a forward-looking basis; developments in the digital asset markets and the unique risks of such markets; investor and customer protection in markets with increasing retail participation; and the importance of climate-related market risk and market structure developments. In addition, the MRAC will address procedural matters, including possible votes on establishing new or re-establishing currently inactive subcommittees and a discussion of issues that should be addressed by MRAC’s subcommittees.  Full details, including agenda, here.