External Meetings: Meeting with Not For Profit Energy End User Coalition

Commission staff met with representatives of the public sector, not for profit, energy industry to discuss issues related to implementation of Dodd-Frank.


Issues discussed were:


The structure and make up of the public energy sector and how it differed from the commercial, for-profit energy sector.


The significance of these differences and the structure of the industry as regards implementation of Dodd-Frank, particularly:


-Swap Dealer and Major Swap Participant definitions 
-End User Exemption provisions and the definition of hedging
-The forward exclusion to the swap definition in Dodd Frank
-MOUs required under Dodd-Frank between the CFTC and FERC
-Data issues particular to the reporting requirments of Dodd-Frank, and
-Position limits and large trader reporting under Dodd-Frank.
II. Definitions,XI. End-User Exception,V. Capital & Margin,XVII. Data Recordkeeping,XVIII. Real Time Reporting,XXVI. Position Limits,
CFTC Staff
Jennifer Bauer

Thelma Diaz

Eric Juzenas

Doug Leslie

Greg Kuserk

David Aron

Dan Berkovitz

George Wilder

John Riley

Bob Pease

Rose Troia

Terry Arbit

Julian Hammar

Mark Farfar

Steve Kane

Geoff Burns
Patrica Dondanville, Shiff Hardin

William Rust, The Energy Authority

Russ Wasson, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association

Jeffrey Walker, ACES Power Marketing

Susan Kelley, American Public Power Association

Dave Shryver, American Public Gas Association
Shiff Hardin

The Energy Authority

National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA)

American Public Power Association (APPA)

ACES Power Marketing

American Public Gas Association (APGA)