The mission of the CFTC Privacy Office is to preserve and enhance privacy protections for all individuals whose information is processed by the Commission and to promote transparency around the Commission’s operations involving personally identifiable information.
About the Privacy Office
The CFTC Privacy Office is responsible for ensuring that the Commission complies with applicable privacy requirements, developing and evaluating privacy policies and procedures, and managing privacy risks.
The Privacy Office is organizationally located in the Office of the General Counsel and is led by the Commission’s Chief Privacy Officer. The General Counsel serves as the Commission’s Senior Agency Official for Privacy.
Fair Information Practice Principles
The Commission has adopted the following set of Fair Information Practice Principles to use when evaluating information systems, processes, programs, and activities that affect individual privacy:
- Authority
- Minimization
- Quality and Integrity
- Individual Participation
- Purpose Specification and Use Limitation
- Security
- Transparency
Rob Schwartz
Senior Agency Official for Privacy
Office of the General Counsel
Kellie Cosgrove Riley
Chief Privacy Officer
Office of the General Counsel
Contact the Privacy Office
By Mail: Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Attn. Privacy Office
1155 21st St., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20581
By Email: privacy@cftc.gov