External Meetings: Meeting with European Parliament Rapporteur for the Regulation on OTC Derivatives, Central Counterparties and Trade Repositories

This meeting with Member of the European Parliament Werner Langen, Rapporteur for the Regulation on OTC Derivatives, Central Counterparties and Trade Repositories, discussed open access rules for clearing houses, exemptions for pension funds from the clearing mandate, real time reporting, and extraterritorial application of Dodd Frank.  Langen and Gensler discussed the similarities and differences in the EC and US proposed approaches to these issues.  They also discussed the need for cooperation and harmonization on regulatory approaches and implementation.
II. Definitions

VII. DCO Core Principles

XI. End-user Exception

XVIII. Real Time Reporting

CFTC Staff
Gary Gensler

Jacqueline H. Mesa
Werner Langen
European Parliament