Release Number 8594-22
CFTC Commissioner Christy Goldsmith Romero Calls for Nominations and Topics for the Technology Advisory Committee
September 26, 2022
Washington, D.C. — Commodity Futures Trading Commission Commissioner Christy Goldsmith Romero, sponsor of the Technology Advisory Committee (TAC), today called for committee-membership nominations and potential topics for TAC meetings.
Commissioner Goldsmith Romero said the following:
“The U.S. financial system and economy face many challenges and opportunities at the intersection of technology and finance. The Technology Advisory Committee will provide a forum for credible experts, representing a wide range of viewpoints, to explore the novel and complex issues presented by technological innovation in our financial markets.
“We are calling for potential topic ideas and member nominations that will help the CFTC and other regulators navigate challenging but critically important issues to American markets and families.”
The Technology Advisory Committee was renewed earlier this month under the sponsorship of Commissioner Goldsmith Romero. It is an advisory committee that aims to assist the CFTC in understanding the challenges and opportunities associated with technological development and innovation across the financial markets.
Commissioner Goldsmith Romero added the following:
“Public input will be essential to ensuring that the committee facilitates a balanced and productive dialogue that keeps top of mind the CFTC’s public-interest mission.
“We stand ready to listen and are open to all ideas and perspectives on how the agency can best keep pace with technology, while fulfilling its mandates to promote financial stability, investor and customer protection, market integrity and resilience, and cybersecurity.
“And I am hopeful that the public will help us open the aperture on membership. Serious public-interest conversations demand that diverse, independent, expert perspectives be brought to bear on the issues, not solely the views of the financial industry that, while valued, have dominated too many discussions in the past and left out other voices.”
For More Information:
The Federal Register Notice requesting TAC nominations and topics can be found here:
For more information, please contact the designated federal officer for the TAC, Anthony Biagioli, at