Agricultural Advisory Committee

22nd Meeting of the CFTC Agricultural Advisory Committee

October 2, 1996

1:00 PM Opening Remarks
Chairperson Brooksley Born

1:10 PM Presentation by Members of the CFTC Agricultural Advisory Committee on Risk Management Education Programs

2:30 PM Update from USDA Risk Management Agency on the FAIR Act "Section 192 -- Education Program"

Mr. Kenneth Ackerman
Administrator - Risk Management Agency
United States Department of Agriculture

2:45 PM Report from USDA's Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service on their new initiative, "Managing Change in Agriculture"


3:10 PM Presentation on AgRisk: A Financial Engineering Approach to Risk Management of Farm Firms

3:30 PM Presentation on the New York Cotton Exchange's Potato Futures and Options Contract

3:50 PM Presentations on the Butter Futures and Options Contract offered by the Coffee, Sugar and Cocoa Exchange and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange

4:10 PM Presentation on AgMAS: A Study of the Performance of Agricultural Market Advisory Services

4:30 PM Update on Audit Trail

4:45 PM Update on the issue of Hedge-to-Arrive Contracts

5:00 PM Other Committee Business

5:10 PM Closing Remarks