Frequently Requested Information under FOIA
To request copies of records listed but not available here, email Provide your name, address, telephone number, and the file and document numbers of the records you are requesting. If you request paper copies instead of electronic copies, a fee of $.15 per page will be charged.
Key to Frequently Requested FOIA Information Categories
A. Records posted in their entirety on the Commission's website.
B. Records partially posted on the Commission's website (records not created by a government agency are listed but not published here, and will be released on request).
C. Records not posted on the Commission's website that will be released on request.
Each file number listed here provides a list of the records available on that subject and, where possible, provides direct links to electronic copies of the records.
Category |
File Number |
Subject |
(A) | 24-00418 | FOIA Logs – FY2024, Quarter 4 |
(A) | 24-00407 | Antideficiency Act |
(A) | 24-00385 | KalshiEx LLC Voting Record |
(A) | 24-00383 | Westlaw Research Services |
(A) | 24-00311 | Communications with Kamala Harris |
(A) | 24-00310 | Communications with J.D. Vance |
(A) | 24-00282 | Pride Month |
(A) | 24-00281 | Requests for No-Action Relief |
(C) | 24-00263 | Intrade |
(A) | 24-00151 | Petitions for Rulemakings |
(A) | 24-00225 | Clarence Thomas |
(A) | 24-00183 | Citadel 2020 |
(A) | 24-00178 | Congressional Communications 2024 |
(A) | 24-00266 | Kalshi Election Contract Voting |
(A) | 24-00116 | Congressional Communications |
(A) | 24-00128 | FOIA Logs for June-December 2023 |
(A) | 24-00130 | DEI, Transgender, Equity, Pronouns |
(A) | 24-00132 | Transgender, Gender Affirming, Pronoun |
(A) | 24-00153 | Investigation Report on Abuse of Telework Policy |
(A) | 24-00129 | GLOMAR Responses |
(A) | 24-00088 | Human Resources Support Contract |
(A) | 23-00261 | COVID Policies and Directives |
(A) | 23-00269 | GLOMAR Responses |
(A) | 24-00023 | Budget Information, Appropriations, and Committee Questions and Answers |
(A) | 24-00042 | Market Data Services for Global Risk System |
(A) | 24-00035 | Organizational Charts |
(A) | 23-00260 | Political Appointees |
(A) | 23-00023 | Conflicts, Ethics Waivers, and Authorizations |
(A) | 23-00084 | Chairman Behnam's Calendar |
(A) | 23-00002-REF | Records Management Self-Assessment Reports |
(A) | 23-00156 | FOIA Logs for 2010-May 2023 |
(A) | 23-00120 | 1-FR-IB Information |
(A) | 23-00063 | Schedule C Appointees |
(A) | 23-00060 | Ethereum |
(C) | 21-00148 | Requests for Relief Communications |
(A) | 21-00068 | Kalshi DCM Application |
(A) | 22-00036 | Kraken Complaints |
(C) | 22-00075 | LedgerX LLC Communications |
(C) | 22-00083 | ETH Communications |
(A) | 21-00100 | Tether Complaints |
(C) | 19-00088 | Victoria University Communications |
(A) |
FOIA Logs |
(C) |
21-00112 |
Applications for Part 30 Relief |
(A) |
Silver Price Manipulation |
(A) |
Transition Briefing Book |
(A) |
OIG Investigations |
(A) |
Communications with Citadel |
(C) |
21-00011 |
Request for No-Action by Victoria University of Wellington |
(A) |
Communications with Kelly Loeffler |
(A) |
Communications with Kelly Loeffler and Trabue Bland |
(A) |
Office of the Inspectors General Final Report Regarding the Office of the Chief Economist |
(A) |
Complaint Received by the CFTC Concerning an Outside Research Paper Which Led the Agency to Conduct an Internal Investigation of How it Brings in Outside Consultants |
(C) |
MF Global, Inc.: CFTC Order Review: Presentation to Audit Committee of the Board of Directors |
(A) |
Participation in Matters Concerning MF Global, Inc |
(A) |
Correspondence from CFTC to Senator Jeff Bingaman Responding to Questions Concerning Oversight of Natural Gas Markets |
(A) |
List of CFTC Government Credit Card Holders |
(C) |
Refco, LLC, CFTC Form 1-FR-FCM for the Period 10/01/2005 - 10/31/2005 |
(C) |
Refco, LLC, CFTC Form 1-FR-FCM for the Period 03/01/2004 - 02/28/2005 (Audited Annual Report) |
(C) |
Cargill Investor Services, Inc., CFTC Form 1-FR-FCM for the Period 08/01/2005—08/31/2005 |
(C) |
Refco, LLC, CFTC Form 1-FR-FCM for the Period 09/01/2005-09/30/2005 |
(C) |
Forex Capital, LLC, CFTC Form 1-FR-FCM for the period 09/01/2005-09/30/2005 |
(C) |
Refco, LLC, CFTC Form 1-FR-FCM for the period 08/01/2005-08/31/2005 |
(B) |
No-Action Letters Concerning the University of Iowa's Iowa Electronic Markets |
(A) |
Memoranda of Understanding with Foreign Regulators (as of 07/02/2004) |
(B) |
Latest Applications for BrokerTec Clearing Company, as of December 2003 |
(C) |
OneChicago, LLC, Futures Exchange Application, as of November, 2003 |
(C) |
Designated Contract Market Application from Chicago Board Options Exchange re Formation of the CBOE Futures Exchange and Documents Relating to Reactivation of the Application files in June 2003, as of October 2003 |
(C) |
Documents Submitted to the Commission Regarding NexTrade Futures Exchange's Operating an Exchange or Clearing Facility in the US |
(C) |
Additional Materials Related to the Nasdaq LIFFE, LLC, 06/06/2002 Application for Designation as a Contract Market, Released Since 11/08/2001 |
(A) |
Chicago Mercantile Exchange 01/06/1977 Proposed Amendments to Live Cattle Futures |
(C) |
Application of The Island Futures Exchange, LLC, for Designation as a Contract Market |
(C) |
Application of Nasdaq LIFFE, LLC, Futures Exchange for Designation as a Contract Market |
(C) |
Application of the London Clearing House Limited for Registration as a Derivatives Clearing Organization |
(B) |
Documents Pertaining to the Application of EnergyClear Corporation for Registration as a Derivatives Clearing Organization |
(B) |
Nasdaq LIFFE Futures Exchange - Submission for Contract Market Designation 06/06/2001 |
(C) |
Documents Pertaining to the Application of FutureCom for Contract Market Designation, Update of Files 99--001 and 99-008 |
(C) |
Memorandum of the Division of Trading and Markets, re: Applications of onExchange Board of Trade for Initial Designation as Contract Market and onExchange Clearing Corporation for Registration as a Derivatives Clearing Organization |
(C) |
Initial Application of Merchants Exchange of St. Louis, LLC, for Designation as a Contract Market |
(C) |
Request of the London Financial Futures and Options Exchange for No-Action Relief from Sections 5 and 5a of the Commodity Exchange Act, Concerning the LIFFE Connect Trading System |
(C) |
Initial Application of BrokerTec, L.L.C., for Designation as a Contract Market |
(B) |
Documents Relating to CFTC Interpretive Letters Nos. 99-67, 97-93, 98-31, and 94-58, and Other Interpretative, No-Action, and Exemptive Letters Pertaining to Automated Systems for Trading Energy Products and Chemicals |
(B) |
Documents Pertaining to the Application of FutureCom for Contract Market Designation, Update of File 99--001 |
(A) |
Monthly Customer Type Indicator (CTI) Statistics for the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Standard & Poor's 500 Contract |
(B) |
Documents that Refer or Relate to the Application of Cantor Financial Futures Exchange for Designation as a Contract Market |
(C) |
Copy of the Chicago Board of Trade's Submission for the ComEd and TVA Electricity Futures Contracts |
(C) |
Documents Pertaining to the Application of FutureCom as a Contract Market in Live Cattle Futures and Options |
(C) |
Petition Under Section 4[c] of the London Clearing House, Limited, for Exemptive Relief Concerning SwapClear |
(B) |
Information Concerning the New York Cotton Exchange and Cantor Fitzgerald's Application Concerning the Cantor Financial Futures Exchange |
(B) |
Information on New York Mercantile Exchange Contracts: Palo Verde Electricity Futures and Futures Options, California/Oregon Border Electricity Futures and Futures Options |
(B) |
Correspondence Between CFTC, London Metal Exchange, and U.K. Securities and Investments Board Concerning the Copper Market Between 1995 and Date of Request |