Product Terms and Conditions Rules - Designated Contract Markets : 30548

Organization: NADEX

Description: EMERGENCY ACTION-Due to technical issue with the Reuters data source, Nadex is taking emergency action to refrain from listing its Daily & Intraday AUD/JPY Binary Contracts for the remainder of the week of 9/22/14. Emergency Action implemented on 9/22/14.

Products Affected: Currency Exchange AUD/JPY Binary COntracts

Official Receipt Date: 2014-09-22 00:00:00

Status: Certified

Date: 2014-10-06 00:00:00


Associated Documents
20140922_Emergency Action_Nadex Refrains from Listing AUD/JPY Contracts Coverletter
20140922_Emergency Action Form_Nadex Refrains from Listing AUDJPY Binary Contracts