Product Terms and Conditions Rules - Designated Contract Markets

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Organization Filing Description Products Affected Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
KCBT Adds Salina/Abilene and Wichita as delivery points; amends quality specifications, increases loading rate, and loading fees and storage fees. wheat 06/21/2007 Approved 08/06/2007 1
NADEX Adds strike prices to various equity index binary contracts Various equity index binary contracts 09/07/2012 Certified 09/07/2012 1
CBOT Adds ten additional strike prices to the strike price band of options on 2-year U.S. Treasury Note futures Options on 2-Year T-Note futures 08/31/2010 Certified 08/31/2010 1
COMEX Adds the copper brand "QB" produced by Compania Minera Quebrada Blanca S.A. as acceptable for delivery. copper 04/12/2007 Certified 04/24/2007 1
CME Adds the fourth weekly options on the S&P 500 and the E-mini S&P 500 futures contracts and reduces the strike listing range for the weekly options S&P 500 and E-mini S&P 500 futures contracts 06/10/2010 Certified 06/15/2010 1
CBOT Adds third-year (green) monthly contract expiration in CBOT 30-Day Federal Funds futures. 30-Day Federal Funds futures 02/01/2011 Certified 02/01/2011 1
CME Adds Three-Year (Blue) Mid Curve quarterly and serial Eurodollar options. Adds serial options to the existing Two-Year (Green) and Fifth-Year (Gold) Mid-Curve Eurodollar options Mid-Curve Eurodollar Options 11/24/2010 Certified 11/24/2010 1
COMEX Adds Tucson Port Authority as a licensed warehouse and weighmaster. Copper 03/10/2009 Certified 03/10/2009 2
COMEX Adds Umicore Brasil to the list of approved brands and denotes that the Degussa S.A. (with 1/2 sun and 1/4 moon within diamond) brand produced by Umicore Brasil is no longer produced but remains deliverable against the Gold futures contract. Gold 08/01/2007 Certified 08/20/2007 1
CME Adds weekly options on serial month Russian ruble futures contracts. Russian ruble options on futures 03/18/2011 Certified 03/18/2011 1
ICE US Adds weekly options. Sugar, Coffee, Cotton 01/19/2012 Certified 02/03/2012 1
CDE Adjust day count convention and calculation methodology for AC and Eris PAI. Interest Rate Swap futures 04/17/2012 Certified 05/02/2012 1
NADEX Adjust the parameters of the acceptable bid/ask spread used in collection of midpoint data for settlement of the FX contracts as Nadex deems necessary or appropriate based on underlying market conditions.Notice would be provided on the Notices web page. All Foreign Currency Binary and Variable Payout Contracts 01/12/2018 Certified 01/29/2018 1
ICE US Adjustments to power contract limits and levels Affects most of the power contracts 12/27/2013 Certified 01/14/2014 1
NADEX Adjusts strike width for Daily and Intraday Crude Oil Binary contracts and increases number of strikes for Intraday Crude Oil Binary contracts for the week of November 25, 2019. Daily Crude Oil Binary ContractsIntraday Crude Oil Binary Contracts 11/25/2019 Notified 11/25/2019 1
NADEX Adjusts strike width on Daily "Wide" Currency Spreads; Adds strikes to Crude, Currency, and US Indices Spreads; Adds new AUD/JPY and EUR/GBP Spreads; corrects typo and renumbering. Crude Oil; EUR/USD, GBP/USD, AUD/USD, USD/JPY, USD/CAD, USD/CHF, EUR/JPY, GBP/JPY, AUD/JPY, EUR/GBP; US SmallCap 2000, US Tech 100, US 500, Wall Street 30 Variable Payout Spread Contracts 03/11/2016 Certified 03/25/2016 1
NYMEX Administrative Amendment to Chapter Title of a Petroleum Spread Futures Contract 3.5% Fuel Oil Spread futures (NYMEX Code 63) 08/11/2011 Certified 08/25/2011 1
NYMEX Administrative amendment tothe Position Limit, Position Accountability and Reportable Level Table. Heating Oil Crack Spread Option 06/29/2010 Certified 06/29/2010 1
NYMEX Administrative amendments for the Crude Oil Financial Calendar Spread Option and Henry Hub Natural Gas Financial Calendar Spread Option. Crude Oil, Natural Gas 05/16/2011 Certified 06/13/2011 1
NYMEX Administrative amendments for the Crude Oil Financial Calendar Spread option and the Henry Hub Natural Gas Financial Calendar Spread option. options 05/16/2011 Certified 05/16/2011 1
CME Administrative amendments reflecting the change in the administration of LIBOR from BBA LIBOR Limited to ICE Benchmark Administration Limit Three- and One-Month Eurodollar Futures 03/21/2014 Certified 04/04/2014 1
NYMEX Administrative amendments revising product names and correcting or clarifying mis-specifications in selected contract terms. Natural Gas, Crude Oil, Refined Products Swaps 04/21/2010 Certified 04/21/2010 0
CME Administrative Amendments to Certain CME and CBOT Product Chapters in Connection with the Elimination of Most CME and All CBOT Open Outcry Trading Pits See filing. 06/11/2021 Withdrawn 06/24/2021 2
CBOT Administrative Amendments to Certain CME and CBOT Product Chapters in Connection with the Elimination of Most CME and All CBOT Open Outcry Trading Pits See filing. 06/11/2021 Withdrawn 06/24/2021 2
NYMEX Administrative Amendments to Chapter 5, Position Limit, Position Accountability and Reportable Level Table three petroleum products 07/15/2011 Certified 07/15/2011 1
CME Administrative Amendments to Eight (8) Foreign Exchange ("FX") Futures Contracts Rulebook Chapters See Filing. 09/26/2019 Certified 10/10/2019 1
CME Administrative Amendments to Five (5) Foreign Exchange (FX) Options Contracts to Clarify the Underlying Futures Contract See filing. 01/27/2022 Certified 02/10/2022 1
NYMEX Administrative Amendments to Forty-Seven (47) Freight Futures and Options Contracts See filing. 11/05/2021 Certified 11/22/2021 2
NYMEX Administrative Amendments to Four (4) Energy Average Price Option Contracts See filing. 02/24/2023 Withdrawn 02/24/2023 1
NYMEX Administrative Amendments to NE2 Canada Inc. (formerly, Net Energy Inc.) Futures and Option Contracts See filing. 01/22/2020 Certified 02/05/2020 1
NYMEX Administrative Amendments to Rules XXX101. ("Contract Specifications") and XXXXX102.E. ("Termination of Trading") of the WTI Midland (Argus) vs. WTI Trade Month BALMO and the WTI Houston (Argus) vs. WTI Trade Month BALMO Futures Contracts to... See filing. 09/22/2022 Certified 10/06/2022 1
CME Administrative Amendments to Six (6) Micro FX Futures Contracts to Delete Redundant Language Regarding Currency Flows at Delivery which is Provided in CME Chapter 7 ("Delivery Facilities and Procedures") See filing. 08/23/2021 Certified 09/07/2021 1
NYMEX Administrative Amendments to Ten (10) Natural Gas Futures Contracts See filing 02/23/2017 Certified 03/09/2017 1
NYMEX Administrative Amendments to the American Metal Market and Metal Bulletin Futures Contracts See filing. 09/11/2019 Certified 09/25/2019 2
COMEX Administrative Amendments to the American Metal Market and Metal Bulletin Futures Contracts See filing. 09/11/2019 Certified 09/25/2019 2
NYMEX Administrative Amendments to the Crude Oil Weekly Option Contract 07/13/2023 Certified 07/27/2023 1
COMEX Administrative Amendments to the E-mini Gold Futures, E-mini Silver Futures and E-mini Copper Futures Contracts See filing. 10/22/2019 Certified 11/05/2019 1
CME Administrative Amendments to the Final Settlement Rules in Connections with Four (4) Japanese Equity Index Futures and Options Contracts See filing. 12/03/2021 Certified 12/17/2021 1
NYMEX Administrative Amendments to the Henry Hub Natural Gas Financial Calendar Spread Option Contracts see filing 01/03/2020 Certified 01/17/2020 1
NYMEX Administrative Amendments to the HMS 80/20 Ferrous Scrap, CFR Turkey (Platts TSI) Futures Contract See filing. 01/24/2020 Certified 02/07/2020 1
COMEX Administrative Amendments to the Iron Ore 62% Fe, CFR China (TSI) Futures and Iron Ore 62% Fe, CFR China (TSI) Average Price Option Contracts See filing. 01/27/2022 Certified 02/10/2022 2
NYMEX Administrative Amendments to the RBOB Gasoline Futures Contract See filing. 10/12/2022 Certified 10/26/2022 1
CME Administrative Amendments to the S&P 500 Total Return Index Futures and S&P 500 Carry Adjusted Total Return Index Futures Contracts See filing. 12/05/2016 Certified 12/19/2016 1
NYMEX Administrative Amendments to Twelve (12) Platts Refined Petroleum Futures Contracts See filing. 11/18/2019 Certified 12/03/2019 2
NYMEX Administrative Amendments to Twenty-One (21) Energy Futures and Options Contracts See filing. 09/01/2021 Certified 09/16/2021 1
NYMEX Administrative Amendments to Two (2) European Natural Gas Futures Contracts Regarding EFRP Transactions See filing. 08/14/2020 Certified 08/28/2020 1
NYMEX Administrative and Harmonization Amendments to Certain Energy Futures and Option Contracts to Codify Subject to NYMEX Rule 589. ("Special Price Fluctuation Limits") See filing. 06/18/2021 Certified 07/02/2021 1
COMEX Administrative and Harmonization Amendments to the Aluminum MW U.S. Transaction Premium Platts (25MT) Futures Contract See filing. 07/23/2021 Certified 08/06/2021 1
ICE US Administrative changes to PJM Daily Load Futures Administrative changes to PJM Daily Load Futures 11/29/2013 Certified 11/29/2013 1
NFX Adopt a market maker program for energy contracts that the Exchange has listed pursuant to Appendix A of the Exchange Rulebook. Designated Market Maker Program 04/01/2016 Withdrawn 04/15/2016 1