Product Terms and Conditions Rules - Designated Contract Markets

Search Product Terms and Conditions Rules - Designated Contract Markets using the following criteria
Organization Filing Description Products Affected Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
KEX Amendment to submission 2109-0307-5801-96 VOHC (Will the CDC identify a variant of high consequence) 12/13/2021 Withdrawn 12/16/2021 2
KEX Amendment to submission 2109-1000-4558-47 SALTX (Will the SALT deduction cap be raised?) 12/13/2021 Withdrawn 12/16/2021 2
KEX Amendment to submission 2110-0607-4838-55 APPROVE (approval ratings) 12/13/2021 Withdrawn 12/16/2021 2
KEX Amendment to submission 2110-0607-5556-74 MEAD (What will Lake Mead water levels be?) 12/13/2021 Withdrawn 12/16/2021 2
KEX Amendment to submission 2110-1900-4241-33 GSTORM (will there be a geomagnetic storm) 12/13/2021 Withdrawn 12/16/2021 2
KEX Amendment to submission 2110-2600-0549-51 BOOSTER (How many Americans will receive a booster for COVID-19?) 12/13/2021 Withdrawn 12/16/2021 2
KEX Amendment to submission 2111-1000-5203-91 DCEIL (Will Congress raise or suspend the debt ceiling?) 12/13/2021 Withdrawn 12/16/2021 2
KEX Amendment to submission 2111-1506-5027-35 VARIANT 12/13/2021 Withdrawn 12/16/2021 2
ICE US Amendment to Sugar Resolution 3 to clarify reference to Rule 11.08(2)(a). Sugar No. 11 10/16/2015 Certified 10/30/2015 1
COMEX Amendment to Supplement No. 1, "Official List of Approved Brands and Markings" for the Copper futures contract changing the producer name for copper brands"NORANDA" and "FKA," formerly produced by Noranda, Inc. & Falconbridge to Xstrada Canada Corp. Copper Futures Contract 01/19/2010 Certified 01/19/2010 1
COMEX Amendment to Supplement No. 2, "Licensed Depositories and Weighmasters for Silver" of the Silver futures contract adding a warehouse facility located at 4 Meco Circle, Wilmington, DE, owned and operated by Delaware Depository Service. Company. Silver Futures Contract 01/19/2010 Certified 01/19/2010 1
ICE US Amendment to TAS Spread Pricing Convention for FCOJ and Canola futures contracts. FCOJ-A futures and Canola futures 03/16/2022 Certified 03/30/2022 1
NYMEX Amendment to termination of trading rule Midwest ISO Indiana Hub 5 MW Peak Calendar-Day Rea 10/03/2012 Certified 10/18/2012 1
ICE US Amendment to terms and conditions of three futures contracts California Carbon Allowance Current Auction Clearing PriceCalifornia Carbon Allowance Advance Auction Clearing PriceRegional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Allowance Auction Clearing Price 03/22/2019 Certified 04/05/2019 1
ICE US Amendment to terms and conditions. See submission. 10/17/2018 Notified 10/17/2018 1
KEX Amendment to terms of OSCARS contract. 03/04/2024 Certified 03/15/2024 2
KEX Amendment to the APPROVE rule (relating to the contract on the presidential approval ratings). The contract was originally filed on 10.06.21, in submission 2110-0607-4838-55. The original name was "What will the President's approval rating be?" and is being amended to "Will the President's approval be above below between percent on date?" which implements the preference for a binary title expressed by the Division. 03/28/2022 Certified 04/08/2022 3
KEX Amendment to the CHIHIGH contract, original filing number 2108-1701-1053-94, in order to amend the expiration time of the contract. 04/26/2023 Certified 05/09/2023 3
NYMEX Amendment to the contract quantity and value rule for the MISO Michigan Hub Off-Peak Calendar-Month LMP Futures contract (Chapter 776A, Code HJ) to correct an administrative error. MISO Michigan Hub Chapt 776A, Code HJ 03/08/2013 Certified 03/26/2013 1
KEX Amendment to the CORECPI contract to increase position limits. 07/06/2023 Certified 07/19/2023 2
KEX Amendment to the CREDEF contract to increase its position limit. 08/30/2023 Certified 09/13/2023 2
NADEX Amendment to the daily & weekly criteria. Binary Contracts 03/13/2008 Certified 03/13/2008 1
KEX Amendment to the DEFAULT contract to expand Payout Criterion. 11/29/2023 Certified 12/12/2023 2
NYMEX Amendment to the definition of the term "Settlement Price." Prohibits stop orders. New York Harbor Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) 08/29/2011 Certified 09/12/2011 1
KEX Amendment to the EURUSD contract, original filing number 2208-1002-0944-17, in order to amend the expiration time of the contract. 04/26/2023 Certified 05/09/2023 3
KEX Amendment to the FED contract to increase Exchange imposed position limits. 05/03/2023 Certified 05/17/2023 2
KEX Amendment to the FEDDECISION contract to increase Exchange imposed position limits. 05/03/2023 Certified 05/17/2023 2
NYMEX Amendment to the Final Settlement for the NYMEX Brent 25-Day Futures contracts NYMEX Brent 25-Day Futures contract 03/01/2013 Certified 03/15/2013 0
NYMEX Amendment to the floating price rules for three petro futures contracts Fuel Oil Swap Futures 03/10/2011 Certified 05/10/2011 1
KEX Amendment to the GAS contract, original filing number 2107-2823-2226-26, in order to amend the expiration time of the contract. 04/26/2023 Certified 05/09/2023 3
KEX Amendment to the HURCAT contract to reduce expiration times. 07/06/2023 Certified 07/19/2023 2
NYMEX Amendment to the Listing Cycle for One (1) Crude Oil Option Contract LLS (Argus) vs. Brent Crude Oil Average Price Option 09/30/2015 Certified 10/15/2015 1
NYMEX Amendment to the listing date on Globex for four vintages year-specific Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative CO2 allowance futures contracts listing date on Globes for vintage specific RGGI 02/25/2010 Certified 02/25/2010 1
NYMEX Amendment to the listing schedule for the NYMEX trading floor and for submission for clearing through CME ClearPort. Six Brent CFD spread contracts 10/19/2012 Certified 11/05/2012 1
NYMEX Amendment to the LOOP Gulf Coast Sour Crude Oil Futures Contract LOOP Gulf Coast Sour Crude Oil Futures 04/24/2015 Certified 05/08/2015 1
KEX Amendment to the NHIGH contract, original filing number 2108-0402-1232-59, in order to amend the expiration time of the contract. 04/26/2023 Certified 05/09/2023 3
KEX Amendment to the Notice of Changes to Scheduled Maintenance Periods that Impact Trading Hours. 10/20/2024 Certified 11/01/2024 1
KEX Amendment to the RATECUT contract to increase Exchange imposed position limit. 05/03/2023 Certified 05/17/2023 2
KEX Amendment to the RATEHIKE contract to increase Exchange imposed position limits. 05/03/2023 Certified 05/17/2023 2
COIN Amendment to the Settlement Terms and Conditions for the Micro SuperTech Futures Micro SuperTech Futures 02/18/2022 Certified 03/07/2022 1
COIN Amendment to the Settlement Terms and Conditions for the Nano SuperTech Futures Nano SuperTech Futures 02/18/2022 Certified 03/07/2022 1
COIN Amendment to the Settlement Terms and Conditions of the Nano Bloomberg US Large Cap Futures Nano Bloomberg US Large Cap Futures (B5) 02/18/2022 Certified 03/07/2022 1
CBOT Amendment to the Soybean Option Listing Schedule Options on Soybean Futures 08/22/2016 Certified 09/06/2016 1
KEX Amendment to the TERMINALRATE contract to increase Exchange imposed position limits. 05/03/2023 Certified 05/17/2023 2
NYMEX Amendment to the Termination of Trading of Four (4) Asia Coal Option Contracts See filing. 08/13/2015 Certified 08/27/2015 1
COIN Amendment to the Terms and conditions of the Micro Bloomberg US Large Cap Futures Micro Bloomberg US Large Cap Futures 02/18/2022 Certified 03/07/2022 1
KEX Amendment to the terms of the TNOTE contract, as described in full in the attached cover letter. The original filing was 2201-2507-5549-38. What will the yield of the 10-year U.S. Treasury note be? 05/03/2022 Certified 05/16/2022 3
KEX Amendment to the TNOTE contract, original filing number 2201-2507-5549-38, in order to amend the expiration time of the contract. 04/26/2023 Certified 05/09/2023 3
KEX Amendment to the TSAW contract, original filing number 2107-1121-4330-79, in order to amend the expiration time of the contract. 04/26/2023 Certified 05/09/2023 3
KEX Amendment to the USDJPY contract, filing number 2208-1002-1403-89, in order to amend the expiration time of the contract. 04/26/2023 Certified 05/09/2023 3