Product Terms and Conditions Rules - Designated Contract Markets

Search Product Terms and Conditions Rules - Designated Contract Markets using the following criteria
Organization Filing Description Products Affected Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
CBOT Correction of minor error and clarification of terms used to describe contact months Treasury futures 02/28/2014 Certified 03/14/2014 1
CBOT Correction of errata in rulebooks for equity index futures and futures options Equity index futures and futures options 05/30/2014 Certified 06/14/2014 1
CME Correction of errata in rulebooks for equity index futures and futures options Equity index futures and futures options 05/30/2014 Certified 06/14/2014 1
ICE US Correction of an invalid URL address that no longer worked that identified the referenc price for the contract. CAISO SP-15 Real-Time peak Daily Fixed Price Future 11/13/2015 Notified 11/13/2015 1
NADEX Correct typographical errors that led to incorrect reporting levels GBP/USD, USD/CAD, Wholesale Gasoline VPHs 02/02/2009 Certified 03/11/2009 1
CME Correct typographical error in the trading unit definition Three Month Eurodollar Calendar spread option 08/15/2008 Certified 10/28/2008 1
NYMEX Correct typographical error in spot-month limit Natural Gas Index Swap 12/27/2010 Certified 01/20/2011 1
CME Correct time at which currency exchange rates are determined for final settlement price calculation to 4:30 from 5:30 p.m. Chicago time. MSCI Emerging Market Index 02/11/2008 Certified 09/17/2008 1
OCX Correct listing date. ProShares UltraShort Dow 06/10/2009 Certified 06/10/2009 1
ELX Correct first notice day to first business day of the contract month from the third business day of the contract month. Correct typos. Treasury futures 07/08/2009 Certified 11/03/2009 1
NYMEX Correct errors in amendments to offsetting different sized futures crude oil, natural gas, RBOB gasoline, heating oil 04/19/2011 Certified 04/19/2011 1
NYMEX Correct error in offset rule for mini- and full-sized energy contracts. crude oil, natural gas, RBOB gasoline, heating oil 04/18/2011 Certified 04/18/2011 1
NYMEX Correct disclaimer references for the Argus Propane Far East Index swap futures contract. Argus Propane Fare East Index 03/27/2009 Certified 03/27/2009 1
GREENX Correct cross-references to contract specifications and other typographical errors. 42 Environmental Futures and Option Contracts 02/15/2011 Certified 03/09/2011 1
NYMEX Correct a typographical error in the expiration month limit for two natural gas swap futures Florida Gas Zone 2 Natural Gas Swap futures (2) 01/20/2011 Certified 02/01/2011 1
NYLIFFE Converts vault recipt system to an entirely electronic system. Gold and Silver 10/30/2013 Certified 11/15/2013 1
CCFE Convert to physical delivery from cash settlement. Certified Emissions Reduction futures 10/18/2007 Certified 02/06/2008 1
CBOT Contract strike bands are now based on a quarterly reference price rather thana daily reference price & dynamic strike price listing. Agricultural Option 08/05/2008 Certified 08/05/2008 1
NYMEX Contract delisting, Jan. 2015 will be the last listed month. European Gasoil (100mt) Bullet 01/25/2013 Certified 02/08/2013 1
ICE US Consolidation of rule chapters containing terms and conditions of NYSE Index futures. NYSE Fang+ IndexNYSE Arca Gold Miners Index 08/29/2018 Certified 09/13/2018 1
ICE US Consolidation of Open Interest in Certain Physical Environmental Futures and Options Products See submission. 05/14/2019 Certified 05/29/2019 1
ICE US Consolidation of IFUS Chapters 40-60 and Chapter 62 into Chapter 23, deletion of the word "mini" from the MSCI contracts and cross reference amendments to Rule 6.25 and various FAQs. MSCI Contracts 07/28/2017 Notified 07/28/2017 1
CBOT Conforming amendments to reflect delisting of South American Soybean futures contract. South American Soybean 05/01/2009 Certified 05/01/2009 1
CBOT Conforming amendments and corrections to descriptive errors to language in rule chapters DJ UBS ER Commodity Index Futures and Clear Swaps 08/09/2013 Certified 08/26/2013 1
ICE US Conforming amendment regarding cocoa grader license renewals. cocoa 06/28/2007 Certified 06/28/2007 On 09/03/07 NYBT was renamed ICE US 1
CANTOR Conditional upon the listing of the Atlantic Named Storm Swaps #2 Contract, CX is de-listing the Atlantic Named Storm Swaps Contracts with ticker symbol WXANS18I and WXANS18J and to cease listing any new ANS contracts in the series. Atlantic Named Storm Swaps Contract 09/07/2018 Certified 09/07/2018 1
OCX Commence trading SPDR GOLD Shares ("GLD") 05/30/2008 Certified 05/30/2008 1
ICE US Codify procedures to ensure coffee or cocoa is sound if stored in warehouses that have sustained damage. Coffee, Cocoa 03/07/2013 Certified 03/21/2013 1
CME CME Rules 45103.A, 50102.G, 50103A, 435, 435A; CBOT Rule 38101; CME/CBOT Submission 09-073 CME and CBOT Rule Self Cert. 04/21/2009 Certified 04/21/2009 1
CBOT CME Rules 45103.A, 50102.G, 50103A, 435, 435A; CBOT Rule 38101; CME/CBOT Submission 09-073 CME and CBOT Rule Self Cert. 04/21/2009 Certified 04/21/2009 1
CME CME Rulebook Changes Resulting from Rulebook Harmonization Project All 10/26/2007 Certified 01/30/2008 1
CME CME Rule 589. ("Special Price Fluctuation Limits") for Foreign Exchange (FX) Futures and Options Contracts. See filing. 06/29/2018 Certified 07/16/2018 1
CME CME Position Limit, Position Accountability and Reportable Level Table in the Interpretations & Special Notices Section of Chapter 5 of the CME Rulebook. Remove reference to CME$Index Pos. Account. levels 04/07/2010 Certified 04/07/2010 1
CME CME is submitting this delisting via Electronic Portal at the recommendation of CFTC Staff. The Electronic Portal lists the effective date as 8/5/2014 due to the preset protocol. The actual effective date is today, August 4, 2014. Delisting Class 3 Milk, Class 4 Milk, Butter, Live Cattle, Feeder Cattle, Lean Hogs, and Random Length Lumber 08/04/2014 Certified 08/04/2014 2
CME CME Globex and CME ClearPort Closing Time Change for Certain CME Products. See filing 09/03/2015 Certified 09/18/2015 2
CBOT CME Globex and CME ClearPort Closing Time Change for Certain CBOT Products See filing 09/03/2015 Certified 09/18/2015 2
NYMEX CME Globex and CME ClearPort Closing Time Change for All NYMEX Products See filing 09/03/2015 Certified 09/18/2015 2
COMEX CME Globex and CME ClearPort Closing Time Change for All COMEX Products See filing 09/03/2015 Certified 09/18/2015 2
CME CME Expanded Listing Cycles of Yen Nikkei 225 Yen Nikkei 225 Index Futures 03/04/2009 Certified 03/04/2009 1
CME CME Chapter 452, CME is amending CME Chapter 452, Three-Month Eurodollar Futures Three-Month Eurodollar 04/21/2009 Certified 04/21/2009 1
CME CME 14-281(CFTC Submission No. 1408-0816-1418-72) was originally submitted as a Rule Amendment. At the direction of CFTC staff, CME has withdrawn the original submission and resubmitted it here as a revised submission (CME Submission No. 14-281R). Revisions to Rules Governing the Day of Trading Termination for Live Cattle Options in the January Bi-Monthly Listing Cycle. Live Cattle Options. 08/12/2014 Certified 08/26/2014 1
CME Clarifying language to eliminate ambiguity in teh holiday schedules for Bloomberg spot foreign exchange fixings FX realized variance futures 06/13/2014 Certified 06/28/2014 1
NYMEX Clarifying contract terms and conditions and revising the names for six Brent crude oil futures six Brent CFD contracts 05/31/2013 Certified 06/14/2013 0
NYMEX Clarifying and technical amendments regarding the delivery of electronic warrants for metals contracts. Metals 08/13/2009 Certified 08/13/2009 1
NYMEX Clarifying amendments, strike prices Brent options 05/27/2009 Certified 05/27/2009 1
TRUEEX clarifying amendments to Rule 1002 - MAC Interest Rate Swaps MAC Interest Rate Swaps 12/19/2014 Notified 12/19/2014 3
CBOT Clarifying amendments to options on Treasury Futures contracts Options on U.S. Treasury Futures 01/24/2014 Certified 02/07/2014 1
NYMEX Clarifying amendments regarding aggregation of positions across contracts for purposes of compliance with speculative position limits and position accountability provisions. All 01/14/2010 Certified 01/14/2010 1
ICE US Clarifying Amendment to Last Trading Day and final payment dates for 17 power futures contracts CAISO Malin Day-Ahead Peak Daily Fixed Price Future, CAISO NP-15 Fifteen Minute Marker Peak Daily Fixed Price Future, CAISO NP-15 Fifteen Minute Marker Off-Peak Daily Fixed Price Future, CAISO SP-15 Fifteen Minute Marker Peak Daily Fixed Price Future..etc 11/11/2016 Certified 11/28/2016 1
CCFE Clarify when an eligible event becomes a covered event. Rename the contract and make other clarifying amendments IFEX Event Linked Contract 04/30/2008 Certified 05/07/2008 1