Product Terms and Conditions Rules - Designated Contract Markets

Search Product Terms and Conditions Rules - Designated Contract Markets using the following criteria
Organization Filing Description Products Affected Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
CBOT Elaborate and strengthen contract terms regarding physical delivery procedures USD Interest Rate Swap futures 05/03/2013 Certified 05/17/2013 1
OCX Delist 2 SFPs SFPs 05/01/2013 Certified 05/01/2013 1
NYMEX Revisions to Three NYMEX Physically Delivered Futures Product Chapters (260,506, 1108) Two crude oil futures and one coal futures 04/29/2013 Certified 05/14/2013 3
NYMEX Updates and revisions to 3 physically-delivered futures (Cent Appl Coal, Gulf Sour Crude, WCS Crude) Cent Appl Coal, Gulf Sour Crude, WCS Crude 04/29/2013 Certified 07/29/2014 1
CBOT Emergency Action due to river flooding. Corn and Soybeans 04/26/2013 Certified 05/20/2013 3
CME Withdraw of Submission No. 13-123 (four FX Realized Variance futures) FX Realized Variance futures 04/19/2013 Certified 04/19/2013 1
NADEX Notification of additional strike prices Gold and Silver Binaries 04/19/2013 Certified 04/19/2013 1
OCX Delist two SFPs SFPs 04/18/2013 Certified 04/18/2013 1
NYMEX Harmonizes contract terminology with that used for other listed products. Natural Gas Liquids 04/15/2013 Certified 05/17/2013 2
NYMEX self-certification to Grade and Quality Specifications for NY Harbor ULSD Heating Oil NY Harbor ULSD Heating Oil Ch 150 cd HO 04/12/2013 Certified 07/29/2014 1
CME Adopting Single-Month Limit for GSCI and GSCI ER futures Adopting Single-Month Limit for GSCI and GSCI ER 04/10/2013 Certified 04/24/2013 1
CBOT Harmonizes speculative position limit language. Denatured Fuel Ethanol 04/10/2013 Certified 04/24/2013 1
NYMEX Delisting certain products. Various Energy and Emissions 04/08/2013 Certified 04/08/2013 0
CME Changes the last trading day of Onshore Chinese Renminbi/U.S. Dollar futures Onshore Chinese Renminbi/U.S. Dollar futures 04/05/2013 Certified 04/19/2013 1
CME Increase non-spot month single-month position limit Lean Hogs 04/05/2013 Approved 05/08/2013 1
NADEX Notification of additional strike prices FX Binaries 04/05/2013 Certified 04/05/2013 1
NYMEX Change to delivery fee. Emissions 04/02/2013 Certified 04/16/2013 1
CME Change final settlement day to the day following termination of trading. Ibovespa (USD-Denominated) futures 04/01/2013 Certified 04/15/2013 1
NYMEX Delisting Two Crude Oil contract for WTS (Argus) Futures and WTS (Argus) vs. WTI Futures WTS (Argus) Futures, WTS (Argus) vs. WTI Futures 04/01/2013 Certified 04/16/2013 1
NYMEX Expansion of listing months for Platinum Option and Palladium Option contracts Platinum Option and Palladium Option 03/29/2013 Certified 04/12/2013 1
NYMEX Change to listing schedule. Platinum and Palladium 03/28/2013 Certified 04/11/2013 1
KCBT Harmonization of rulebook with other CME Group entities. Wheat 03/28/2013 Certified 04/11/2013 8
NYMEX Withdrawal of NYMEX Submission No. 13-084 Two WTS futures that settle at Argus prices 03/27/2013 Certified 04/10/2013 2
NYMEX Change of EFRP rules in Termiation of Trading and Changes to remove Treasuries from delivery margin and payments CL, RBOB, HO, NG, Enviromental Futures 03/27/2013 Certified 07/29/2014 1
ICE US Listing of December 2015 delivery month. Cotton 03/26/2013 Certified 03/26/2013 1
NADEX Amend (Emergency Rule Certification) closing time of corn and soybean binary and VPH contracts Corn and Soybean binary and VPH contracts 03/26/2013 Certified 04/10/2013 1
NYLIFFE Changes the final settlement value rounding from 3 to 4 decimal places for DTCC Repo Index Products DTCC Repo Index products 03/22/2013 Certified 04/05/2013 1
OCX Amendments to position limits SFPs 03/19/2013 Certified 07/29/2014 1
OCX Delist one SFP SFP 03/18/2013 Certified 03/18/2013 1
NYMEX Re-specifies the reference price used for final settlement. Argus Propane (Saudi Aramco) 03/15/2013 Certified 03/29/2013 1
CME Harmonization and revisions to Position Limits Table All 03/15/2013 Certified 03/30/2013 2
CBOT Harmonization and revisions to Position Limits Table All 03/15/2013 Certified 03/30/2013 2
COMEX Harmonization and revisions to Position Limit Table All 03/15/2013 Certified 03/30/2013 2
NYMEX Harmonization and revisions to Position Limits Table All 03/15/2013 Certified 03/30/2013 2
NADEX Extend duration of daily currency contracts and add additional closing times, and amend holiday product schedule guidelines. Currency daily binary contracts 03/15/2013 Certified 03/29/2013 1
ICE US Modifies the existing quality price differentials for polarization and clarifies delivery procedures. Sugar 03/14/2013 Certified 09/06/2013 1
NYMEX The amendment corrects an administrative error by changing the basis for calculating the contract quantity and value to off-peak hours. MISO Michigan Hub Off-Peak Cal-Month LMP Futures 03/11/2013 Certified 03/26/2013 1
NYMEX Amendment to the contract quantity and value rule for the MISO Michigan Hub Off-Peak Calendar-Month LMP Futures contract (Chapter 776A, Code HJ) to correct an administrative error. MISO Michigan Hub Chapt 776A, Code HJ 03/08/2013 Certified 03/26/2013 1
NADEX Notification of additional strike prices EUR and Soybean binary contracts 03/08/2013 Certified 03/08/2013 0
NADEX Notification of additional strike prices (revision) EUR and Corn binary contracts 03/08/2013 Certified 03/11/2013 1
ICE US Codify procedures to ensure coffee or cocoa is sound if stored in warehouses that have sustained damage. Coffee, Cocoa 03/07/2013 Certified 03/21/2013 1
ICE US Allows cotton to be registered as tenderable through Smith Doxey classing process. Cotton 03/04/2013 Certified 03/18/2013 1
ICE US Clarify the impact of foreign and domestic holidays when determing the last trading day for FX futures. FX futures 03/04/2013 Certified 03/18/2013 1
ICE US Amendments to position limit and aggregation rules for various contracts. FCOJ, Sugar 16, Cotton 03/01/2013 Certified 03/15/2013 2
NYMEX Amendment to the Final Settlement for the NYMEX Brent 25-Day Futures contracts NYMEX Brent 25-Day Futures contract 03/01/2013 Certified 03/15/2013 0
NADEX Notification of additional strike prices Various binary contracts 03/01/2013 Certified 03/01/2013 1
CFE Notification of delisting RPX futures contract months with no open interest RPX Composite futures 03/01/2013 Certified 03/01/2013 1
NADEX Delist certain FTSE 100 and Germany 30 binary contracts FTSE 100 and Germany 30 contracts (various) 03/01/2013 Certified 03/01/2013 1
ICE US Delist contract. Cash-Settled FCOJ 02/28/2013 Certified 02/28/2013 1
CFE Notification that CFE may act as the back up calculation agent for RPX futures. Radar Logic RPX futures 02/27/2013 Certified 02/27/2013 1