Product Terms and Conditions Rules - Designated Contract Markets

Search Product Terms and Conditions Rules - Designated Contract Markets using the following criteria
Organization Filing Description Products Affected Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
KEX Amendment to the USDJPY contract, filing number 2208-1002-1403-89, in order to amend the expiration time of the contract. 04/26/2023 Certified 05/09/2023 3
KEX Amendment to submission 2109-0307-5216-94 RAINNYC 12/13/2021 Withdrawn 12/16/2021 2
KEX Amendment to the EURUSD contract, original filing number 2208-1002-0944-17, in order to amend the expiration time of the contract. 04/26/2023 Certified 05/09/2023 3
KEX Amendment to the CREDEF contract to increase its position limit. 08/30/2023 Certified 09/13/2023 2
KEX Amendment to submission 2108-1701-1632-44 RAINSEA (How much will it rain in Seatle?) 12/13/2021 Withdrawn 12/16/2021 2
KEX Weekly notification of rule amendments for week ending 3.11.23 The full names are in the filing, as there is insufficient space here to list them here. So sorry for the inconvenience! 03/15/2023 Notified 03/15/2023 1
KEX Amendment to the TNOTE contract, original filing number 2201-2507-5549-38, in order to amend the expiration time of the contract. 04/26/2023 Certified 05/09/2023 3
KEX Amendment to submission 2108-1001-4249-16 RECNC (Will the Senate pass a reconciliation bill?) 12/13/2021 Withdrawn 12/16/2021 2
KEX Amendment to the NHIGH contract, original filing number 2108-0402-1232-59, in order to amend the expiration time of the contract. 04/26/2023 Certified 05/09/2023 3
KEX Amendment to submission 2108-0402-0659-92 RECSS ("Will there be a recession?") 12/13/2021 Withdrawn 12/16/2021 2
KEX Amendment to the CHIHIGH contract, original filing number 2108-1701-1053-94, in order to amend the expiration time of the contract. 04/26/2023 Certified 05/09/2023 3
KEX Amendment to submission 2109-1000-4558-47 SALTX (Will the SALT deduction cap be raised?) 12/13/2021 Withdrawn 12/16/2021 2
KEX Amendment to the WTIOIL contract, original filing number 2209-0723-2141-85, in order to amend the expiration time of the contract. 04/26/2023 Certified 05/09/2023 3
KEX Amendment to submission 2107-1121-4330-79 TSAW (What will the average number of passengers screened by the TSA be this week?) 12/13/2021 Withdrawn 12/16/2021 2
KEX Amendment to the GAS contract, original filing number 2107-2823-2226-26, in order to amend the expiration time of the contract. 04/26/2023 Certified 05/09/2023 3
KEX Amendment to submission 2107-0201-5758-90 U3 (What will the unemployment rate be?) 12/13/2021 Withdrawn 12/16/2021 2
KEX Weekly notification of rule amendments for week ending 5.21.22 The full names are in the filing, as there is insufficient space here to list them. So sorry for the inconvenience! 05/27/2022 Notified 05/27/2022 1
KEX Amendment to the TSAW contract, original filing number 2107-1121-4330-79, in order to amend the expiration time of the contract. 04/26/2023 Certified 05/09/2023 3
KEX Amendment to submission 2111-1506-5027-35 VARIANT 12/13/2021 Withdrawn 12/16/2021 2
KEX Amendment to submission 2107-0607-5219-05 VAXX (How many Americans will be vaccinated for COVID-19?) 12/13/2021 Certified 12/27/2021 3
KEX Weekly notification of rule amendments for week ending 2.19.22 The full names are in the filing, as there is insufficient space here to list them. So sorry for the inconvenience! 02/26/2022 Notified 02/26/2022 1
KEX Amendment to submission 2109-0307-5801-96 VOHC (Will the CDC identify a variant of high consequence) 12/13/2021 Withdrawn 12/16/2021 2
KEX Amendment to submission 2108-1701-2123-73 WKCASE (What will weekly COVID-19 case numbers be?) 12/13/2021 Withdrawn 12/16/2021 2
KEX Weekly notification of rule changes regarding strike prices and contract listings madeduring the week ending July 17, 2021. Consumer Price Index, COVID-19 Vaccination, Weekly TSA Screening, NYC MTA Subway Ridership, Initial Jobless Claims Contract, NYC High Temp 11/02/2021 Notified 11/02/2021 1
KEX Weekly notification of rule amendments relating to strike conditions, such astiming and prices COVID case count, US credit card debt, 20 Yr fixed rate mortgage, NYC high temperature, US jobless claims, NYC MTA Subway Ridership, Weekly TSA Screening, COVID-19 Vaccination Contract, 11/02/2021 Notified 11/02/2021 1
KEX Weekly notification of rule amendments relating to strike conditions, such as timing and prices COVID case count, US CO2 emissions from energy consumption, US corporate income tax rate, Fed rate, 30 Yr mortgage, average gas prices, US GDP, NYC high temperature, US home sales, individual income tax, US jobless claims, NYC subway, TSA, COVID Vax rate 11/02/2021 Notified 11/02/2021 1
KEX Weekly notification of rule amendments that were made during the week endingAugust 7, 2021 ALBM; CASE; CPI; DONDA; FED; FRM; GAS; JOBS; MTA; NHIGH; RAINNY; RECSS; TOKMED;TSA; and VAXX 11/02/2021 Notified 11/02/2021 1
KEX Weekly notification of rule amendments for weeks ending 12/25/21 and 1/1/22 I'm so sorry, but there is not enough space here for these. They are listed in the filings. 01/04/2022 Notified 01/04/2022 2
KEX Weekly change to the listing cycle and strike prices for the week ending 8.14.21 ALBM; CASE; CPI; DCEIL; DONDA; FRM; GAS; HURFL; JOBS; MTA; NHIGH; RAINNY; RECNC;TSA; TSAW; U3; and VAXX 11/02/2021 Notified 11/02/2021 1
KEX Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments for week ending 8/21/21 CASE, CHIHIGH, DONDA, DRAKE, FRM, GAS, HURSZ, JOBS, LCASE, MTA, NHIGH, RAINNY, RAINSEA, TSA, TSAW,VAXX, and WKCASE 11/02/2021 Notified 11/02/2021 1
KEX Weekly notification of rule amendments for week ending 7.30.22 The full names are in the filing, as there is insufficient space here to list them here. So sorry for the inconvenience! 07/31/2022 Notified 07/31/2022 1
KEX Weekly notification of rule amendments relating to the week ending 8/28 ALBM, CASE, CHIHIGH, CO2, DONDA, FRM, GAS, HOME, HRECNC, HURCAT, HURSZ, INFRALW, JOBS, MTA, NHIGH, ONRRP, RAINNO, RAINNY, RAINSEA, SOFR, TAPER, TSA, TSAW, VAXX, and WKCASE 11/02/2021 Notified 11/02/2021 1
KEX Weekly notification of rule amendments for week ending 10.30.21 ANCHOR, APPROVE, BOOSTER, CASE, CHIHIGH, FRM, GAS, GDP, JOBS, MTA, NHIGH, OMAROVA, RAINNYC, RAINSEA, SOTW, TSA,TSAW, VAXX, WKCASE, and WTAX 11/02/2021 Notified 11/02/2021 1
KEX Weekly notification of rule amendments There is insufficient space here to include the full names, but they are in the filing. My apologies for any inconvenience! 03/06/2022 Notified 03/06/2022 1
KEX Weekly notification of rule amendments for week ending 9.17.22 The full names are in the filing, as there is insufficient space here to list them here. So sorry for the inconvenience! 09/20/2022 Notified 09/20/2022 1
KEX Weekly notification of rule amendments for the week ending 4.29.23 05/03/2023 Notified 05/03/2023 1
KEX Weekly notification of rule amendments for week ending 12.10.22 The full names are in the filing, as there is insufficient space here to list them here. So sorry for the inconvenience! 12/14/2022 Notified 12/14/2022 1
KEX Amendment to the FED contract to increase Exchange imposed position limits. 05/03/2023 Certified 05/17/2023 2
KEX Weekly notification of rule amendments for the week ending 3.18.23 The full names are in the filing, as there is insufficient space here to list them here. So sorry for the inconvenience! 03/22/2023 Notified 03/22/2023 1
KEX Amendment to the FEDDECISION contract to increase Exchange imposed position limits. 05/03/2023 Certified 05/17/2023 2
KEX Weekly notification of rule amendments for week ending 5.28.22 The full names are in the filing, as there is insufficient space here to list them. So sorry for the inconvenience! 06/07/2022 Notified 06/07/2022 1
KEX Amendment to the TERMINALRATE contract to increase Exchange imposed position limits. 05/03/2023 Certified 05/17/2023 2
LEDGERX This is a duplicate filing to what was already filed on Friday, February 19, 2021. We are submitting this exact copy again to the Commission in support of LedgerX product terms and conditions so that it is routed correctly. USD/ETH Deci Futures, USD/ETH Deci Options, and all other LedgerX products referencing digital currency. 02/23/2021 Certified 03/09/2021 1
LEDGERX Revised description of how certain contracts are listed. 03/15/2024 Certified 03/29/2024 3
LEDGERX Self-certification of compliance manual revision. All products 10/03/2022 Certified 10/18/2022 3
LEDGERX Submission of Revised Fee Schedule Withdrawal fees 03/04/2020 Certified 03/18/2020 2
LEDGERX Rulebook updates USD/BTC Options, Day-Ahead USD/BTC Swaps, USD/BTC Weekly Options, Day-Ahead USD/BTC Options, BTC Block Height Options, Day-Ahead USD/BTC Futures, Weekly USD/BTC Futures, Monthly USD/BTC Futures, USD/ETH Deci Futures 04/08/2022 Certified 04/08/2022 2
MIAX Suspension of SPIKES Volatility Index Futures 10/31/2023 Certified 11/15/2023 1
MIAX Weekly Notification - Offsets and Reporting Reminder Hard Red Spring Wheat Index, Hard Red Winter Wheat Index, Soft Red Winter Wheat Index, National Corn Index and National Soybean Index futures and optionsOctober 2016. 09/30/2016 Notified 09/30/2016 1
MIAX Change the last trading day of the January 09 option to December 23, 2008 from December 26, 2008. Deletes similar provision for January 2007 option. Spring Wheat 03/14/2007 Certified 03/15/2007 1