Product Terms and Conditions Rules - Designated Contract Markets

Search Product Terms and Conditions Rules - Designated Contract Markets using the following criteria
Organization Filing Description Products Affected Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
CCFE Require all market participants to have an account with electronic registries in which delivery may occur. Specify that RECs conform to the Green-e Energy National Standard. Voluntary Renewable Energy Certificates 05/06/2009 Certified 12/08/2011 1
CCFE Options on Carbon Financial Insturment futures amendments to schedule and strike prices Options on Carbon Financial Instruments futures 10/07/2009 Certified 01/10/2011 1
CCFE Amends strike price for the Options on Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative futures contracts Strike Price 01/26/2009 Certified 01/26/2009 1
CCFE Modifies strike price listing procedures for options on SFI, CFI, NFI-A, RGGI, CCAR-CRT and CFI-US futures contracts. Options on emmission futures contracts 11/15/2010 Certified 11/15/2010 1
CCFE Convert to physical delivery from cash settlement. Certified Emissions Reduction futures 10/18/2007 Certified 02/06/2008 1
CCFE Modifies the survey procedure for determining the final cash settlement price. Certified Emission Reductions 01/25/2008 Certified 02/06/2008 1
CCFE Amend strike pricing listing procedures. Delete obsolete speculative position limits. Sulfu Financial Instrument option 08/12/2009 Certified 08/12/2009 1
CCFE Amend strike prices. Sulfur financial instrument. 06/04/2007 Certified 06/04/2007 1
CCFE Specify deliverable instrument for the NJ REC future. Add North American Renewables Registry to the list of eligible electronic registries for the Voluntary Renewable Energy Certificates. NJ RECs and Voluntary RECs 08/12/2009 Certified 01/23/2012 1
CCFE Amends the timing of new contract listings for IFEX Event Linked U.S., Florida and Gulf Coast Tropical Wind contracts IFEX ELF US, Florida and Gulf Coast Tropical Wind 10/20/2009 Certified 10/20/2009 1
CCFE Delists IFEX contracts Event Linked futures contracts that have no open interest. Announces intention to delist IFEX contracts with open interest when the open interrest goes to zero. IFEX Event Linked futures contracts 11/17/2010 Certified 11/17/2010 1
CCFE Allows for the listing of all calendar months up to 36 calendar months and 8 December contracts. Sulfur Financial Instrument 01/31/2008 Certified 02/14/2008 1
CCFE Increase contract size to $50 times the index from $25 times the index. Increase the value of a minimum tick to $10 from $5.00 per contract. ECO Clean Energy Index 08/16/2007 Certified 09/14/2007 1
CCFE Update the designation of the underlying allowances to CAIROS; delete the speculative posiiton limit applicable to only the Two-Year Deferred Vintage future; delete settlement price procedures; and amend payment procedures. NFI-OS 03/24/2009 Certified 01/02/2012 2
CCFE Amend the last day of trading/expiration day to allow for additional early expiration conditions. IFEX Event-Linked Contracts 02/10/2009 Certified 03/25/2009 1
CCFE Delete speculative position limits IFEX Event Linked Tropical Wind 12/04/2008 Certified 12/10/2008 1
CCFE Clarify when an eligible event becomes a covered event. Rename the contract and make other clarifying amendments IFEX Event Linked Contract 04/30/2008 Certified 05/07/2008 1
CCFE Clarify definition of the deliverable instrument. Renewable Energy Certificates 08/19/2009 Certified 01/23/2012 1
CCFE Corrects typographical error in a rule reference. Wind 07/25/2008 Certified 07/31/2008 1
CCFE Changes deadline for submission of emission allowance transfer instructions to 3 pm from 10 am on delivery day. Sulfur Financial, Nitrogen Financial 05/02/2007 Certified 09/04/2007 1
CCFE Clarifies: the underlying deliverable allowances and the size of the contract unit for the futures contracts; the application of the position limit to combined futures and option positions; and the underlying futures contracts for the mid-month options. RGGI Emissions 09/26/2008 Certified 07/16/2009 1
CCFE Reduces speculative position limit for the REC-V futures contract REC-V futures contract 06/17/2010 Certified 12/08/2011 1
CCFE Delist three futures contracts ECO Index, REC-V and CFI US Offset 12/07/2011 Certified 12/07/2011 1
CCFE Changes the listing cycle to include 36 consecutive calendar months and up to 4 December contract months. NFI Annual 02/14/2008 Certified 09/09/2008 1
CCFE New contract listing date. IFEX 12/10/2008 Certified 12/10/2008 1
CCFE Delisting and deleting Delist Eurpen Carbn Fincial/Delete Rlebk Chptr 18 08/12/2008 Certified 08/12/2008 1
CCFE CCFE added language so that new contract listings can occur on or before November 30. IFEX Event Linked Contracts 10/19/2009 Certified 10/19/2009 1
CCFE Notifies the Commission of the delisting of IFEX (ESW, FLW, GCW, NEW and USTW) futures contract months / loss trigger levels / events with no open interest as of July 5, 2011. Other contracts will be delisted when there is no open interest. IFEX Event Linked futures contracts 06/30/2011 Certified 06/30/2011 1
CCFE Emergency action to amend delivery terms to account for temporary shut-down in EPA CAMD system. Nitrogen and Sulfur Emissions 03/31/2008 Certified 04/07/2008 1
CCFE Provides for listing of option contract months and modifies strike price listing procedures. Carbon Financial Instrument 12/17/2008 Certified 12/17/2008 1
CCFE Delists the Dow Jones Sustainability World index futures contract. Dow Jones Sustainability World Index futures 02/23/2011 Certified 02/23/2011 1
CCFE Increases the spot-month speculative position limit for the Sulfur Financial Instrument futures contracts to 8,000 contracts from 4,000 contracts effective with the January 2008 delivery month. Sulfur Financial Instruments 12/11/2007 Certified 12/27/2007 1
CCFE Corrects typographical error referencing rule pertaining to aggregation of positions. Emissions 04/03/2008 Certified 04/03/2008 1
CCFE Delists CFI futures and options, CER futures and options and CFI-EA futures Environmental futuers and options 01/07/2011 Certified 01/07/2011 1
CCFE Changes to contract title, listing schedule. California Climate Action Registry 02/26/2009 Certified 02/26/2009 1
CCFE Amends the listing cycle for REC MA and REC CT futures contracts. Specifically, four months are added to the current January quarterly listing cycle. REC MA and REC CT futures contracts 01/10/2011 Certified 01/10/2011 1
CCFE Amends speculative position limits for options to conform with futures, particularly an increase in the spot month limit to 8,000 futures-equivalent contracts; clarifies that spot month limit takes effect on first business day of contract month. Sulfur Financial Instrument 12/18/2007 Certified 12/27/2007 1
CCFE Modifies strike prices for Options on Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative futures contracts RGGI options strike price modification 02/15/2010 Certified 02/15/2010 1
CCFE Modify strike price listing NFI Annual 07/27/2009 Certified 07/27/2009 1
CCFE Rule Numbers - Chapters 20, 24 and 25. Adds trigger levels and lowers minimum block trade size for IFEX Event Linked Futures U.S. Tropical Wind Events futures, IFEX Event Linked Futures Florida Tropical Wind Event futures and IFEX Event Linked Futures IFEX Event Linket Tropical Wind Events 08/07/2009 Certified 08/07/2009 1
CCFE Modifies strike price interval from $0.25 to $0.05 for V09 Vintage RGGI options. All other vintages remain at $0.25. RGGI Options 11/22/2010 Certified 11/22/2010 1
CCFE Withdraw and delist CCAR-CRT and CFI-US futures and options CCAR-CRT and CFI-US futures and and options 02/22/2012 Certified 02/22/2012 1
CCFE Withdraw and delist NFI-A futures and options NFI-A futures and options 02/27/2012 Certified 02/27/2012 1
CCFE Clarify that trading halts are coordinated with the NYSE. Dow Jones Sustainability Index 03/10/2009 Certified 01/02/2012 1
CCFE Reduce the minimum tick to 0.05 Index point from 0.20 Index point. IFEX-Event Linked futures contract 01/03/2008 Certified 01/08/2008 1
CCFE Reduces the spot-month speculative position limit to 1,000 contracts from 4,000 contracts. Nitrogen Oxide 07/31/2007 Certified 09/04/2007 1
CCFE Rename the contract. Add definitions for "event claim" and "loss trigger." Redefines "U.S. Wind Event" to include tropical storms in addtition to hurricanes. IFEX Event Linked 09/27/2007 Certified 11/05/2007 1
CCFE Withdraw and delist REC-MA, REC-NJ and REC-CT futures contracts. REC-MA, NJ and CT futures contracts 01/20/2012 Certified 01/20/2012 1
CCFE Provides for delivery of U.S. Government-issued allowances in event that U.S. adopts a carbon emissions program. Carbon Financial Instrument 11/17/2008 Certified 01/21/2009 1
CCFE Chapters 30 and 31. Amends contract specifications CCFE Rule Self Cert. 04/30/2009 Certified 04/30/2009 1