Product Terms and Conditions Rules - Designated Contract Markets

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Organization Filing Description Products Affected Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
CME Weekly Notification of Amendments Related to Product Terms and Conditions - Week of August 14, 2023 08/21/2023 Notified 08/21/2023 1
COMEX Amendments to the CME, CBOT, NYMEX, and COMEX Event Contracts 01/09/2024 Certified 01/24/2024 3
KCBT Removes price limits for the spot month beginning with the second business day prior to first day of the delivery month. Wheat 12/19/2007 Approved 01/15/2008 1
NYMEX The administrative change to Chapter 9, Appendix A corrects typographical error in agrregation allocation. European Jet Kerosene Rotterdam Calendar Swap 10/23/2008 Certified 10/23/2008 1
CFE Clarify that for the purpose of reporting, positions in the Mini Vix futures contract are not aggregated with positions in the standard Vix futures contract. Mini Vix 03/03/2009 Certified 03/17/2009 1
NADEX Amends payout criteria. Specifies that if a target Fed Funds rate is a range, then the upper bound of that range would be used to determine payout. Federal Funds Binary 07/29/2009 Certified 08/04/2009 1
OCX Amends the position limits or position accountability levels for thirty-one security futures products. 31 Security Futures Products 07/21/2010 Certified 07/21/2010 1
CME Change to list of delivery facilities. Butter 12/21/2010 Certified 12/21/2010 1
CME Notification of new effective date for implelenting changes in exercise prices for options on 2- and 5-year T-Note futures. 2- and 5-Year Treasury Note futures options 11/11/2011 Certified 11/11/2011 1
NODAL Weekly Notice of non-substantive revisions to 12 Nodal Exchange contracts that extend the number of available monthly contract periods from 14 months to 49 months Monthly Day Ahead On and Off-Peak Power Contracts for each location: ISONE UN.NEW_ENER18.0NEWE, PJM LAKEWOOD18 KVOCEAN C1, PJM LAKEWOOD18 KVOCEAN C2, PJM LAKEWOOD230 KVNUG LK, PJM ROCKSPRI18 KVCT3, PJM ROCKSPRI18 KVCT4 02/05/2016 Notified 02/05/2016 3
COMEX Application of Rule 589. ("Special Price Fluctuation Limits") and Amendments to Gold/Silver Ratio Futures, Gold/Platinum Spread Futures, and Platinum/Palladium Spread Futures. See filing. 11/10/2016 Certified 11/28/2016 1
NYMEX Expansion of the Listing Schedule of Several European BALMO Energy Futures Contracts See Filing. 05/01/2017 Certified 05/15/2017 1
NADEX Nadex temporarily amended the strike width on its Daily US Tech 100 Binary Contracts from 4 to 6, due to decreased volatility in the underlying markets, from 10/30-11/2. Daily US Tech 100 Binary Contract 11/02/2018 Notified 11/02/2018 1
ICE US Amendments to terms and conditions of certain financial gas index futures CG Onshore Index Future; Pine Prairie Index Future; TETCO-WLA Index Future; Transco Station 30 (Zone 1) Index Future; Trunkline Zone 1A Index Future; Union Dawn Index Future 04/12/2019 Certified 04/26/2019 1
ICE US Weekly Notification of Rule Amendments ERCOT North 345KV Hub Real-Time Peak Daily Mini Fixed Price Future 08/15/2019 Notified 08/15/2019 1
KEX Weekly notification of rule amendments for week ending 5.7.22 The full names are in the filing, as there is insufficient space here to list them. So sorry for the inconvenience! 05/13/2022 Notified 05/13/2022 1
COMEX Weekly Notification of Amendments Related to Product Terms and Conditions (Week of August 14, 2023) 08/21/2023 Notified 08/21/2023 2
COMEX Expansion of the Listing Schedule of Three (3) Lithium (Fastmarkets) Futures and Option Contracts 02/28/2024 Certified 03/13/2024 1
CME Delete automatic exercise provisions, amend daily settlement price provisions. Currency options 12/20/2007 Certified 11/05/2009 2
OCX Name change to SPDR Gold Shares from streetTracks Gold Trust. Gold ETF 05/22/2008 Certified 05/30/2008 1
NYMEX Expanding the listed months. Natural Gas Basis Swap Futures 10/23/2008 Certified 10/23/2008 1
CME CME Expanded Listing Cycles of Yen Nikkei 225 Yen Nikkei 225 Index Futures 03/04/2009 Certified 03/04/2009 1
NYMEX Update language to reflect name changes the EPA's NOx Allowance Management System (NAMS). Change the trading unit to 10 allowances from 10 tons of NOx emissions allowances. EFP and EFS rules, Force Majeure, Late Performance, and Failure to Perform. NOx Emission Allowances 07/30/2009 Certified 07/30/2009 1
CME Addition of approved slaughter plant for the CME live cattle futures contract Live Cattle 02/02/2010 Certified 02/02/2010 1
CME Notification to list third-year Eurodollar options Eurodollar options 09/22/2011 Certified 09/22/2011 1
NYMEX Reduction in minimum price fluctuation Eight petroleum swap futures and option contracts 05/10/2012 Certified 05/24/2012 1
NADEX Notification of additional strike prices Various Binary Contracts 06/29/2012 Certified 06/29/2012 1
NADEX Amend (Emergency Rule Certification) closing time of corn and soybean binary and VPH contracts Corn and Soybean binary and VPH contracts 03/26/2013 Certified 04/10/2013 1
COMEX Weekly Notification of Product-Related Rules and Rule Amendments for the Week of July 7, 2014. COMEX Aluminum Futures; Gold Weekly Option; Silver Weekly Option; Copper Weekly Option 07/21/2014 Notified 07/21/2014 3
NADEX Nadex added additional strikes on a discretionary basis in its Daily Bitcoin, and US Indices Binary contracts during the week of February 1, 2016. Nadex also narrowed the strike width in its Daily Bitcoin Binaries on February 5. Daily Bitcoin Binary contracts; Daily US Tech 100, US 500, US SmallCap 2000, Wall Street 30 Binary contracts 02/05/2016 Notified 02/05/2016 1
CBOT Weekly Notification of Amendments Related to Product Terms and Conditions - Week of October 31, 2016 See filing. 11/10/2016 Notified 11/10/2016 2
NADEX Nadex amends listing times for certain Intraday Japan 225 Binary contracts. Japan 225 Binary Contracts 07/21/2017 Certified 07/21/2017 1
NYMEX Amendments to the Special Price Fluctuation Limits and Daily Price Limits Table for the Brent Last Day Financial Futures Contract. See filing. 06/28/2018 Certified 07/13/2018 1
NADEX Nadex amends its standard listing hours found in its Product Schedule Guidelines for Holidays with respect to the US Thanksgiving holiday. Product Schedule Guidelines for Holidays 11/02/2018 Certified 11/19/2018 2
NYMEX Amendments to the Termination of Trading Rule and Holiday Schedule for Three (3) Argus Saudi Aramco Liquefied Petroleum Gas Futures Contracts See filing. 03/26/2021 Certified 04/09/2021 1
CBOT Weekly Notification of Amendments Related to Product Terms and Conditions (Week of November 29, 2021) See filing. 12/10/2021 Notified 12/10/2021 2
NYMEX Delisting of Three (3) LNG Freight (Baltic) Futures Contracts See filing. 03/28/2022 Certified 03/28/2022 2
NADEX Nadex amends strike levels due to volatility, or lack of volatility as the case may be, in the underlying markets upon which the Nadex contracts are based. 20-Minute, 2-Hour, Daily Wall St 30, US 500, US Tech100, US SmallCap 2000, Crude, Gold, and Germany 40 Binary contracts 05/13/2022 Notified 05/13/2022 1
COMEX Expansion of the Listing Schedule of the Cobalt Metal (Fastmarkets) Futures Contract See filing 10/25/2022 Certified 11/08/2022 1
COMEX Weekly Notification of Amendments Related to Product Terms and Conditions (Week of January 2, 2023) See filing. 01/10/2023 Notified 01/10/2023 2
NYMEX Amendments to the Listing Schedule of Three (3) Coal (ARGUS-McCloskey) Futures and Options Contracts 08/21/2023 Certified 09/05/2023 1
KEX Amendment to the DEFAULT contract to expand Payout Criterion. 11/29/2023 Certified 12/12/2023 2
KEX Amendment to RATECUTS contract to increase its position limit. 02/28/2024 Certified 03/13/2024 2
CBOT Weekly Notification of Amendments Related to Product Terms and Conditions (Week of May 20, 2024) 05/28/2024 Notified 05/28/2024 2
CME Expands the potential number of months in a strip to seven from five calendar months, and eliminates the restriction on listing strips which have a first month prior to the May calendar month. Extends the strike price listing range to 10,000 index points CME Pacific Rim Index and Seasonal Index 05/19/2008 Certified 05/22/2008 1
OCX Delisting of one SSF which has no open interest. AIV2C Apartment Investment and Management Co. 10/24/2008 Certified 10/24/2008 1
CME Clarification on storage warehouses Clarification on storage warehouses 08/03/2009 Certified 08/03/2009 1
CCFE Modifies strike prices for Options on Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative futures contracts RGGI options strike price modification 02/15/2010 Certified 02/15/2010 1
CBOT Early listing of option months. Soybean Meal and Soybean Oil Options 04/15/2011 Certified 04/15/2011 1
NADEX Notification of new discretionary strike prices for binary contracts Various binary contracts 11/14/2011 Certified 11/14/2011 1