Product Terms and Conditions Rules - Designated Contract Markets

Search Product Terms and Conditions Rules - Designated Contract Markets using the following criteria
Organization Filing Description Products Affected Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
OCX Withdrawal. IEI, IXN, IXP & IYT 06/04/2008 Certified 06/04/2008 1
CME Updates the position limit and accountability table in Chapter 5 to reflect previously approved changes in Feeder Cattle limits. Feeder Cattle 06/06/2008 Certified 06/10/2008 1
ICE US Makes delivery locations of Antwerp, Barcelona, Bremen, Hamburg and Triest at par; deletes requirement that deliverer load coffee "Free on Truck;" and allows repackaging of coffee stored in bulk. Robusta Coffee 06/12/2008 Certified 09/02/2008 1
NYMEX Modifies the trading halts and price limit provisions. Heating Oil, RBOB, Crude Oil, Natural Gas, Propane 06/12/2008 Certified 11/19/2008 2
CME Strike range increase. Milk and Midsize Milk Options Contracts 06/12/2008 Certified 06/12/2008 1
CBOT Strike listings rules. DJIA $10 Multiplier and DJIA $5 Multiplier 06/16/2008 Certified 06/16/2008 1
CBOT Early listing. Soybeans, Mini-sized Soybeans, Soybean Oil & Meal 06/18/2008 Certified 06/18/2008 1
CME Rename contract to Frost Index from Frost Days, increase trading size from 1,000 Euros to 10,000 Euros. Lower Price Increment from 1 to .01 and value from 1,000 Euros to 100 Euros. Frost Index and Seasonal Frost Index 06/19/2008 Certified 06/24/2008 1
NADEX Daily contracts and weekly contracts Payout criteria 06/19/2008 Certified 06/19/2008 1
COMEX Delisting back months with no open interest. Aluminum futures and options. 07/16/2008 Certified 07/16/2008 1
COMEX Lowers spot month speculative position limit to 150 contracts from 250 contracts. Copper 07/18/2008 Certified 07/29/2008 1
ICE US Update emergency powers, position aggregation, enforcement of position limit and accountabilty rules to reflect position accountability. Financial contracts 07/17/2008 Certified 07/24/2008 1
ICE US Adds a referenece to Rule 6.13 regarding enforcement of position accountability levels. General 07/18/2008 Certified 07/24/2008 1
CBOT Early listing of July 2011 & December 2011. Corn futures 07/08/2008 Certified 07/08/2008 1
NADEX Adopt intraday contracts and establish payout criteria (strike price) listing criteria for those contracts. Crude oil, currencies, gold, silver 07/21/2008 Certified 07/24/2008 1
CCFE Corrects typographical error in a rule reference. Wind 07/25/2008 Certified 07/31/2008 1
NYMEX Eliminates requirement that hedge notice must be filed prior to exceeding limits for positions in the expiring contract month during the last three trading days. Existing language regarding a 5-day look back would apply in such cases. All 07/25/2008 Certified 07/28/2009 1
CME Withdraw dormant E-Mini S&P 600 futures option. E-Mini S&P 600 futures option 07/31/2008 Certified 08/04/2008 1
NYMEX Changes the last trading day to the last business day of the contract month from the last business day of the calendar month preceding the contract month. WTI-Brent (ICE) Calendar Swap 08/06/2008 Certified 08/06/2008 1
CBOT Contract strike bands are now based on a quarterly reference price rather thana daily reference price & dynamic strike price listing. Agricultural Option 08/05/2008 Certified 08/05/2008 1
NADEX Change the underlying exchange rate to Canandian dollars per U.S. dollar, reduce the minimum tick to $0.25 from $0.50, provide for intraday contracts, and establish payout criteria USD/CAD Binary 08/07/2008 Certified 08/12/2008 1
OCX Delisting Eight Adjusted Contracts 08/12/2008 Certified 08/12/2008 1
CCFE Delisting and deleting Delist Eurpen Carbn Fincial/Delete Rlebk Chptr 18 08/12/2008 Certified 08/12/2008 1
CBOT Early listing for July & December 2010. Wheat and Soybeans 08/15/2008 Certified 08/15/2008 1
CME Correct typographical error in the trading unit definition Three Month Eurodollar Calendar spread option 08/15/2008 Certified 10/28/2008 1
CME Increase the speculative position limit to 10,000 contracts from 5,000 contracts in all months combined E-Min MSCI Emerging Markets Index 08/21/2008 Certified 09/17/2008 1
NYMEX Establish all-months-combined position accountability of 5,000 contracts, spot month position limit of 1,000 contracts, and a reportable level of 25 contracts. RGGI CO2 Allowances 08/21/2008 Certified 11/10/2008 1
CBOT Early listing of January 2010 and May 2010. Soybean meal/oil and mini-sized soybean 08/21/2008 Certified 08/21/2008 1
OCX Amend speculative position limits for security futures based on ADRs to 13,500 ADRs rather than the equivalent of 13,500 100-share contracts in the underlying stock. ADR SFPs 08/22/2008 Certified 09/17/2008 1
OCX Delisting of an adjusted contract which has no open interest. NYMEX Holdings, Inc. 08/25/2008 Certified 08/25/2008 1
COMEX Establishes new Chapter 7A pertaining to delivery of electronic warrants for metals contracts. Metals 08/27/2008 Certified 12/12/2008 1
CBOT Removes references to metals products that have been transferred to NYSE LIFFE. Metals 09/02/2008 Certified 09/02/2008 1
ICE US Halve the minimum tick to 0.05 from 0.10 Index point for block trades. Russell 2000 Mini Index 09/02/2008 Certified 10/02/2008 1
OCX Delisting of an adjusted contract which has no open interest. WHQ2C W-H Energy Services, Inc. 09/02/2008 Certified 09/02/2008 1
CME The chapter number was changed from 452C to 452D. Three-Month Eurodollar Calendar Swaps 09/03/2008 Certified 09/03/2008 1
NYLIFFE Notice to members regarding the transfer of Vault Receipts for the Metals contracts to NYSE LIFFE from the CBOT in conjunction with the transfer of the underlying futures products. Metals 09/05/2008 Certified 10/01/2008 1
ICE US Notice that Sugar No. 16 will be listed for trading beginning September 26, 2008. Sugar No. 16 09/04/2008 Certified 09/04/2008 1
COMEX Expands the New York City delivery area to include a 150 mile radius. Gold 09/09/2008 Certified 01/13/2009 1
CME Amendments to strike rules. E-MiniNASDAQ100NASDAQ100S&PMidcap400EMiniS&P400 09/09/2008 Certified 09/09/2008 1
CME Delisting. Russell Products 09/09/2008 Certified 09/09/2008 1
CME Index revision to create North American Invenstment Grade High Volatility Index Series 5. Credit Index Event 09/10/2008 Certified 09/11/2008 1
ICE US Delisting. Pulp 09/10/2008 Certified 09/10/2008 1
OCX Delisting of an adjusted contract which has no open interest. RBS2C The Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc 09/12/2008 Certified 09/12/2008 1
NYMEX List December 2010 and December 2011 contract months. RGGI Allowances 09/19/2008 Certified 09/19/2008 2
NYMEX Establishes spot month position limits to replace position accountability levels for cash settled Crude Oil, Heating Oil and RBOB Gasoline contracts. Crude Oil, Heating Oil and RBOB 09/19/2008 Certified 04/01/2009 1
NYMEX Requires the delivery of electronic warrants in place of paper warrants. Platinum 09/26/2008 Certified 12/12/2008 1
CCFE Clarifies: the underlying deliverable allowances and the size of the contract unit for the futures contracts; the application of the position limit to combined futures and option positions; and the underlying futures contracts for the mid-month options. RGGI Emissions 09/26/2008 Certified 07/16/2009 1
ICE US Delisting. Fullsize Russell 1000 & Russell 2000 Index 09/29/2008 Certified 09/29/2008 1
CBOT Amendments to delivery facilities and delivery procedures. Oat, Wheat, Soybean Oil, Soybean Meal & Ethanol 10/01/2008 Certified 10/01/2008 1
CME Reduces the contract size or multiplier to $100 from $1000 times the Index value. Weekly Temperature Indices 10/01/2008 Certified 10/29/2008 1