Swaps Made Available to Trade Determination

Search Swaps Made Available to Trade Determination using the following criteria
Organization Filing Description Products Affected Receipt Date Status Date Remarks Documents
BSEF Made available-to-trade determinations for certain interest rate and credit default swap contracts. IRS and CDS 12/06/2013 Certified 03/09/2014 2
CBOESEF Made Available to Trade Submission of Certain Interest Rate Swaps. Javelin #13-06 Certain Interest Rate Swaps 10/19/2013 Certified 01/16/2014 5
ICE US Expansion of Port of New York delivery point for cocoa and revised description of certain origins. Cocoa 12/10/2015 Certified 12/24/2015 1
ICE US Amendments clarify how the Exchange will determine the last trading day and final settlement price for 2 carbon emissions futures contracts in the event that the underlying reference auction is cancelled. California Carbon Allowance Current Auction Clearing Price Contract California Carbon Allowance Advance Auction Clearing Price Contract 06/05/2020 Certified 06/19/2020 1
ICE US Amendments to the listing date (first trading day) for Serial Options on Coffee, Cocoa and Sugar No. 11 futures contracts. Coffee "C" Options, Cocoa Options and Sugar No. 11 Options 05/04/2022 Certified 05/18/2022 1
MKAXSEF Made Available to Trade Determination for Certain Credit Default Swaps Certain Credit Default Swaps 10/30/2013 Certified 01/28/2014 2
NADEX EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION: Due to volatility in the underlying markets as a result of the "Brexit" decision, Nadex deemed it necessary to temporarily widen the acceptable bid/ask spread used in the data set collection for FX expiration value calculation. EUR/JPY, USD/CAD, GBP/JPY, GBP/USD, USD/CHF Foreign Currency contracts: due to the urgency as the action relates to settlement, the action was taken on trade dates June 23, 24, and 29. 06/29/2016 Certified 07/14/2016 2
TDERIV Made Available to Trade Submission of Certain Interest Rate Swaps. TRUEEX #2013-14 Certain Interest Rate Swaps 10/22/2013 Certified 01/22/2014 1
TRUEEX Made Available to Trade Submission of Certain Interest Rate Swaps. TRUEEX #2013-14 Certain Interest Rate Swaps 10/22/2013 Certified 01/22/2014 3
TWSEF TW SEF LLC -Voluntary Submission for Commission Review and Approval for Swaps to be Made Available to Trade MAT Determination 05/22/2023 Approved 07/07/2023 1
TWSEF Made Available to Trade Determination for TW SEF MAT Determination 04/12/2023 Withdrawn 05/22/2023 1
TWSEF Made Available to Trade Determination of Certain Interest Rate and Credit Default Swaps Certain Interest Rate and Credit Default Swaps 10/28/2013 Certified 01/27/2014 4