Swap Execution Facility Products

Search Swap Execution Facility Products using the following criteria
Organization Product Name Type Status Date Category Subcategory Remarks Documents
TPSEF Commodity Index Swaps - BCOM ex-Agriculture ER Swap Certified 06/11/2019 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 1
TPSEF Non-Deliverable Foreign Exchange Options - IDR/HKD Swap (Option on a Commodity) Certified 03/06/2020 Financial Instrument Currency 1
RADSEF NOK NIBOR Fixed for Floating IRS Swap Certified 12/16/2022 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
ICE SEF Markit iTraxx Crossover Index Swap Certified 10/02/2013 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
BSEF MAT IRS EUR Euribor Swap vs 6M IMM 2 Years LCH Contract Swap Certified 12/05/2014 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
TDERIV Fixed for Floating Interest Rate Swap - SEK Swap Certified 11/01/2013 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 3
TPSEF Commodity Index Swaps - BCOM ex-Agriculture and Livestock ER Swap Certified 06/11/2019 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 1
TPSEF Non-Deliverable Foreign Exchange Options - IDR/JPY Swap (Option on a Commodity) Certified 03/06/2020 Financial Instrument Currency 1
NEXSEF Taiwan Dollar (TWD) Non-Deliverable Interest Rate Swap Contract Swap Certified 11/16/2022 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
RADSEF NZD BBR-FRA Fixed for Floating IRS Swap Certified 12/16/2022 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
RADSEF Eurozone Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices Excluding Tobacco Fixed for Floating Inflation Swaps Swap Certified 06/21/2023 Financial Instrument Economic Index 2
ICE SEF Markit iTraxx Europe HiVol Index Swap Certified 10/02/2013 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
TPSEF Eurostoxx 50 Index Swap Certified 06/24/2014 Financial Instrument Equity Index 1
TDERIV Fixed for Floating Interest Rate Swap - NZD Swap Certified 11/01/2013 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 3
TPSEF Commodity Index Swaps - BCOM ex-Energy ER Swap Certified 06/11/2019 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 1
TPSEF Non-Deliverable Foreign Exchange Options - IDR/NZD Swap (Option on a Commodity) Certified 03/06/2020 Financial Instrument Currency 1
RADSEF SEK STIBOR Fixed for Floating IRS Swap Certified 12/16/2022 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
RADSEF France Consumer Price Index Excluding Tobacco Fixed for Floating Inflation Swaps Swap Certified 06/21/2023 Financial Instrument Economic Index 2
ICE SEF Markit iTraxx Europe Senior Financials Index Swap Certified 10/02/2013 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
RADSEF USD LIBOR Fixed for Float Interest Rate Swap Swap Certified 02/24/2014 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
TPSEF FTSE 100 Index Swap Certified 06/24/2014 Financial Instrument Equity Index 1
TDERIV Fixed for Floating Interest Rate Swap - ZAR Swap Certified 11/01/2013 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 3
TPSEF Commodity Index Swaps - BCOM ex-Grains ER Swap Certified 06/11/2019 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 1
TPSEF Non-Deliverable Foreign Exchange Options - IDR/THB Swap (Option on a Commodity) Certified 03/06/2020 Financial Instrument Currency 1
RADSEF USD LIBOR Fixed for Floating IRS Swap Certified 12/16/2022 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
RADSEF British Pound Sterling ("GBP") United Kingdom Retail Price Index ("UKRPI") Fixed for Floating Inflation Swaps Swap Certified 06/21/2023 Financial Instrument Economic Index 2
TPSEF BofA Merrill Lynch MLCX6CTV Excess Return Strategy Swap Certified 01/24/2024 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 1
ICE SEF Markit iTraxx Europe Subordinated Financials Index Swap Certified 10/02/2013 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
RADSEF EUR EURIBOR Fixed for Float Interest Rate Swap Swap Certified 02/24/2014 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
ICAPSEF Overnight Index Swap - Repurchase Overnight Index Average Rate Swap Certified 04/10/2014 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
TDERIV Fixed for Floating Interest Rate Swap - CHF Swap Certified 11/01/2013 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 3
TPSEF Commodity Index Swaps - BCOM ex-Industrial Metals ER Swap Certified 06/11/2019 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 1
TPSEF Non-Deliverable Foreign Exchange Options - INR/AUD Swap (Option on a Commodity) Certified 03/06/2020 Financial Instrument Currency 1
NEXSEF Egyptian Pound ("EGP") Swap Certified 10/22/2020 Financial Instrument Currency 1
BSEF NOK NOWA OIS Compound Fixed-to-Floating Swap Contract Swap Certified 05/08/2024 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
ICE SEF Markit CDX North American Investment Grade Index Option Swap Certified 10/02/2013 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
RADSEF GBP LIBOR Fixed for Float Interest Rate Swap Swap Certified 02/24/2014 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
TDERIV Fixed for Floating Interest Rate Swap - CZK Swap Certified 11/01/2013 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 3
TPSEF Commodity Index Swaps - BCOM ex-Livestock ER Swap Certified 06/11/2019 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 1
TPSEF Non-Deliverable Foreign Exchange Options - INR/CHF Swap (Option on a Commodity) Certified 03/06/2020 Financial Instrument Currency 1
NEXSEF Vietnamese Dong (VND) Swap Certified 10/22/2020 Financial Instrument Currency 1
RADSEF AUD BBSW Basis Swap Swap Certified 12/16/2022 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
ICE SEF Markit CDX North American High Yield Index Option Swap Certified 10/02/2013 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
RADSEF JPY LIBOR Fixed for Float Interest Rate Swap Swap Certified 02/24/2014 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
TDERIV Fixed for Floating Interest Rate Swap - HKD Swap Certified 11/01/2013 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 3
TPSEF Commodity Index Swaps - BCOM ex-Petroleum ER Swap Certified 06/11/2019 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 1
TPSEF Non-Deliverable Foreign Exchange Options - INR/CNH Swap (Option on a Commodity) Certified 03/06/2020 Financial Instrument Currency 1
RADSEF AUD BBSW v AONIA Basis Swap Swap Certified 12/16/2022 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
ICE SEF Markit iTraxx Europe Index Option Swap Certified 10/02/2013 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
RADSEF CHF LIBOR Fixed for Float Interest Rate Swap Swap Certified 02/24/2014 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1