Swap Execution Facility Products

Search Swap Execution Facility Products using the following criteria
Organization Product Name Type Status Date Category Subcategory Remarks Documents
ICE SEF Fuel Oil 1% FOB Rotterdam Barges vs 1% FOB NWE Cargoes Balmo Swap Swap Certified 07/01/2014 Natural Resource Distillate Fuel Oil & Jet Fuel 1
ICE SEF New York 1% Fuel Oil Swap Swap Certified 07/01/2014 Natural Resource Distillate Fuel Oil & Jet Fuel 1
ICE SEF New York 1% Fuel Oil Balmo Swap Swap Certified 07/01/2014 Natural Resource Distillate Fuel Oil & Jet Fuel 1
ICE SEF New York 1% Fuel Oil vs Brent 1st Line Swap Swap Certified 07/01/2014 Natural Resource Distillate Fuel Oil & Jet Fuel 1
ICE SEF New York 1% Fuel Oil vs Fuel Oil 1% FOB NWE Cargoes Swap Swap Certified 07/01/2014 Natural Resource Distillate Fuel Oil & Jet Fuel 1
ICE SEF New York 1% Fuel Oil vs Fuel Oil 1% FOB NWE Cargoes Balmo Swap Swap Certified 07/01/2014 Natural Resource Distillate Fuel Oil & Jet Fuel 1
ICE SEF New York 1% Fuel Oil vs USGC 3% Fuel Oil Swap Swap Certified 07/01/2014 Natural Resource Distillate Fuel Oil & Jet Fuel 1
ICE SEF New York 1% Fuel Oil vs USGC 3% Fuel Oil Balmo Swap Swap Certified 07/01/2014 Natural Resource Distillate Fuel Oil & Jet Fuel 1
ICE SEF USGC 3% Fuel Oil Swap Swap Certified 07/01/2014 Natural Resource Distillate Fuel Oil & Jet Fuel 1
ICE SEF USGC 3% Fuel Oil Balmo Swap Swap Certified 07/01/2014 Natural Resource Distillate Fuel Oil & Jet Fuel 1
ICE SEF USGC 3% Fuel Oil vs Fuel Oil 3.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges Swap Swap Certified 07/01/2014 Natural Resource Distillate Fuel Oil & Jet Fuel 1
ICE SEF USGC 3% Fuel Oil vs Fuel Oil 3.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges Balmo Swap Swap Certified 07/01/2014 Natural Resource Distillate Fuel Oil & Jet Fuel 1
ICE SEF Fuel Oil 3.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges Swap Swap Certified 07/01/2014 Natural Resource Distillate Fuel Oil & Jet Fuel 1
ICE SEF New York 3% Fuel Oil vs USGC 3% Fuel Oil Swap Swap Certified 07/01/2014 Natural Resource Distillate Fuel Oil & Jet Fuel 1
ICE SEF New York 1% Fuel Oil vs WTI 1st Line Swap Swap Certified 07/01/2014 Natural Resource Distillate Fuel Oil & Jet Fuel 1
ICE SEF USGC 3% Fuel Oil vs Brent 1st Line Swap Swap Certified 07/01/2014 Natural Resource Distillate Fuel Oil & Jet Fuel 1
ICE SEF USGC 3% Fuel Oil vs. WTI 1st Line Swap Swap Certified 07/01/2014 Natural Resource Distillate Fuel Oil & Jet Fuel 1
ICE SEF Gasoil 0.1% FOB Rotterdam Barges vs Brent 1st Line Swap Swap Certified 07/01/2014 Natural Resource Distillate Fuel Oil & Jet Fuel 1
ICE SEF Gasoil 0.1% FOB Rotterdam Barges vs Brent 1st Line Balmo Swap Swap Certified 07/01/2014 Natural Resource Distillate Fuel Oil & Jet Fuel 1
ICE SEF Naphtha C+F Japan Cargo Swap Swap Certified 07/01/2014 Natural Resource Distillate Fuel Oil & Jet Fuel 1
ICE SEF Naphtha C+F Japan Cargo Balmo Swap Swap Certified 07/01/2014 Natural Resource Distillate Fuel Oil & Jet Fuel 1
TPSEF S&P Oil & Gas Exploration & Production Select Industry Index Swap Certified 06/24/2014 Financial Instrument Equity Index 1
TPSEF Deutscher Aktien Index Swap Certified 06/24/2014 Financial Instrument Equity Index 1
TPSEF Eurostoxx 50 Index Swap Certified 06/24/2014 Financial Instrument Equity Index 1
TPSEF FTSE 100 Index Swap Certified 06/24/2014 Financial Instrument Equity Index 1
ICAPSEF Natural Gas Basis Swaps Swap Certified 06/23/2014 Natural Resource Natural Gas 1
ICE SEF Markit CDX EM EX-EU Swap Certified 06/13/2014 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
TPSEF Markit MBX Fixed for Floating Swap Swap Certified 06/09/2014 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
TPSEF Markit PO Fixed for Floating Swap Swap Certified 06/09/2014 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
TPSEF Markit IOS Swap Certified 06/06/2014 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
TPSEF CDS Emerging Markets Swap Certified 06/06/2014 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
ICE SEF Markit iTraxx Corp CEEMEA Swap Certified 06/04/2014 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
ICE SEF Markit iTraxx Sovx CEEMEA Swap Certified 06/04/2014 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
ICE SEF Markit iTraxx Sovx CEEMEA EXEU Swap Certified 06/04/2014 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
TPSEF Bullion Option: Gold Option on a Commodity Certified 05/12/2014 Natural Resource Metal 1
TPSEF Bullion Option: Palladium Option on a Commodity Certified 05/12/2014 Natural Resource Metal 1
TPSEF Bullion Option: Platinum Option on a Commodity Certified 05/12/2014 Natural Resource Metal 1
TPSEF Bullion Option: Silver Option on a Commodity Certified 05/12/2014 Natural Resource Metal 1
IGDL Interest Rate Options - Exotic Options and Swaps Swap Certified 05/09/2014 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
IGDL Interest Rate Options - Interest Rate Options on the Mexican Peso Swap Certified 05/09/2014 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
IGDL Interest Rate Options - TIPS Asset Swaps Swap Certified 05/09/2014 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
IGDL Fixed for Floating IRS - Colombian IRS Swap Certified 05/09/2014 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
IGDL Fixed for Floating IRS - Colombian UVR (Inflation) IRS Swap Certified 05/09/2014 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
IGDL Fixed for Floating IRS - Colombian Cross Currency IRS Swap Certified 05/09/2014 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
IGDL Fixed for Floating IRS - Peruvian Cross Currency IRS Swap Certified 05/09/2014 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
IGDL Fixed for Floating IRS - Peruvian IRS Swap Certified 05/09/2014 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
IGDL Fixed for Floating IRS - Peruvian VAC (Inflation) IRS Swap Certified 05/09/2014 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
IGDL Fixed for Floating IRS -Argentine Cross Currency IRS Swap Certified 05/09/2014 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
IGDL Fixed for Floating IRS -Argentine CER (Inflation) IRS Swap Certified 05/09/2014 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
IGDL Fixed for Floating IRS -Mexican IRS Swap Certified 05/09/2014 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1