Swap Execution Facility Products

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Organization Product Name Type Status Date Category Subcategory Remarks Documents
RADSEF AUD Forward Rate Agreement Swap Certified 12/02/2020 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
BSEF AUD OIS RBACOR Fixed-to-Floating Swap Contract Swap Certified 08/03/2016 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
SPECTR AUD/CAD Options Swap (Option on a Commodity) Certified 03/28/2023 Financial Instrument Currency 1
SPECTR AUD/CHF Options Swap (Option on a Commodity) Certified 03/28/2023 Financial Instrument Currency 1
SPECTR AUD/JPY Options Swap (Option on a Commodity) Certified 03/28/2023 Financial Instrument Currency 1
SPECTR AUD/NZD Options Swap (Option on a Commodity) Certified 03/28/2023 Financial Instrument Currency 1
SPECTR AUD/USD Options Swap (Option on a Commodity) Certified 03/28/2023 Financial Instrument Currency 1
TPSEF Australian Dollar Non-Deliverable Forward Foreign Exchange Contracts Swap Certified 07/28/2022 Financial Instrument Currency 1
TPSEF Bangladeshi Taka Non-Deliverable Forward Foreign Exchange Contracts Swap Certified 12/23/2019 Financial Instrument Currency 1
BGC Basis Swap (EUR) Swap Certified 09/30/2013 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
BGC Basis Swap (GBP) Swap Certified 09/30/2013 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
BGC Basis Swap (JPY) Swap Certified 09/30/2013 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
BGC Basis Swap (USD) Swap Certified 09/30/2013 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
RTX Basis Swap - EUR EURIBOR vs. EuroSTR Swap Certified 08/27/2023 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
RTX Basis Swap - USD BSBY vs. SOFR Swap Certified 08/28/2023 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
RTX Basis Swap - USD SOFR vs. Fed Funds Swap Certified 08/27/2023 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
ICAPSEF Basis Swaps Swap Certified 09/30/2013 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
RADSEF Basis Swaps (AUD) Swap Certified 12/18/2013 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
RADSEF Basis Swaps (EUR) Swap Certified 12/18/2013 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
TWSEF Basis Swaps (EUR) Swap Certified 09/30/2013 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
RADSEF Basis Swaps (GBP) Swap Certified 12/18/2013 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
RADSEF Basis Swaps (JPY) Swap Certified 12/18/2013 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
RADSEF Basis Swaps (USD) Swap Certified 12/18/2013 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
TWSEF Basis Swaps (USD) Swap Certified 09/30/2013 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
TPSEF Basis Swaps - CLP-CLICP-Bloomberg Swap Certified 10/26/2017 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
TPSEF Basis Swaps - CLP-Unidad de Fomento (UF/CLF) Swap Certified 10/26/2017 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
IGDL Basis Swaps - Colombian Cross-Currency Basis Swaps Swap Certified 05/09/2014 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
IGDL Basis Swaps - Cross Currency Mexican Basis Swap Certified 05/09/2014 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
TPSEF Basis Swaps - CZK-PRIBOR-PRBO Swap Certified 10/26/2017 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
NEXSEF Basis Swaps - EUR Swap Certified 10/26/2017 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
NEXSEF Basis Swaps - Federal Funds Swap Certified 04/21/2020 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
TPSEF Basis Swaps - HUF-BUBOR-Reuters Swap Certified 10/26/2017 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
TPSEF Basis Swaps - New Mexican Peso Swap Certified 07/31/2015 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
TPSEF Basis Swaps - PLN-WIBOR-WIBO Swap Certified 10/26/2017 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
NEXSEF Basis Swaps - SOFR Swap Certified 04/21/2020 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
TPSEF Basis Swaps - TRY-TRYIBOR-Reuters Swap Certified 10/26/2017 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
IGDL Basis Swaps - US Floating LIBOR Rate vs Camara Floating Rate Basis Swap Swap Certified 05/09/2014 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
NEXSEF Basis Swaps - USD Swap Certified 10/26/2017 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
DWSEF Basis Swaps - USD 3-Month BSBY vs. 1-Month BSBY; Basis Swaps - USD SOFR vs. 3-Month BSBY; and Basis Swaps - USD SOFR vs. 1-Month BSBY Swap Certified 02/04/2022 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
TPSEF Basis Swaps - USD-BSBY Swap Certified 04/21/2021 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
IGDL Basis Swaps - USD-BSBY Swap Certified 04/21/2021 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
TPSEF Basis Swaps - USD-Federal Funds-SOFR Swap Certified 12/10/2020 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
TPSEF Basis Swaps - USD-SOFR-COMPOUND Swap Certified 05/11/2018 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
TPSEF Basis Swaps - ZAR-JIBAR-SAFEX Swap Certified 10/26/2017 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
IGDL Basis Swaps -- USD-SOFR-COMPOUND Swap Certified 05/23/2018 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
TPSEF BCOM WTI Crude Oil Exotic Options Swap (Option on a Commodity) Certified 12/03/2020 Natural Resource Crude Oil 1
TPSEF BEL20 Index Swap Certified 03/25/2014 Financial Instrument Equity Index 1
RADSEF Bitcoin/Euro Swap Swap Withdrawn 03/20/2018 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 2
TPSEF Bloomberg Canada Aggregate Corporate TR Index Unhedged CAD Swap Certified 10/27/2023 Financial Instrument Equity Index 1
TPSEF Bloomberg Cotton Subindex 6 Month Forward Swap Certified 08/17/2023 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 1