Swap Execution Facility Products

Search Swap Execution Facility Products using the following criteria
Organization Product Name Type Status Date Category Subcategory Remarks Documents
AEGIS 1121 NG Fixed Swap - Transco Z6 (non-NY) - Platts Gas Daily Swap Certified 08/31/2022 Natural Resource Natural Gas 3
AEGIS 1162 - Natural Gas Index Swaps - Dawn - Platts Gas Daily Platts Inside FERC Swap Certified 08/14/2023 Natural Resource Natural Gas 4
BSEF Palladium (NYMEX): Fixed/Floating Swap Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Metal 1
RADSEF Non-Deliverable Forward (COP) Swap Certified 12/16/2013 Financial Instrument Currency 1
BSEF MAT ITRX EUR CDSI 5Y (CME) Swap Certified 02/25/2014 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
TRAD Markit iTraxx European Main Option Swap Certified 04/29/2014 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
TDERIV Forward Rate Agreement (FRA)-USD Swap Certified 01/16/2017 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
TPSEF Commodity Index Swaps - S&P GSCI Coffee Swap Certified 08/05/2019 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 1
TPSEF Deliverable Foreign Exchange Options - HKD/CAD Swap (Option on a Commodity) Certified 03/05/2020 Financial Instrument Currency 1
AEGIS 1123 NG Fixed Swap - Waha - Platts Gas Daily Swap Certified 08/31/2022 Natural Resource Natural Gas 3
AEGIS 1163 - Natural Gas Index Swaps - Dom South - Platts Gas Daily Platts Inside FERC Swap Certified 08/14/2023 Natural Resource Natural Gas 4
BSEF Permian Natural Gas (NYMEX): Fixed/Floating Swap Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Natural Gas 1
RADSEF Non-Deliverable Forward (IDR) Swap Certified 12/16/2013 Financial Instrument Currency 1
BSEF MAT ITRX EUR CDSI 5Y (ICE) Swap Certified 02/25/2014 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
TRAD Markit iTraxx Crossover Index Option Swap Certified 04/29/2014 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
TDERIV Forward Rate Agreement (FRA)-EUR Swap Certified 01/16/2017 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
LATAM Colombian UVR-COP IBR Non-Deliverable Cross-Currency Inflation Swap ("UVR-IBR") Swap Certified 10/30/2018 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
TPSEF Commodity Index Swaps - S&P GSCI Kansas Wheat Swap Certified 08/05/2019 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 1
TPSEF Deliverable Foreign Exchange Options - HKD/CNH Swap (Option on a Commodity) Certified 03/05/2020 Financial Instrument Currency 1
AEGIS 1164 - Natural Gas Index Swaps - MichCon - Platts Gas Daily Platts Inside FERC Swap Certified 08/14/2023 Natural Resource Natural Gas 4
BSEF Platinum (NYMEX): Fixed/Floating Swap Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Metal 1
CBOESEF Fix-to-Floating IRS (U.S. Dollar) (Spot Starting) (3-Year) Swap Certified 09/26/2013 Financial Instrument Interest Rate Subject to request for MAT determination. Comment period closes December 2, 2013. http://comments.cftc.gov/PublicComments/CommentList.aspx?id=1409 5
RADSEF Non-Deliverable Forward (INR) Swap Certified 12/16/2013 Financial Instrument Currency 1
BSEF MAT ITRX XOVER CDSI 5Y (CME) Swap Certified 02/25/2014 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
TRAD Markit iTraxx Senior Financial Index Option Swap Certified 04/29/2014 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
TDERIV Forward Rate Agreement (FRA)-JPY Swap Certified 01/16/2017 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
TPSEF Commodity Index Swaps - S&P GSCI Live Cattle Swap Certified 08/05/2019 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 1
TPSEF Deliverable Foreign Exchange Options - HKD/CHF Swap (Option on a Commodity) Certified 03/05/2020 Financial Instrument Currency 1
AEGIS Crude Oil Fixed Swap - NYMEX WTI (CAD) Swap Certified 04/06/2023 Natural Resource Crude Oil 4
AEGIS 1165 - Natural Gas Index Swaps - REX Zone 3 - Platts Gas Daily Platts Inside FERC Swap Certified 08/14/2023 Natural Resource Natural Gas 4
ICAPSEF Emissions: EU Allowances (EUAs) Swap Certified 09/29/2013 Natural Resource Emissions 1
BSEF Silver (COMEX): Fixed/Floating Swap Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Metal 1
CBOESEF Fix-to-Floating IRS (U.S. Dollar) (Spot Starting) (5-Year) Swap Certified 09/26/2013 Financial Instrument Interest Rate Subject to request for MAT determination. Comment period closes December 2, 2013. http://comments.cftc.gov/PublicComments/CommentList.aspx?id=1409 5
RADSEF Non-Deliverable Forward (KRW) Swap Certified 12/16/2013 Financial Instrument Currency 1
BSEF MAT ITRX XOVER CDSI 5Y (ICE) Swap Certified 02/25/2014 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
TRAD Markit iTraxx Europe Main Index Tranche Swap Certified 04/29/2014 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
BSEF IRS USD LIBOR Fixed-to-Floating vs 1M Swap Certified 01/26/2016 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
TDERIV Forward Rate Agreement (FRA)-GBP Swap Certified 01/16/2017 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
TPSEF Commodity Index Swaps - S&P GSCI Lean Hogs Swap Certified 08/05/2019 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 1
TPSEF Deliverable Foreign Exchange Options - HKD/EUR Swap (Option on a Commodity) Certified 03/05/2020 Financial Instrument Currency 1
AEGIS 1166 - Natural Gas Index Swaps - TCO - Platts Gas Daily Platts Inside FERC Swap Certified 08/14/2023 Natural Resource Natural Gas 4
ICAPSEF Option on Emissions Swap: EU Allowances (EUAs) Swap Certified 09/29/2013 Natural Resource Emissions 1
BSEF Steel Billet (LME): Fixed/Floating Swap Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Metal 1
CBOESEF Fix-to-Floating IRS (U.S. Dollar) (Spot Starting) (7-Year) Swap Certified 09/26/2013 Financial Instrument Interest Rate Subject to request for MAT determination. Comment period closes December 2, 2013. http://comments.cftc.gov/PublicComments/CommentList.aspx?id=1409 5
RADSEF Non-Deliverable Forward (MYR) Swap Certified 12/16/2013 Financial Instrument Currency 1
TRAD Markit iTraxx Asia Ex-Japan IG Swap Certified 04/29/2014 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
BSEF IRS USD LIBOR Fixed-to-Floating vs 6M Swap Certified 01/26/2016 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
TDERIV Forward Rate Agreement (FRA)-AUD Swap Certified 01/16/2017 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
TPSEF Deliverable Foreign Exchange Options - HKD/NZD Swap (Option on a Commodity) Certified 03/05/2020 Financial Instrument Currency 1
TPSEF Equity Index Swaps -- S&P/TSX Composite Materials GICS Level Sector Total Return Index Swap Certified 01/26/2021 Financial Instrument Equity Index 1