Swap Execution Facility Products

Search Swap Execution Facility Products using the following criteria
Organization Product Name Type Status Date Category Subcategory Remarks Documents
TDERIV Fixed for Floating Interest Rate Swap - JPY Swap Certified 11/01/2013 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 3
TPSEF Commodity Index Swaps - BCOM Grains ER Swap Certified 06/11/2019 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 1
AEGIS 1050 NG Basis Swap - TETCO STX - Platts Inside FERC Swap Certified 08/30/2022 Natural Resource Natural Gas 3
GFISEF Option on Freight Swap: Dry Timecharter Basket Route: CTO (Capesize TC Avg 4) Swap Certified 10/17/2013 Transportation Dry Bulk Freight 1
BGC Metal Options: Tin Swap Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Metal 2
ICE SEF Markit CDX North American Invesment Grade CDX Index Swap Certified 10/02/2013 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
ICE SEF Urals Med vs Dated Brent Half Monthly Swap Swap Certified 04/11/2014 Natural Resource Crude Oil 1
TDERIV Fixed for Floating Interest Rate Swap - GBP Swap Certified 11/01/2013 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 3
TPSEF Commodity Index Swaps - BCOM Livestock ER Swap Certified 06/11/2019 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 1
AEGIS 1051 NG Basis Swap - TETCO WLA - Platts Inside FERC Swap Certified 08/30/2022 Natural Resource Natural Gas 3
RADSEF AUD BBSW Fixed for Floating IRS Swap Certified 12/16/2022 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
GFISEF Freight Swap: Dry Timecharter Basket Route: PTC (Panamax TC Avg 4) Swap Certified 10/17/2013 Transportation Dry Bulk Freight 1
BGC Metal Options: Zinc Swap Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Metal 2
ICE SEF Markit CDX North American Invesment High Volatility Index Swap Certified 10/02/2013 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
TPSEF FTSE 100 Index Swap Certified 03/25/2014 Financial Instrument Equity Index 1
ICAPSEF Natural Gas Basis Swaps Swap Certified 06/23/2014 Natural Resource Natural Gas 1
TDERIV Fixed for Floating Interest Rate Swap - AUD Swap Certified 11/01/2013 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 3
TPSEF Commodity Index Swaps - BCOM Petroleum ER Swap Certified 06/11/2019 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 1
TPSEF Equity Index Swaps -- MSCI Canada Financials Gross Return Index Swap Certified 02/24/2021 Financial Instrument Equity Index 1
AEGIS 1052 NG Basis Swap - TGT Zone 1 - Platts Inside FERC Swap Certified 08/30/2022 Natural Resource Natural Gas 3
RADSEF CAD CDOR Fixed for Floating IRS Swap Certified 12/16/2022 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
GFISEF Freight Swap: Dry Timecharter Basket Route: STC (Supramax TC Avg 6) Swap Certified 10/17/2013 Transportation Dry Bulk Freight 1
ICE SEF Markit CDX North AmericanHigh Yield CDX Index Swap Certified 10/02/2013 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
TPSEF S&P Oil & Gas Exploration & Production Select Industry Index Swap Certified 06/24/2014 Financial Instrument Equity Index 1
TDERIV Fixed for Floating Interest Rate Swap - CAD Swap Certified 11/01/2013 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 3
TPSEF Commodity Index Swaps - BCOM Precious Metals ER Swap Certified 06/11/2019 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 1
TPSEF Equity Index Swaps -- MSCI Canada Energy Gross Return Index Swap Certified 02/24/2021 Financial Instrument Equity Index 1
AEGIS 1053 NG Basis Swap - Transco Leidy - Platts Inside FERC Swap Certified 08/30/2022 Natural Resource Natural Gas 3
RADSEF DKK CIBOR Fixed for Floating IRS Swap Certified 12/16/2022 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
GFISEF Freight Swap: Dry Timecharter Basket Route: HTC (Handysize TC Avg 6) Swap Certified 10/17/2013 Transportation Dry Bulk Freight 1
ICE SEF Markit CDX Emerging Markets Index Swap Certified 10/02/2013 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
TPSEF Deutscher Aktien Index Swap Certified 06/24/2014 Financial Instrument Equity Index 1
TDERIV Fixed for Floating Interest Rate Swap - DKK Swap Certified 11/01/2013 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 3
BSEF CDS Index Contract - iTraxx Asia Ex-Japan Contract Swap Certified 02/13/2017 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 1
TPSEF Commodity Index Swaps - BCOM Softs ER Swap Certified 06/11/2019 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 1
AEGIS 1054 NG Basis Swap - Transco St 30 (Z1) - Platts Inside FERC Swap Certified 08/30/2022 Natural Resource Natural Gas 3
RADSEF EUR EURIBOR Fixed for Floating IRS Swap Certified 12/16/2022 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
GFISEF Option on Freight Swap: Dry Timecharter Basket Route: PTO (Panamax TC Avg 4) Swap Certified 10/17/2013 Transportation Dry Bulk Freight 1
ICE SEF Markit iTraxx Europe Index Swap Certified 10/02/2013 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
BSEF MAT IRS EUR Euribor Swap vs 6M IMM 2 Years CME Contract Swap Certified 12/05/2014 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
TDERIV Fixed for Floating Interest Rate Swap - NOK Swap Certified 11/01/2013 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 3
TPSEF Commodity Index Swaps - BCOM ex-Agriculture ER Swap Certified 06/11/2019 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 1
AEGIS 1055 NG Basis Swap - Transco St 65 (Z3) - Platts Inside FERC Swap Certified 08/30/2022 Natural Resource Natural Gas 3
RADSEF NOK NIBOR Fixed for Floating IRS Swap Certified 12/16/2022 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
AEGIS 1063 - Waha Fixed v Henry Hub Fixed Basis Swap Certified 07/27/2023 Natural Resource Natural Gas 4
GFISEF Option on Freight Swap: Dry Timecharter Basket Route: STO (Supramax TC Avg 6) Swap Certified 10/17/2013 Transportation Dry Bulk Freight 1
ICE SEF Markit iTraxx Crossover Index Swap Certified 10/02/2013 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
BSEF MAT IRS EUR Euribor Swap vs 6M IMM 2 Years LCH Contract Swap Certified 12/05/2014 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
TDERIV Fixed for Floating Interest Rate Swap - SEK Swap Certified 11/01/2013 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 3
TPSEF Commodity Index Swaps - BCOM ex-Agriculture and Livestock ER Swap Certified 06/11/2019 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 1