Swap Execution Facility Products

Search Swap Execution Facility Products using the following criteria
Organization Product Name Type Status Date Category Subcategory Remarks Documents
TDERIV Fixed for Floating Interest Rate Swap - HUF Swap Certified 11/01/2013 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 3
TPSEF Commodity Index Swaps - BCOM ex-Precious Metals ER Swap Certified 06/11/2019 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 1
AEGIS 1061 NG Basis Swap - Trunkline Z1A - Platts Inside FERC Swap Certified 08/30/2022 Natural Resource Natural Gas 3
RADSEF EUR EURIBOR v EuroSTR Basis Swap Swap Certified 12/16/2022 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
BSEF USD YLDVOL Forward Swap Contract Swap Certified 01/30/2023 Financial Instrument Other Financial Instrument 1
GFISEF Freight Swap: Day Trip Timecharter Route: P2A, P2E (Cont Trip Far East) Swap Certified 10/17/2013 Transportation Dry Bulk Freight 1
ICE SEF Markit iTraxx Crossover Index Option Swap Certified 10/02/2013 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
RADSEF CAD LIBOR Fixed for Float Interest Rate Swap Swap Certified 02/24/2014 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
TDERIV Fixed for Floating Interest Rate Swap - PLN Swap Certified 11/01/2013 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 3
TPSEF Commodity Index Swaps - BCOM ex-Softs ER Swap Certified 06/11/2019 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 1
AEGIS 1062 NG Basis Swap - Waha - Platts Inside FERC Swap Certified 08/30/2022 Natural Resource Natural Gas 3
RADSEF NZD BBR-FRA Basis Swap Swap Certified 12/16/2022 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
GFISEF Freight Swap: Day Trip Timecharter Route: P3A, P3E (Transpacif RV) Swap Certified 10/17/2013 Transportation Dry Bulk Freight 1
ICE SEF Markit iTraxx Europe Senior Financials Index Option Swap Certified 10/02/2013 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
RADSEF AUD BBSW Fixed for Float Interest Rate Swap Swap Certified 02/24/2014 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
TDERIV Fixed for Floating Interest Rate Swap - SGD Swap Certified 11/01/2013 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 3
TPSEF Commodity Index Swaps - BCOM Aluminum ER Swap Certified 06/11/2019 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 1
AEGIS 1095 NG Fixed Swap - NWP Rockies - Platts Inside FERC Swap Certified 08/30/2022 Natural Resource Natural Gas 3
RADSEF NZD BBR-FRA v NZIONA Basis Swap Swap Certified 12/16/2022 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
GFISEF Freight Swap: $ per Tonne Tanker Route: Baltic TC2 Swap Certified 10/17/2013 Transportation Dry Bulk Freight 1
ICE SEF Markit CDX North American Investment Grade Index Tranche Swap Certified 10/02/2013 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
RADSEF SEK STIBOR Fixed for Float Interest Rate Swap Swap Certified 02/24/2014 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
TDERIV Fixed for Floating Interest Rate Swap - BRL Swap Certified 08/22/2016 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 3
TPSEF Commodity Index Swaps - BCOM Cocoa ER Swap Certified 06/11/2019 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 1
AEGIS 1098 NG Fixed Swap - Panhandle - Platts Inside FERC Swap Certified 08/30/2022 Natural Resource Natural Gas 3
RADSEF USD LIBOR Basis Swap Swap Certified 12/16/2022 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
GFISEF Freight Swap: $ per Tonne Tanker Route: Baltic TC6 Swap Certified 10/17/2013 Transportation Dry Bulk Freight 1
ICE SEF Markit CDX North American High YIeld Index Tranche Swap Certified 10/02/2013 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
RADSEF DKK CIBOR Fixed for Float Interest Rate Swap Swap Certified 02/24/2014 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
TDERIV Overnight Index Swap - USD Swap Certified 08/22/2016 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
TPSEF Commodity Index Swaps - BCOM Coffee ER Swap Certified 06/11/2019 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 1
AEGIS 1097 NG Fixed Swap - NYMEX Henry Hub - NYMEX Swap Certified 08/30/2022 Natural Resource Natural Gas 3
RADSEF USD LIBOR v AUD BBSW Basis Swap Swap Certified 12/16/2022 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
GFISEF Freight Swap: $ per Tonne Tanker Route: Baltic TC14 Swap Certified 10/17/2013 Transportation Dry Bulk Freight 1
ICE SEF Markit iTraxx Europe Index Tranche Swap Certified 10/02/2013 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
RADSEF NOK LIBOR Fixed for Float Interest Rate Swap Swap Certified 02/24/2014 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
ICAPSEF Day Ahead Market LMP CAISO SP 15 EZ GEN HUB (off-peak) Swap Certified 03/03/2014 Natural Resource Electricity 1
BSEF MAT IRS EUR Euribor Swap vs 6M IMM 3 Years CME Contract Swap Certified 12/08/2014 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
ICE SEF Fuel Oil 180 CST Singapore vs. 3.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges Swap, Fuel Oil 380 CST Singapore vs. 3.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges Swap Swap Certified 06/11/2015 Natural Resource Distillate Fuel Oil & Jet Fuel 2
TDERIV Overnight Index Swap - GBP Swap Certified 08/22/2016 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
TPSEF Commodity Index Swaps - BCOM Copper ER Swap Certified 06/11/2019 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 1
AEGIS 1100 NG Fixed Swap - PG and E Citygate - NGI Swap Certified 08/30/2022 Natural Resource Natural Gas 3
RADSEF USD LIBOR v FED FUNDS Basis Swap Swap Certified 12/16/2022 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
GFISEF Freight Swap: $ per Tonne Tanker Route: Baltic TD3 Swap Certified 10/17/2013 Transportation Dry Bulk Freight 1
ICE SEF Markit iTraxx Asia Ex-Japan Index Swap Certified 10/04/2013 Financial Instrument Credit Index 1
RADSEF USD IMM Fixed for Float Interest Rate Swap Swap Certified 02/24/2014 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
ICAPSEF Day Ahead Market LMP CAISO SP 15 EZ GEN HUB (flat) Swap Certified 03/03/2014 Natural Resource Electricity 1
BSEF MAT IRS EUR Euribor Swap vs 6M IMM 3 Years LCH Contract Swap Certified 12/08/2014 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 1
TDERIV Overnight Index Swap - EUR Swap Certified 08/22/2016 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
TPSEF Commodity Index Swaps - BCOM Corn ER Swap Certified 06/11/2019 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 1