Swap Execution Facility Products

Search Swap Execution Facility Products using the following criteria
Organization Product Name Type Status Date Category Subcategory Remarks Documents
AEGIS 1505 - Copper Fixed Swap - LME Copper CMA Swap - LME Swap Certified 08/30/2022 Natural Resource Metal 3
RADSEF Non Deliverable Forward MXN-USD Swap Certified 12/16/2022 Financial Instrument Currency 2
ICAPSEF Option on Lean Hogs Swap Swap Certified 09/29/2013 Agriculture Livestock/Meat Product 2
BSEF Permian Natural Gas (NYMEX): Fixed/Floating Strip Swap Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Natural Gas 1
ICE SEF USGC 3% Fuel Oil vs Fuel Oil 3.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges Swap Swap Certified 07/01/2014 Natural Resource Distillate Fuel Oil & Jet Fuel 1
TPSEF Commodity Index Swaps - S&P GSCI Nickel ER Swap Certified 09/11/2019 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 1
RADSEF JPY LIBOR Basis Swap Swap Certified 12/02/2020 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
AEGIS 1507 - Steel Basis Swap - US MW HDGC (Base) - CRU Swap Certified 08/30/2022 Natural Resource Metal 3
RADSEF Non Deliverable Forward MYR-USD Swap Certified 12/16/2022 Financial Instrument Currency 2
TPSEF Commodity Index Swaps -- CRU US Midwest Hot-Rolled Coil Steel Swap Certified 05/10/2023 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 1
ICAPSEF Option on MGE Hard Red Spring Wheat Swap Swap Certified 09/29/2013 Agriculture Grain/Grain Product 2
BSEF New York Harbor Heating Oil (NYMEX): Fixed/Floating Strip Swap Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Distillate Fuel Oil & Jet Fuel 1
ICE SEF USGC 3% Fuel Oil vs Fuel Oil 3.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges Balmo Swap Swap Certified 07/01/2014 Natural Resource Distillate Fuel Oil & Jet Fuel 1
ICAPSEF Agricultural Swaps and Options Swap Withdrawn 12/11/2014 Agriculture Other Agricultural 7
TPSEF Commodity Index Swaps - S&P GSCI Lead ER Swap Certified 09/11/2019 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 1
RADSEF LIBOR vs FED FUNDS Basis Swap Swap Certified 12/02/2020 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
AEGIS 1508 - Alum Fixed Swap - Platts MW Trans - Platts Swap Certified 08/30/2022 Natural Resource Metal 3
RADSEF Non Deliverable Forward NOK-USD Swap Certified 12/16/2022 Financial Instrument Currency 2
ICAPSEF MGE Hard Red Spring Wheat Swap Certified 09/29/2013 Agriculture Grain/Grain Product 2
BSEF WTI Crude (NYMEX): Fixed/Floating Strip Swap Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Crude Oil 1
ICE SEF Fuel Oil 3.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges Swap Swap Certified 07/01/2014 Natural Resource Distillate Fuel Oil & Jet Fuel 1
TPSEF Commodity Index Swaps - S&P GSCI Industrial Metals ER Swap Certified 09/11/2019 Financial Instrument Nonequity Index 1
RADSEF LIBOR vs SOFR Basis Swap Swap Certified 12/02/2020 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
AEGIS 1506 - Steel Fixed Swap - US MW Dom HRC - CRU Swap Certified 08/30/2022 Natural Resource Metal 3
RADSEF Non Deliverable Forward NZD-USD Swap Certified 12/16/2022 Financial Instrument Currency 2
ICAPSEF Milling Wheat Swap Certified 09/29/2013 Agriculture Grain/Grain Product 2
BSEF Palladium (NYMEX): Fixed/Floating Strip Swap Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Metal 1
ICE SEF New York 3% Fuel Oil vs USGC 3% Fuel Oil Swap Swap Certified 07/01/2014 Natural Resource Distillate Fuel Oil & Jet Fuel 1
RADSEF NOK Forward Rate Agreement Swap Certified 12/02/2020 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
AEGIS 1316 Oil Fixed Swap - Argus WTS - Argus Media Swap Certified 08/30/2022 Natural Resource Crude Oil 3
RADSEF Non Deliverable Forward PEN-USD Swap Certified 12/16/2022 Financial Instrument Currency 2
ICAPSEF Option on Milling Wheat Swap Swap Certified 09/29/2013 Agriculture Grain/Grain Product 2
BSEF Platinum (NYMEX): Fixed/Floating Strip Swap Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Metal 1
ICE SEF New York 1% Fuel Oil vs WTI 1st Line Swap Swap Certified 07/01/2014 Natural Resource Distillate Fuel Oil & Jet Fuel 1
RADSEF NOK NIBOR Fixed for Floating IRS Swap Certified 12/02/2020 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
AEGIS 1315 Oil Fixed Swap - Argus WTL Midland - Argus Media Swap Certified 08/30/2022 Natural Resource Crude Oil 3
RADSEF Non Deliverable Forward PHP-USD Swap Certified 12/16/2022 Financial Instrument Currency 2
ICAPSEF Option on Cocoa Swap Swap Certified 09/29/2013 Agriculture Other Foodstuff 2
BSEF Gasoil (ICE): Fixed/Floating Strip Swap Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Distillate Fuel Oil & Jet Fuel 1
ICE SEF USGC 3% Fuel Oil vs Brent 1st Line Swap Swap Certified 07/01/2014 Natural Resource Distillate Fuel Oil & Jet Fuel 1
ICE SEF Jet FOB Rotterdam Barges vs Jet CIF NWE Cargoes Balmo Swap Swap Certified 02/08/2019 Natural Resource Distillate Fuel Oil & Jet Fuel 4
RADSEF SEK Forward Rate Agreement Swap Certified 12/02/2020 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
AEGIS 1314 Oil Fixed Swap - Argus WTI Midland - Argus Media Swap Certified 08/30/2022 Natural Resource Crude Oil 3
RADSEF Non Deliverable Forward RUB-USD Swap Certified 12/16/2022 Financial Instrument Currency 2
ICAPSEF Cocoa Swap Certified 09/29/2013 Agriculture Other Foodstuff 2
BSEF Brent Crude (ICE): Fixed/Floating Strip Swap Certified 09/30/2013 Natural Resource Crude Oil 1
ICE SEF USGC 3% Fuel Oil vs. WTI 1st Line Swap Swap Certified 07/01/2014 Natural Resource Distillate Fuel Oil & Jet Fuel 1
RADSEF SEK STIBOR Fixed for Floating IRS Swap Certified 12/02/2020 Financial Instrument Interest Rate 2
AEGIS 1313 Oil Fixed Swap - Argus WTI Houston - Argus TMA Swap Certified 08/30/2022 Natural Resource Crude Oil 3
RADSEF Non Deliverable Forward SEK-USD Swap Certified 12/16/2022 Financial Instrument Currency 2